Dolores Bozovic
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2018 - Professor Bozovic is a very good Professor. Highly recommended. The lecture is clear and understandable. It might be a little fast, but it is Honor class so it's ok. It includes a lot of derivation of the formulas which I think is neccessary. She has light accent but it doesn't matter. She might make some mistakes on lecture but she will fix that at the beginning of the next one. Homeworks are not hard, and it's not hard for you to find a solution online. There are 6-8 problems per week with medium difficulty due every Friday. No homework during the Thanksgiving break and that's awesome. She has 1 hour for OH every week since 1AH is not a large class. I've been there 3-4 times and learned a lot. There aren't many people so just go to OH, don't asker by email. You could ask whatever you want to know, and I think I learned a lot. The first midterm was extremely easy and I think most of us got above 90 out of 100. The second midterm is ok and the median is around 60. Final was a disaster. Grades were curved so I don't know exactly, but everyone looks like "what the fuck is that" after the Final. Generally speaking, I highly recommend her as your first Physics Prof in UCLA if you are physics or Engineering students (otherwise it might be hard).
Fall 2018 - Professor Bozovic is a very good Professor. Highly recommended. The lecture is clear and understandable. It might be a little fast, but it is Honor class so it's ok. It includes a lot of derivation of the formulas which I think is neccessary. She has light accent but it doesn't matter. She might make some mistakes on lecture but she will fix that at the beginning of the next one. Homeworks are not hard, and it's not hard for you to find a solution online. There are 6-8 problems per week with medium difficulty due every Friday. No homework during the Thanksgiving break and that's awesome. She has 1 hour for OH every week since 1AH is not a large class. I've been there 3-4 times and learned a lot. There aren't many people so just go to OH, don't asker by email. You could ask whatever you want to know, and I think I learned a lot. The first midterm was extremely easy and I think most of us got above 90 out of 100. The second midterm is ok and the median is around 60. Final was a disaster. Grades were curved so I don't know exactly, but everyone looks like "what the fuck is that" after the Final. Generally speaking, I highly recommend her as your first Physics Prof in UCLA if you are physics or Engineering students (otherwise it might be hard).
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Dr. Bozovic is a super sweet professor who genuinely seemed to care about students learning. She's definitely approachable if you need help or need reassurance in your performance in the class. However, I'd say she's not the best teacher as her lectures were quite fast-paced and challenging to follow. On paper, her exams were honestly challenging––and I remember her telling a student that she designed the exams with the goal that we would get around 2/3 of it correct and mainly for us to have the learning experience. The problems were quite advanced and didn't completely reflect the homework problems at all. HOWEVER, she did employ a SUPER GENEROUS curve for exams where the average was set as an A- and the grade that was 20% lower than the average was a B+. The averages for the exams were always within the 50-56% mark, so the curve made sure that nobody had a failing grade. She allowed us to bring a cheat sheet with a front and back page of notes, and usually hosted a review session during class where she would basically tell us the types of problems we need to know for the exam (and occasionally basically gave the solution on how to approach it). A good portion of our grade was determined by the exams (three midterms, where your lowest grade was dropped) and the final. We also had Mastering Physics homework assignments which were pretty straightforward and do-able as well as the lab component counted for our grade. Overall, my time in this course was a bit of a rollercoaster but Dr. Bozovic is a really nice professor with challenging exams yet a generous curve that rewards students for putting in the effort.
Spring 2022 - Dr. Bozovic is a super sweet professor who genuinely seemed to care about students learning. She's definitely approachable if you need help or need reassurance in your performance in the class. However, I'd say she's not the best teacher as her lectures were quite fast-paced and challenging to follow. On paper, her exams were honestly challenging––and I remember her telling a student that she designed the exams with the goal that we would get around 2/3 of it correct and mainly for us to have the learning experience. The problems were quite advanced and didn't completely reflect the homework problems at all. HOWEVER, she did employ a SUPER GENEROUS curve for exams where the average was set as an A- and the grade that was 20% lower than the average was a B+. The averages for the exams were always within the 50-56% mark, so the curve made sure that nobody had a failing grade. She allowed us to bring a cheat sheet with a front and back page of notes, and usually hosted a review session during class where she would basically tell us the types of problems we need to know for the exam (and occasionally basically gave the solution on how to approach it). A good portion of our grade was determined by the exams (three midterms, where your lowest grade was dropped) and the final. We also had Mastering Physics homework assignments which were pretty straightforward and do-able as well as the lab component counted for our grade. Overall, my time in this course was a bit of a rollercoaster but Dr. Bozovic is a really nice professor with challenging exams yet a generous curve that rewards students for putting in the effort.
Most Helpful Review
I found Professor Bozovic very easy to understand despite what other people say. She has a slight accent, but I thought she was very thorough at explaining the problems and how to use calculus to solve them, so that people with little experience should understand them. In lecture, she goes over problems of varying difficulty but her tests only have very straightforward problems that don't require calculus to solve. Proffesor Bozovic does not collect homework, only counts the higher of the two midterms, and allows a page of notes on the midterms and final. I took AP Physics a couple years ago, so I already knew everything except the last two chapters. I stopped coming to class since I got 100 on the first midterm, didn't watch the podcasts or do the homework, and only studied a couple days before the final. If you don't know physics that well, you can still ace the class, just study harder and watch her lectures. The most important thing you can do is go over the practice tests she posts online and her past midterms and finals because A LOT of problems on the midterms/final were from her previous tests.
I found Professor Bozovic very easy to understand despite what other people say. She has a slight accent, but I thought she was very thorough at explaining the problems and how to use calculus to solve them, so that people with little experience should understand them. In lecture, she goes over problems of varying difficulty but her tests only have very straightforward problems that don't require calculus to solve. Proffesor Bozovic does not collect homework, only counts the higher of the two midterms, and allows a page of notes on the midterms and final. I took AP Physics a couple years ago, so I already knew everything except the last two chapters. I stopped coming to class since I got 100 on the first midterm, didn't watch the podcasts or do the homework, and only studied a couple days before the final. If you don't know physics that well, you can still ace the class, just study harder and watch her lectures. The most important thing you can do is go over the practice tests she posts online and her past midterms and finals because A LOT of problems on the midterms/final were from her previous tests.
Most Helpful Review
Professor Bozovic is a very caring professor. Her llectures are not that great. They are kinda boring and not organized but her exams are pretty easy. She gave extra credit on all her exams and she doesnt care that everybody does well on her exams. Usually science professors would like to give out a few Bs and Cs but she loves giving out As. Overall, take her for 6AH over 6A. She is HOT!
Professor Bozovic is a very caring professor. Her llectures are not that great. They are kinda boring and not organized but her exams are pretty easy. She gave extra credit on all her exams and she doesnt care that everybody does well on her exams. Usually science professors would like to give out a few Bs and Cs but she loves giving out As. Overall, take her for 6AH over 6A. She is HOT!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - She's a good teacher and very fun person, but can be kind of scatter brained sometimes. Her lectures were always relatively easy to follow, and homeworks were fine but the exams killed me. Because she gave you two full pages front and back of notes to bring to the first midterm (adding a page for both the 2nd midterm and final) she made the questions pretty dang difficult. For the midterms you don't even have time to go through your cheat sheets so you better know what you're doing. And if you don't have something on your cheat sheet you're screwed, especially for the final.
Winter 2023 - She's a good teacher and very fun person, but can be kind of scatter brained sometimes. Her lectures were always relatively easy to follow, and homeworks were fine but the exams killed me. Because she gave you two full pages front and back of notes to bring to the first midterm (adding a page for both the 2nd midterm and final) she made the questions pretty dang difficult. For the midterms you don't even have time to go through your cheat sheets so you better know what you're doing. And if you don't have something on your cheat sheet you're screwed, especially for the final.