Edward Wright
Most Helpful Review
Contrary to what most people here are saying,Wright was excellent as an instructor. Yes, the tests can be hard but the quality of instruction matches up to the expected level of performance. I got an A plus on this class. It helps to have past papers and other materials which I'm selling for $20. Email at *************
Contrary to what most people here are saying,Wright was excellent as an instructor. Yes, the tests can be hard but the quality of instruction matches up to the expected level of performance. I got an A plus on this class. It helps to have past papers and other materials which I'm selling for $20. Email at *************
Most Helpful Review
Professor Wright isn't bad if you go into his class knowing something about Astro, or are really good at pouring through lecture notes. However, he is not a good teacher. He is really bitter about not having a nobel prize yet, and constantly is defining things to his students in terms of things we don't know, and mumbles alot. He gives pop quizes, so you have to go to lecture, but its a pain every time.
Professor Wright isn't bad if you go into his class knowing something about Astro, or are really good at pouring through lecture notes. However, he is not a good teacher. He is really bitter about not having a nobel prize yet, and constantly is defining things to his students in terms of things we don't know, and mumbles alot. He gives pop quizes, so you have to go to lecture, but its a pain every time.