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- Eilene Powell
- SPAN 119
Based on 3 Users
- Uses Slides
- Tolerates Tardiness
- Engaging Lectures
- Appropriately Priced Materials
- Snazzy Dresser
- Often Funny
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- Would Take Again
- Fall 2020
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Sorry, no enrollment data is available.
This is my second class with Dr. Powell, I absolutely recommend taking any of her classes! She is incredibly accommodating to everything, and not only is she a great professor, but also a great person. The class was a take home midterm, a presentation, and a final paper. There was reading, but it is easily doable.
I would definitely recommend taking Span 119 with Dr. Powell. We have readings each week and discuss them in class. Some of them can be a bit long, but they are manageable. Other than that, we all signed up for one day to do a presentation on a reading to the class, we had a takehome midterm, and an 8-10 page final essay on any of the readings we covered during the class. This class was very manageable and Dr. Powell was extremely helpful during/after class if you had any questions on course material. She really understands that taking a class during a pandemic is tough and makes accommodations for us.
This is my second class with Dr. Powell, I absolutely recommend taking any of her classes! She is incredibly accommodating to everything, and not only is she a great professor, but also a great person. The class was a take home midterm, a presentation, and a final paper. There was reading, but it is easily doable.
I would definitely recommend taking Span 119 with Dr. Powell. We have readings each week and discuss them in class. Some of them can be a bit long, but they are manageable. Other than that, we all signed up for one day to do a presentation on a reading to the class, we had a takehome midterm, and an 8-10 page final essay on any of the readings we covered during the class. This class was very manageable and Dr. Powell was extremely helpful during/after class if you had any questions on course material. She really understands that taking a class during a pandemic is tough and makes accommodations for us.
Based on 3 Users
- Uses Slides (2)
- Tolerates Tardiness (2)
- Engaging Lectures (2)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (1)
- Snazzy Dresser (2)
- Often Funny (2)
- Participation Matters (2)
- Would Take Again (2)