
Eric Scerri

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Easiness 1.7/ 5
Clarity 1.9/ 5
Workload 3.7/ 5
Helpfulness 1.9/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - GOOD GOD this class kinda sucked. AP Chem or its equivalent can be used for a good portion of the class (stoichiometry especially), but you'll need to know more for the final. The class weighs heavily on your exams (30% midterm 40% final) but the homework is pretty okay since it's just infinite attempt simulator. Don't slack on the homework -- even though all homeworks are due at the end of the quarter, they're about 30 questions each and can be quite frustrating. In terms of lecture, you'd probably want to find someone more interesting. Scerri DOES record his lectures, so if you like to go back and watch in your free time (or skip lecture) its doable, but he writes on the whiteboard sometimes and it's really hard to see if not impossible to see on recording. He audiobooks the slides so its really monotonous and quite boring. Sometimes he does crack a joke here and there and has a few amusing slides in between, but for the most part its really hard to pay attention for the entirety of his lectures. We were on Zoom during week 2 because of the fires, so he brought out his cats which was very nice. There are a few instances where he will tell other students to quiet down but it's *really* not that big of a deal, just a minor momentary disruption. Discussion sections are just not worth going to if it's not convenient for your schedule. I went to a few of mine and there were less than 5 people present (23 per discussion). The TA would hand you a worksheet and sort of walk the entire section on how to go through it, but most of the content on it was stuff you can honestly do on your own and check with either the textbook or GPT. While you can use it to ask questions for content, office hours is probably better. The TAs host a good amount of office hours that you can go to. I feel like youtube does a better job than the TA sometimes, heck even the textbook even though it's also a giant block of text in small font. Exams are all multiple choice, but the practice exams Scerri gives you are his old FRQ ones, so it can be kind of janky. Practice exams don't quite reflect the kinds of questions on the exam but they loosely show you which topics will be covered. Still sucked anyways, class didn't do so well on the midterm but it got curved. TLDR mayyyyyybeee find a different professor. Lectures are not so great, discussions kinda suck, exams are definitely not the best (but it's MCs), homework is janky, his cats are cool If you are scheduled to take it with Scerri, just try to stay on top of the game and try to be on the good side of the curve.
Easiness 2.5/ 5
Clarity 2.8/ 5
Workload 3.2/ 5
Helpfulness 2.5/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - This man in a menace to society. He is by far the worst professor I have had at UCLA and anyone that says otherwise is lying. For starters, his lectures are absolutely unbearable. All he does is read his notes off a word document and that is about it. You can ask him questions, but unless you are one of his little pets then expect to get a rude remark back. He is so unengaging that more than 2/3rd of the class decided not to watch his lectures live and just watch the recording. I personally had to watch them in x2 speed because he talks so slow that I could renovate my whole room before he reaches to any meaningful part of the lecture. Now lets go into the course content ( spoiler alert: it's not any better). Okay first and foremost, he makes all the students buy a subscription to Thinkwell. "But surely he has a good reason to do so" you might say, well you would be wrong. All that anyone does with thinkwell is take the four quizzess he assigns, which is something he could just do on CCLE, but no he would rather lock our grades away behind a paywall. If you genuinely want to learn anything in this class, I recommend you get a PLF because Scerri will not be helpful. Let us move on his despicable tests. He has the midterm and final, but I can tell you that no matter how long you study for them, you will still be unprepared. Oh and even you do somehow manage to understand his tests, well good luck even finishing them. He is so intent with making sure student's don't cheat that each question is subdivided into the whole alphabet. So prepared to take on question 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f,... you get the idea, and no just because its subdivided does not mean it is any easier. And while it may sound good on paper, for those of us that cannot write or process almost instantaneously, we end up having to suffer because we now have to submit our test with multiple sections left unanswered. Do not even bother trying to talk to him about it because you will get no sympathy from him. If you want to know how he interacts with students, I'll give you a little anecdote: on week 10 a girl asked him if the review session he was going to have would be recorded. And what did he do? He (very obviously) rolled his eyes and said yes, and then proceeded to interrogate her on why she would not be able to make it to the live viewing. Mind you this was in front of many other students, and even recorded. When I was watching it, I had to replay it because I was in disbelief that he would dare roll his eyes at a student. He has a huge ego and it was apparent since day 1. As a professor, he is horrible, but as a person, he is despicable. So, do not listen to these positive reviews on bruinwalk because I have a sneaking suspicion some are TAs trying to get students to take his class. IF YOU CAN AVOID THIS PROFESSOR, DO SO AT ALL COSTS. Trust me, it is NOT worth it. If you happen to have the misfortune of having him please enroll in a PLF or watch youtube videos on the topics instead because I assure you that you will learn more that way.
Easiness 3.0/ 5
Clarity 3.2/ 5
Workload 4.0/ 5
Helpfulness 3.2/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - I would like to start off by saying that I was almost deterred from taking this class due to the numerous scary reviews about Professor Scerri. Unfortunately (or fortunately I should say), he was the only teacher teaching the class the quarter I needed it, so I took the risk and enrolled in his class... and I am extremely glad that I did! I know Professor Scerri has a reputation for himself, and it is possible that in the past this reputation was reflective of him, but if so, he has definitely changed very much. After taking 14B with him, I can confidently say that he was nothing at all like the reviews I had read about him. Here, I will document my most notable experiences for anyone looking to take this class: Attendance: Professor Scerri did not have a mandatory attendance policy in his class, although he highly encouraged IRL participation. Given this, however, all lectures were recorded and posted on the canvas page in a timely fashion, and in the case that any of the recordings for a certain class were unavailable or corrupted, he would post a replacement video in lieu of that unavailable lecture (he was very accommodating). Assignments: The only graded assignments were quizzes that were assigned through the Achieve platform. Essentially, these quizzes were grouped by topic, each containing around 30 or so questions with unlimited attempts per question. These quizzes were also assigned at the beginning of the term with a due date near finals week, so lots of time to complete them with no pressure! (However, I would highly recommend completing the appropriate quiz after finishing the relevant content in the class, just to stay on track because it is very difficult to cram all the questions at the end of the quarter). Exams: Here's the kicker for a lot of students. I personally thought that Professor Scerri's exams were very fair and honestly not too difficult. I know that this is just my opinion and that other students may have had different experiences, but I think I did a decent amount of studying for his exams and performed just as well as I anticipated. The course consisted of one midterm and one final, with the midterm and final being worth 30% and 40% of your final grade, respectively. Professor Scerri provided previous exams from his class as practice material for the exams and the questions were relatively similar in difficulty, so no real surprises on exam day. Honestly, as long as you do enough practice using the questions given to you by Professor Scerri and the TAs, you should be more than fine. Final Remarks: Honestly, I would say that whether you like him or not, Professor Scerri's 14B course was more than fair and truly not too difficult so long as you actually practiced and studied your fair share—nothing more, nothing less. I would HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone looking to take 14B. Please do not be afraid to take this class like I was, it will all be fine :)
Overall Rating 2.9
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