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Erica Weaver
Based on 12 Users
Ok I took this class for a GE and honestly, DO NOT DO THAT. I am here to tell you this is a weeder class for English Majors and I am not that nor did I know that. But, I will admit my writing and analysis skills are 10x better then when I started. I went to the writing center for every damn essay and still couldn't get an A. I went to my TA's office hours and again, no A.
The other comments are accurate and reflective of Professor Weaver's English 10A class. Professor Weaver is a passionate, enthusiastic, and caring professor—one of the most easygoing and personable professor I have had at UCLA. She is not at all confusing and welcomes student questions of all sorts. Definitely take her for 10A if you can. There are readings from the textbook each week and Professor Weaver discusses those readings in her lectures. The grade breakdowns are as follows: discussion boards (10%), discussion participation (20%), two short response papers (5% each), first close-reading paper (15%; 4 pages), second close-reading paper (20%; 4 pages), final curatorial assignment (25%; 5-7 pages). Professor Weaver made 10A fun and manageable for me, so don't hesitate if you have the chance to take her for your 10A requirement.
I absolutely loved having Professor Weaver for English 10A and felt like she made it extremely interesting and engaging. I had not heard very good things about English 10A with previous professors, especially about the final, but Weaver completely changed my view of the class and made our final a curatorial project instead of the traditional in-person final. You could tell Weaver was extremely passionate about what she was discussing and I felt like that made the material we were reading that much more fascinating and exciting. The readings for the week can get a little heavy at times, but I felt like if I started reading a little earlier in the week it took some of the load off. The papers were pretty doable; however, I would highly recommend going to your TA for feedback and to get a sense of what they expect from the papers as they will provide you the best critiques. I also loved going to Weaver's office hours and felt like she was really welcoming to any and all questions I had about the class and material at hand. Especially compared to other professors, she was super responsive to individual and class-wide needs. Overall, I highly recommend Weaver for 10A as I felt like she was easily one of the best English professors I've had yet!
Took 10A as a first-year English major and Professor Weaver actually slays so hard. She's super enthusiastic about the stuff that she teaches, but not in a way where it would bore/annoy you. You can tell how passionate she is about English and lowkey that motivated me as an English major. Prof. Weaver also cares more about what u learn from the class rather than worrying about your grades, so 10A has zero exams. We had some weekly quizzes but they're super easy. Overall, these are your only assignments:
1. Response Paper 1 (1 page)
2. Response paper 2 is not even a paper, you just annotate a sonnet and submit it
3. Close Reading Paper 1 (3-5 pgs)
4. Close Reading Paper 2 (3-5 pgs)
5. Final Project, which is a curatorial statement (4-5 pgs) where you need to pick 2 texts from the syllabus and 2 objects and just talk about them
Some weeks are heavier than others with reading, but just stay on track with the syllabus and even if you have no idea what you're reading, Prof. Weaver just does a wonderful job explaining every reading so it's kinda impossible to be lost in this class.
Discussions and participation are required. I had Erin as my TA and Erin's pretty chill, not a harsh TA at all and she gives good, detailed comments on your work.
Overall, 10A was easier than my high school AP Lit and Lang class combined.
As a newly minted professor, Professor Weaver is, unlike some of the professors in the English Department, quite grounded, practical, and understanding in the way she deals with students. Despite clearly being brilliant and immensely knowledgeable in her area of expertise, she lacks anything resembling the self-serving academic ego that can at times be common in the department. Accordingly, she makes every class an active discussion – without the anxiety and pressure of strict participation requirements or cold-calling. Beyond this, she has one of the most welcoming office hours presences I’ve encountered and was always more than willing to talk to students.
On the more pragmatic side, the course had a relatively straightforward breakdown:
20% participation
30% weekly responses on CCLE
25% Midterm Paper
25% Final Paper
The 50% coming from participation and weekly responses are straightforward and shouldn’t be an issue as long as you keep up with the readings. The participation requirement is fair and if you speak up once or twice per class or make the effort to talk with her in office hours, shouldn’t pose much of a concern.
As far as the papers go, Weaver is a slightly harder grader compared to other professors I’ve had but does so out a desire to help you grow as a writer. I received more feedback, genuinely thoughtful feedback, on my papers from her than I have from any other professor. On the topic of her being understanding of the student experience, she allowed us to each individually select from a few dates to turn in the papers, such that we could limit stress by planning our quarter to not have numerous deadlines fall on the same day.
All in all, I can’t recommend taking a class with Weaver enough. Whether it be for the historical requirement or elective enjoyment, she manages to make even the densest Medieval material provoke interesting considerations and discussions that are contemporarily relevant. Honestly, my only gripe would be that her effort, and success, in conducting class in this organic manner occasionally limited the extent to which we got to hear her own thoughts on some of the works.
This was by far one of the best classes I have ever taken. Professor Weaver is not only understanding but flexible with the way she teaches, which helps the student grow. She is a harder grader than other professor but if you go to her office hours, she is more than happy to help you become a better writer. I wish I could take more classes with her this quarter!
Ok I took this class for a GE and honestly, DO NOT DO THAT. I am here to tell you this is a weeder class for English Majors and I am not that nor did I know that. But, I will admit my writing and analysis skills are 10x better then when I started. I went to the writing center for every damn essay and still couldn't get an A. I went to my TA's office hours and again, no A.
The other comments are accurate and reflective of Professor Weaver's English 10A class. Professor Weaver is a passionate, enthusiastic, and caring professor—one of the most easygoing and personable professor I have had at UCLA. She is not at all confusing and welcomes student questions of all sorts. Definitely take her for 10A if you can. There are readings from the textbook each week and Professor Weaver discusses those readings in her lectures. The grade breakdowns are as follows: discussion boards (10%), discussion participation (20%), two short response papers (5% each), first close-reading paper (15%; 4 pages), second close-reading paper (20%; 4 pages), final curatorial assignment (25%; 5-7 pages). Professor Weaver made 10A fun and manageable for me, so don't hesitate if you have the chance to take her for your 10A requirement.
I absolutely loved having Professor Weaver for English 10A and felt like she made it extremely interesting and engaging. I had not heard very good things about English 10A with previous professors, especially about the final, but Weaver completely changed my view of the class and made our final a curatorial project instead of the traditional in-person final. You could tell Weaver was extremely passionate about what she was discussing and I felt like that made the material we were reading that much more fascinating and exciting. The readings for the week can get a little heavy at times, but I felt like if I started reading a little earlier in the week it took some of the load off. The papers were pretty doable; however, I would highly recommend going to your TA for feedback and to get a sense of what they expect from the papers as they will provide you the best critiques. I also loved going to Weaver's office hours and felt like she was really welcoming to any and all questions I had about the class and material at hand. Especially compared to other professors, she was super responsive to individual and class-wide needs. Overall, I highly recommend Weaver for 10A as I felt like she was easily one of the best English professors I've had yet!
Took 10A as a first-year English major and Professor Weaver actually slays so hard. She's super enthusiastic about the stuff that she teaches, but not in a way where it would bore/annoy you. You can tell how passionate she is about English and lowkey that motivated me as an English major. Prof. Weaver also cares more about what u learn from the class rather than worrying about your grades, so 10A has zero exams. We had some weekly quizzes but they're super easy. Overall, these are your only assignments:
1. Response Paper 1 (1 page)
2. Response paper 2 is not even a paper, you just annotate a sonnet and submit it
3. Close Reading Paper 1 (3-5 pgs)
4. Close Reading Paper 2 (3-5 pgs)
5. Final Project, which is a curatorial statement (4-5 pgs) where you need to pick 2 texts from the syllabus and 2 objects and just talk about them
Some weeks are heavier than others with reading, but just stay on track with the syllabus and even if you have no idea what you're reading, Prof. Weaver just does a wonderful job explaining every reading so it's kinda impossible to be lost in this class.
Discussions and participation are required. I had Erin as my TA and Erin's pretty chill, not a harsh TA at all and she gives good, detailed comments on your work.
Overall, 10A was easier than my high school AP Lit and Lang class combined.
As a newly minted professor, Professor Weaver is, unlike some of the professors in the English Department, quite grounded, practical, and understanding in the way she deals with students. Despite clearly being brilliant and immensely knowledgeable in her area of expertise, she lacks anything resembling the self-serving academic ego that can at times be common in the department. Accordingly, she makes every class an active discussion – without the anxiety and pressure of strict participation requirements or cold-calling. Beyond this, she has one of the most welcoming office hours presences I’ve encountered and was always more than willing to talk to students.
On the more pragmatic side, the course had a relatively straightforward breakdown:
20% participation
30% weekly responses on CCLE
25% Midterm Paper
25% Final Paper
The 50% coming from participation and weekly responses are straightforward and shouldn’t be an issue as long as you keep up with the readings. The participation requirement is fair and if you speak up once or twice per class or make the effort to talk with her in office hours, shouldn’t pose much of a concern.
As far as the papers go, Weaver is a slightly harder grader compared to other professors I’ve had but does so out a desire to help you grow as a writer. I received more feedback, genuinely thoughtful feedback, on my papers from her than I have from any other professor. On the topic of her being understanding of the student experience, she allowed us to each individually select from a few dates to turn in the papers, such that we could limit stress by planning our quarter to not have numerous deadlines fall on the same day.
All in all, I can’t recommend taking a class with Weaver enough. Whether it be for the historical requirement or elective enjoyment, she manages to make even the densest Medieval material provoke interesting considerations and discussions that are contemporarily relevant. Honestly, my only gripe would be that her effort, and success, in conducting class in this organic manner occasionally limited the extent to which we got to hear her own thoughts on some of the works.
This was by far one of the best classes I have ever taken. Professor Weaver is not only understanding but flexible with the way she teaches, which helps the student grow. She is a harder grader than other professor but if you go to her office hours, she is more than happy to help you become a better writer. I wish I could take more classes with her this quarter!