Frances Olsen
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - I took the fiat lux course Law, Language, and Politics with her. It was graded 100% on attendance and was entirely discussion based; we read about ten pages every week, she summarized them and then we had a discussion. She was interesting to listen to and facilitated discussion well. She came at the subject from a passionate and informed perspective that I didn't always agree with but always made me think more in depth about the content. Overall, I enjoyed the class and now have a much better grasp on the connection between law and language.
Fall 2024 - I took the fiat lux course Law, Language, and Politics with her. It was graded 100% on attendance and was entirely discussion based; we read about ten pages every week, she summarized them and then we had a discussion. She was interesting to listen to and facilitated discussion well. She came at the subject from a passionate and informed perspective that I didn't always agree with but always made me think more in depth about the content. Overall, I enjoyed the class and now have a much better grasp on the connection between law and language.
Most Helpful Review
not sure if she's going to teach it again any time soon, but it was an intense class in terms of the amount of work one had to put in. However, it was worth it because you come out of the class knowing more than you ever wanted to about the Life and Death of Socrates and its place in the modern legal context. (2) 5 page papers, one take home practice midterm, 20 page term paper ( ino intense huh--atleast for an undergrad class), and an in class final. Brilliant professor, great readings, you just really have to love the subject matter. Enjoy, take it for the experience, if for nothing else
not sure if she's going to teach it again any time soon, but it was an intense class in terms of the amount of work one had to put in. However, it was worth it because you come out of the class knowing more than you ever wanted to about the Life and Death of Socrates and its place in the modern legal context. (2) 5 page papers, one take home practice midterm, 20 page term paper ( ino intense huh--atleast for an undergrad class), and an in class final. Brilliant professor, great readings, you just really have to love the subject matter. Enjoy, take it for the experience, if for nothing else