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- Gary M Segura
- PUB AFF 50
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Y'all.. the reviews from last year were lowkey misleading because this quarter we only had one TA (and I would expect this to also be the case in future classes, not sure though) so we didn't have discussion section and therefore also did not have any buffer assignments. Our grade breakdown was 50% midterm 50% final which was personally super stressful for me because I have test taking anxiety. The TA determines your entire grade.
Essays are in total worth 40% and defining key terms was worth 60%. Defining key terms saved my grade because my TA graded kinda ambiguously imo, and it was hard to gauge what he wanted out of some of the prompts. We also didn't get a lot of time to actually do the papers, and they're 5-6 pages (we had like 5 days but these were given out on weeks where we had a lot of other work as well). The class usually isn't a lot of work but like many of the other reviews said, it's periods of super concentrated heavy work loads, especially during midterm and finals. Content was interesting imo though.
I loved Pub Aff 50! As a first-year pre-public affairs major, I was very happy to have the opportunity to take this class. The first half focuses on democratic theory (i.e. what makes a society democratic) and the second half focuses more on social inequality (i.e. racism, classism, sexism). There are two 5-7 page papers, one on each half of the course that account for about 33% of your grade each. The other 34% is participation in section. Your TA determines all of your grade. The lectures are AMAZING! So interesting and engaging. My favorite class I took this quarter and I would 110% take another with Dean Segura if given the chance.
Professor Segura was super nice, approachable, and had a great sense of humor. I actually felt comfortable participating and asking questions during class. However, I wouldn't recommend this course if you have very little interest in political theory. The first half of the class covered topics such as democratic theory, pluralism, anti-intellectualism, and deliberation (midterm). The second half covered topics such as racial construction, traditionalism, modern sexism, and class/economic inequality (final). At times the slides felt confusing since the words felt too formal at times?
My section's grading distribution was split into 50% midterm and 50% final with no discussion section. Each exam was comprised of:
• 60%: An in-person exam (you are given 9-10 terms and you have to define 5-6 of them in paragraphs).
• 40%: A 5-6 page take-home research paper where you choose 1 out of 2 prompts (assigned after taking the in-person exam and you have around 5 days to turn it in online).
An important note is that you are not given a list of possible terms that will appear in the in-person exams. The exam content covers only what was on the lecture slides so iykyk. You essentially have to blindly study all of the previous lectures to figure out what terms may show up. I recommend looking at the quizlets online for PA 50 so you can get an idea of what terms to prioritize but make sure to look through your notes and slides!
Additionally, I took notes and wrote notecards by hand and that was what truly helped me retain the information better when revisiting topics. I often would start studying 1-2 days before the in-person exam which I discourage. As long as you space out your studying, you should be set for the exams. All the grading is conducted by the TA and I would say mine was a fair grader. I wished that the rubrics would offer more detailed explanations of what was expected from students. Some of the feedback I would get was to expand on some topics that I mentioned in my essay (but we weren't even sure what topics to research?) Overall, the class was an okay experience and I am happy with the grade I received.
If you are a public affairs major trying to figure out which pre reqs to take, I would not suggest this class in terms of easiness/workload. It was very interesting, however it was a lot of work with not much instruction. For both the midterm and final, we had to take an in class exam where we were given a handful of words/phrases and had to write what we knew about it and how it connected to other topics. There was no list of possible terms, so you literally had to study every single detail of the class. THEN on top of this test, we had to write a 4 page (midterm) and 6 page (final) paper that was due four days later. Basically, it's not a constant amount of work but there is a lot at certain times. For discussion, it is very structured and can be kind of stressful at times. Groups present each week and everyone is graded on their contributions which made up a large portion of the grade. I ended this class with an A but it was not easy and very stressful at times.
This class was a major pre-req. It had a lot of reading and required you to be on top of it, and really focus on all the readings and lectures. I wouldn't say it was an easy class since you have no idea what will be tested but I had very helpful classmates and a TA that got me through it. Prof. Segura is great but he is very opinionated which was a bit much to me sometimes. I wanted to learn the facts over the opinions and that was something I disliked. Regardless, you should be fine if you know what to expect. Shoutout to Bella, our TA. She was amazing.
This class is entirely based on a midterm and final, with both tests broken into two parts: an in-class section with short answer questions and a take-home essay. The short answer questions are terms that are discussed in lecture/readings and I believe we had to choose 6 of 9 to define in about 5 sentences each. The take-home essay was a 5-7 page paper that we had 5 days to complete and was definitely the more challenging aspect of the exam. The prompts were fairly vague and we were encouraged to find outside sources to support our thesis in addition to course readings. Professor Segura's lectures were so clear and easy to understand though and he was definitely an approachable and engaging professor. I got a bit behind on readings in the second half of the quarter and hadn't done many of the ones related to material on the final, but Professor Segura's lectures covered the content so well I didn't have any difficulties (though I would still definitely recommend doing the readings). His lectures were also recorded, so missing class due to illness doesn't screw you for the whole quarter. His slides are also great, he outlines all the key points and posts them before lecture so you don't have to type furiously while he talks. The readings could get to be a lot at times and some of them were definitely pretty dense and boring but he really does cover all the major points for exams, so if you get stuck you aren't screwed.
Truly felt like I learned a lot about democracy, voting patterns, and such throughout this course. I took APGov and other elections/history related classes in the past yet this class examined the former in ways I did not learn before. Towards the beginning, the class was a little reading-heavy and lectures were a little confusing but I think it cleared up during the end. We didn't have a discussion section but Professor Segura is genuinely passionate about his work and knows his stuff! I would recommend however grading was 50% for each midterm and final and grading was kinda iffy for our class sometimes but I defintiely overall enjoyed the course.
I adored this Professor and this class. I was pretty hesitant about adding Public Affairs as a double major, but after taking this class I decided I absolutely wanted to pursue a field in it. One of the best classes I have ever taken at UCLA by far. His lectures are extremely engaging, he's funny, and you always walk out of class feeling as if you've learned something that matters. His grading scale was 33% participation, 33% midterm, and 33% final, but I think he has since changed it to 50% midterm and 50% final. The midterm and final are relatively straight forward, one part in person and one part a take home essay (so if you do poorly on the in person it isn't the end of the world). I had an 89.9 and he rounded me up to an A-. This class is super doable as long as you do the readings for section and show up to lecture. I would have probable received a solid A had I not been heinously sick during the midterm. Overall, I would recommend this class to anyone looking to pursue Public Affairs or needing an extra GE!!!
LOVED THIS CLASS!!! Segura is an incredible lecturer and I was excited to go to class every day. Lectures weren't required but discussions were; discussions were basically just the TA going over the readings and you had to do a group project to present on one of the weeks. Your grade is based solely on your TA and consists of participation in discussions (basically just showing up), the midterm, and the final. As long as you pay attention in lectures/look over the slides, the midterm and final weren't that bad.
Y'all.. the reviews from last year were lowkey misleading because this quarter we only had one TA (and I would expect this to also be the case in future classes, not sure though) so we didn't have discussion section and therefore also did not have any buffer assignments. Our grade breakdown was 50% midterm 50% final which was personally super stressful for me because I have test taking anxiety. The TA determines your entire grade.
Essays are in total worth 40% and defining key terms was worth 60%. Defining key terms saved my grade because my TA graded kinda ambiguously imo, and it was hard to gauge what he wanted out of some of the prompts. We also didn't get a lot of time to actually do the papers, and they're 5-6 pages (we had like 5 days but these were given out on weeks where we had a lot of other work as well). The class usually isn't a lot of work but like many of the other reviews said, it's periods of super concentrated heavy work loads, especially during midterm and finals. Content was interesting imo though.
I loved Pub Aff 50! As a first-year pre-public affairs major, I was very happy to have the opportunity to take this class. The first half focuses on democratic theory (i.e. what makes a society democratic) and the second half focuses more on social inequality (i.e. racism, classism, sexism). There are two 5-7 page papers, one on each half of the course that account for about 33% of your grade each. The other 34% is participation in section. Your TA determines all of your grade. The lectures are AMAZING! So interesting and engaging. My favorite class I took this quarter and I would 110% take another with Dean Segura if given the chance.
Professor Segura was super nice, approachable, and had a great sense of humor. I actually felt comfortable participating and asking questions during class. However, I wouldn't recommend this course if you have very little interest in political theory. The first half of the class covered topics such as democratic theory, pluralism, anti-intellectualism, and deliberation (midterm). The second half covered topics such as racial construction, traditionalism, modern sexism, and class/economic inequality (final). At times the slides felt confusing since the words felt too formal at times?
My section's grading distribution was split into 50% midterm and 50% final with no discussion section. Each exam was comprised of:
• 60%: An in-person exam (you are given 9-10 terms and you have to define 5-6 of them in paragraphs).
• 40%: A 5-6 page take-home research paper where you choose 1 out of 2 prompts (assigned after taking the in-person exam and you have around 5 days to turn it in online).
An important note is that you are not given a list of possible terms that will appear in the in-person exams. The exam content covers only what was on the lecture slides so iykyk. You essentially have to blindly study all of the previous lectures to figure out what terms may show up. I recommend looking at the quizlets online for PA 50 so you can get an idea of what terms to prioritize but make sure to look through your notes and slides!
Additionally, I took notes and wrote notecards by hand and that was what truly helped me retain the information better when revisiting topics. I often would start studying 1-2 days before the in-person exam which I discourage. As long as you space out your studying, you should be set for the exams. All the grading is conducted by the TA and I would say mine was a fair grader. I wished that the rubrics would offer more detailed explanations of what was expected from students. Some of the feedback I would get was to expand on some topics that I mentioned in my essay (but we weren't even sure what topics to research?) Overall, the class was an okay experience and I am happy with the grade I received.
If you are a public affairs major trying to figure out which pre reqs to take, I would not suggest this class in terms of easiness/workload. It was very interesting, however it was a lot of work with not much instruction. For both the midterm and final, we had to take an in class exam where we were given a handful of words/phrases and had to write what we knew about it and how it connected to other topics. There was no list of possible terms, so you literally had to study every single detail of the class. THEN on top of this test, we had to write a 4 page (midterm) and 6 page (final) paper that was due four days later. Basically, it's not a constant amount of work but there is a lot at certain times. For discussion, it is very structured and can be kind of stressful at times. Groups present each week and everyone is graded on their contributions which made up a large portion of the grade. I ended this class with an A but it was not easy and very stressful at times.
This class was a major pre-req. It had a lot of reading and required you to be on top of it, and really focus on all the readings and lectures. I wouldn't say it was an easy class since you have no idea what will be tested but I had very helpful classmates and a TA that got me through it. Prof. Segura is great but he is very opinionated which was a bit much to me sometimes. I wanted to learn the facts over the opinions and that was something I disliked. Regardless, you should be fine if you know what to expect. Shoutout to Bella, our TA. She was amazing.
This class is entirely based on a midterm and final, with both tests broken into two parts: an in-class section with short answer questions and a take-home essay. The short answer questions are terms that are discussed in lecture/readings and I believe we had to choose 6 of 9 to define in about 5 sentences each. The take-home essay was a 5-7 page paper that we had 5 days to complete and was definitely the more challenging aspect of the exam. The prompts were fairly vague and we were encouraged to find outside sources to support our thesis in addition to course readings. Professor Segura's lectures were so clear and easy to understand though and he was definitely an approachable and engaging professor. I got a bit behind on readings in the second half of the quarter and hadn't done many of the ones related to material on the final, but Professor Segura's lectures covered the content so well I didn't have any difficulties (though I would still definitely recommend doing the readings). His lectures were also recorded, so missing class due to illness doesn't screw you for the whole quarter. His slides are also great, he outlines all the key points and posts them before lecture so you don't have to type furiously while he talks. The readings could get to be a lot at times and some of them were definitely pretty dense and boring but he really does cover all the major points for exams, so if you get stuck you aren't screwed.
Truly felt like I learned a lot about democracy, voting patterns, and such throughout this course. I took APGov and other elections/history related classes in the past yet this class examined the former in ways I did not learn before. Towards the beginning, the class was a little reading-heavy and lectures were a little confusing but I think it cleared up during the end. We didn't have a discussion section but Professor Segura is genuinely passionate about his work and knows his stuff! I would recommend however grading was 50% for each midterm and final and grading was kinda iffy for our class sometimes but I defintiely overall enjoyed the course.
I adored this Professor and this class. I was pretty hesitant about adding Public Affairs as a double major, but after taking this class I decided I absolutely wanted to pursue a field in it. One of the best classes I have ever taken at UCLA by far. His lectures are extremely engaging, he's funny, and you always walk out of class feeling as if you've learned something that matters. His grading scale was 33% participation, 33% midterm, and 33% final, but I think he has since changed it to 50% midterm and 50% final. The midterm and final are relatively straight forward, one part in person and one part a take home essay (so if you do poorly on the in person it isn't the end of the world). I had an 89.9 and he rounded me up to an A-. This class is super doable as long as you do the readings for section and show up to lecture. I would have probable received a solid A had I not been heinously sick during the midterm. Overall, I would recommend this class to anyone looking to pursue Public Affairs or needing an extra GE!!!
LOVED THIS CLASS!!! Segura is an incredible lecturer and I was excited to go to class every day. Lectures weren't required but discussions were; discussions were basically just the TA going over the readings and you had to do a group project to present on one of the weeks. Your grade is based solely on your TA and consists of participation in discussions (basically just showing up), the midterm, and the final. As long as you pay attention in lectures/look over the slides, the midterm and final weren't that bad.
Based on 30 Users
- Uses Slides (19)
- Engaging Lectures (18)