Ghislaine Lydon
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - If you're taking this to fill a major/minor requirement like I am, you can probably take this class and do fairly well. I'd suggest it unless something significantly easier pops up. If this is for a GE, genuinely I beg you to find another. This class was genuinely so much unnecessary work and the professor stumbles on her words so much. She just reads off of the slides and doesn't really supplement them with further analysis for note taking. She also goes sort of fast because of it, but somehow always runs out of time and goes over by a few minutes. The class consisted of a 3 page paper due week 3, an in-person midterm during week 6 (which was lowkey hard and the grading was VERY skewed), a 5-6 page paper due week 9, and a take-home final that was 6 pages of essay writing. The topic was (in my opinion) not the most fascinating for the entire quarter, but some moments were good. The only enjoyable part of this class was the section led by our TA. That consisted of a map quiz of Africa (which typically takes place week 2, but was week 3 in our case due to the fires) and a group presentation with questions for the class on the readings for a week. Overall, I'd only recommend if you need this class or are super interested in African history. Otherwise, find something else.
Winter 2025 - If you're taking this to fill a major/minor requirement like I am, you can probably take this class and do fairly well. I'd suggest it unless something significantly easier pops up. If this is for a GE, genuinely I beg you to find another. This class was genuinely so much unnecessary work and the professor stumbles on her words so much. She just reads off of the slides and doesn't really supplement them with further analysis for note taking. She also goes sort of fast because of it, but somehow always runs out of time and goes over by a few minutes. The class consisted of a 3 page paper due week 3, an in-person midterm during week 6 (which was lowkey hard and the grading was VERY skewed), a 5-6 page paper due week 9, and a take-home final that was 6 pages of essay writing. The topic was (in my opinion) not the most fascinating for the entire quarter, but some moments were good. The only enjoyable part of this class was the section led by our TA. That consisted of a map quiz of Africa (which typically takes place week 2, but was week 3 in our case due to the fires) and a group presentation with questions for the class on the readings for a week. Overall, I'd only recommend if you need this class or are super interested in African history. Otherwise, find something else.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - This class is more trouble than it is worth. For a GE that doesn't qualify for writing II credit, it requires quite a bit of writing. Expect to not receive clear directions for the assignments. The one good thing about this course is the lecture. Professor Lyndon makes it quite engaging and relevant. Most of what is graded does not heavily depend on the lecture so I would not worry too much if you cannot attend. Attendance is only important for discussion although she will say attendance is mandatory for lecture. Your TA for this course will really make or break your experience.
Winter 2022 - This class is more trouble than it is worth. For a GE that doesn't qualify for writing II credit, it requires quite a bit of writing. Expect to not receive clear directions for the assignments. The one good thing about this course is the lecture. Professor Lyndon makes it quite engaging and relevant. Most of what is graded does not heavily depend on the lecture so I would not worry too much if you cannot attend. Attendance is only important for discussion although she will say attendance is mandatory for lecture. Your TA for this course will really make or break your experience.
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Lydon was the worst teacher I have ever had at UCLA. Though the class itself is not that difficult(I'm a science major and I did well without too much effort), it is painful in the extreme to sit through. She refuses to post her slides, though people asked her to do so throughout the quarter, and yet she speaks quickly and goes through the slides ridiculously quickly. She won't tell you this, but she wants you to focus on what she is saying rather than what's on the slides so if you really want to learn bring a recorder and learn to type very fast. We had 2 papers 6-7 pages each, they were not that bad, and the midterm was just memorization - she gives you a large list of people/issues to know and tests you on that. The map part of the test was not too bad either, just memorize all African countries and major areas. The annoying thing is that she speaks in random African languages that no one knows except two or three students and plays really awful music (I listen to some African artists and they're really good - Lydon just tries to find the worst and oddest music she can to play in class). Do NOT contradict her, she will say stupid things like "Africa is at the center of the world because of the Big Bang" (which almost made me walk out - she is completely science illiterate!) but if you talk to her politely after class she will bite your head off for having an opinion and not taking her word as the 'ultimate truth'. If you can stand the pain, take her for a GE. Oh, have Reem as your TA, she's wonderful.
Prof. Lydon was the worst teacher I have ever had at UCLA. Though the class itself is not that difficult(I'm a science major and I did well without too much effort), it is painful in the extreme to sit through. She refuses to post her slides, though people asked her to do so throughout the quarter, and yet she speaks quickly and goes through the slides ridiculously quickly. She won't tell you this, but she wants you to focus on what she is saying rather than what's on the slides so if you really want to learn bring a recorder and learn to type very fast. We had 2 papers 6-7 pages each, they were not that bad, and the midterm was just memorization - she gives you a large list of people/issues to know and tests you on that. The map part of the test was not too bad either, just memorize all African countries and major areas. The annoying thing is that she speaks in random African languages that no one knows except two or three students and plays really awful music (I listen to some African artists and they're really good - Lydon just tries to find the worst and oddest music she can to play in class). Do NOT contradict her, she will say stupid things like "Africa is at the center of the world because of the Big Bang" (which almost made me walk out - she is completely science illiterate!) but if you talk to her politely after class she will bite your head off for having an opinion and not taking her word as the 'ultimate truth'. If you can stand the pain, take her for a GE. Oh, have Reem as your TA, she's wonderful.
Most Helpful Review
I took her seminar. She was very sweet and nice, very understanding of the class' needs. It was a small class, and she really tried to teach us and make us aware. Overall, a very memorable class, and not too much work. The final "project" ended up being a trip to Little Ethiopia, where we got free food.
I took her seminar. She was very sweet and nice, very understanding of the class' needs. It was a small class, and she really tried to teach us and make us aware. Overall, a very memorable class, and not too much work. The final "project" ended up being a trip to Little Ethiopia, where we got free food.