Gina Konstantopoulos
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - This class was pretty easy but your grade depends a lot on how your TA grades your midterm/final/quizzes. The midterm was timed essays and the final was a final paper. Discussion is based on attendance and there were a couple quizzes. The quizzes were very specific and pretty much memorization of important people and key terms. Not the easiest GE but very manageable.
Spring 2022 - This class was pretty easy but your grade depends a lot on how your TA grades your midterm/final/quizzes. The midterm was timed essays and the final was a final paper. Discussion is based on attendance and there were a couple quizzes. The quizzes were very specific and pretty much memorization of important people and key terms. Not the easiest GE but very manageable.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - Professor Konstantopoulos is extremely funny and nice. The lectures are super engaging, and the materials are very interesting (you get to learn how to curse your enemies! Yay!). The tests were easy, though they were more short-answers-based. Overall professor Konstantopoulos is just amazing, and I recommend everyone to take this course.
Winter 2024 - Professor Konstantopoulos is extremely funny and nice. The lectures are super engaging, and the materials are very interesting (you get to learn how to curse your enemies! Yay!). The tests were easy, though they were more short-answers-based. Overall professor Konstantopoulos is just amazing, and I recommend everyone to take this course.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - One of the best GEs EVER at UCLA. Professor is so funny and engaging as a lecturer and the content is REALLY fun too! She cracks a lot of jokes during lecture :) They aren’t recorded/podcasted and the slides themselves don’t have a ton of info so go to class. It’s worth it anyway… Assignments were super easy— we had like two discussion quizzes that were just term identifications and explaining one of the images on the slides. You also have the option of reflecting on a reading or making a meme of the course content! The final exam was also pretty easy. Definitely an easy A as long as you put in a little bit of effort.
Spring 2024 - One of the best GEs EVER at UCLA. Professor is so funny and engaging as a lecturer and the content is REALLY fun too! She cracks a lot of jokes during lecture :) They aren’t recorded/podcasted and the slides themselves don’t have a ton of info so go to class. It’s worth it anyway… Assignments were super easy— we had like two discussion quizzes that were just term identifications and explaining one of the images on the slides. You also have the option of reflecting on a reading or making a meme of the course content! The final exam was also pretty easy. Definitely an easy A as long as you put in a little bit of effort.