
Giovanni Zocchi

Overall Ratings
Based on 82 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (82)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Oct. 6, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A

Professor Zocchi has a heavy accent, making it difficult to understand what he's saying, and his notes aren't very clear either. Difficult to follow along to his lectures.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

So the reviews for this class are super outdated, but during Spring 2020 Zocchi's class was unorganized to say the least. He gave us barely any time for the midterms, even after NUMEROUS emails asking him to accommodate people during a tough time. The worst part was he wouldn't even respond to the emails which left much of the class in confusion (it also lead to 25% of the class dropping by week 10)

Midterm averages were also super low, midterm 1 was like a 68% and midterm 2 was about a 58%. He doesn't curve the tests but uses his own wack grading scale (I think??) where >80 is an A, 65-80 is a B, and so on. I'm not entirely sure if that's accurate because when I emailed him to confirm he ghosted me :/ I think the final average may have been higher cause most people I know scored much higher than previous midterms. But he also gave us 48 hours (finally!) for this test.

His lectures were reaaaaally hard to learn from, he has a very thick accent and just covers a bunch of examples like a machine. He definitely knows his material, but I couldn't really get anything from the lectures and stopped attending by like Week 2. I just grinded the material from the textbook and worked through the homework and prayed I'd get lucky on the midterms/finals.

Overall, if this is your first physics class since high school (like me), I would NOT recommend as I definitely feel like I have a half-ass command of the knowledge compared to my friends who took 1A with other professors. If you do have a strong physics foundation, I would still hesitantly recommend cause you're probably gonna have to rely on previous knowledge and do a bit of reading to do well in the class.


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April 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

Professor Zocchi wasn’t necessarily the best, but the course is pretty manageable if you have access to solutions from previous quarters (which I didn’t have personally). The HW is not straight from a textbook, so you can’t look up the solutions apart from possibly incorrect answers off Chegg. If you know the HW in detail, then the midterm is not so bad. It helps tremendously having old exams since some elements may be unchanged. The final exam was fairly similar to the provided practice problems, so make sure to know them by heart as well as all the homework if you have sufficient time.

Selling a collection of past exams with full midterm solutions and the practice final, homework solutions, and highly organized course materials including lecture notes and grade distributions. *************


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Dec. 26, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Zocchi's 105A is like what you would expect for a university physics class.
His lectures are clear and he's really a nice guy. The key of this class is the formulation of Lagrangian, and that's something you have to do a lot of practice on. Homework problems are hard and really needs some time, but they are really helpful for me to know the course materials. Sometimes there are some problems that requires a bunch of calculation, but they will not appear on the tests.
Tests are somewhat difficult. They mainly focus on the ideas and concepts, so once you've figured out what you should do, the calculation would not torture you. And tests are curved so seems like we will be alright.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 10, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: P

Zocchi is eh okay. He's very smart and knows quantum like the back of his hand, but that is pretty standard for all physics professors at UCLA. He is very nice. A few times this quarter students thought their mics were muted and he did not have it in his heart to tell them to shut up while they were blabbering. Even once someone was talking crap about him and he did not say "hey your mic is not muted". I felt bad for him sometimes. His lectures are very difficult to follow along with, and the exams are not too ridiculous, but we are all studying physics at a top tier institution, what do you expect?

He does assign a lot of homework from the textbook for 115B in our experience this quarter, sometimes I would begin assignments and I would be working on them all day and still not finish. Unnecessarily long and complicated integrals, but do your best to understand the idea behind the problems. Studying the book is a good way to do great in his class as the lectures get quite messy.

Another thing I should mention is that he creates his own grading schematic. Greater than 80% in an A, greater than 60% is a B, greater than 50% is a C, and anything lower than 50% is failing. So the class is not curved in that other students' scores do not affect yours.

Lastly, I hate to say it, but I do not think Zocchi honestly cared about how we felt and our learning. I am not trying to bad mouth him, but it seemed like he never truly was concerned for us during COVID when everything has become 10x more difficult in life and on top of that, we have to learn QM online with limited help. He never inquired about what he could do differently, while many other professors have a link where we could give tips on their teaching.

All in all, Zocchi is not bad. Just do your work to keep up!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 27, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Okay so basically... Zocchi is really bad and I would not recommend taking his class, even coming from someone who received an A for the work this quarter.

Personal grudge first, then the technical stuff later:
Zocchi quickly fell behind in the material early in the quarter, and instead of cutting the irrelevant content (of which there was a fair amount), he held a class twice the length of a regular one, ON A HOLIDAY!
There was no class allowed by UCLA on Presidents' Day, and instead, Zocchi assigned twice the classwork because he failed to cover the relevant content in a timely manner.

Zocchi is a very unclear lecturer who will just run through practice problems for the entirety of the class, without stopping/slowing down to explain why or how things work with physics. The first week made sense and saw about 180 people attending each lecture. Fast forward through the quarter, and you'll see that 39 students, of the total 188 enrolled, dropped the class. Even though 149 people were still technically enrolled, I never saw more than 40 people in the Zoom call by the second half of the quarter. This is because of a class plan that I would also recommend:

If you HAVE to take Zocchi, don't waste your time attending his lectures, but use the time instead to read the textbook equivalent of whatever the lecture's title is (he lists their titles on the syllabus) or work through the content he has listed for each exam.

Zocchi is also just a bit rude and inconsiderate. His frustration with questions grew throughout the quarter, and his reactions were less like a teacher answering questions and more like a Twitch streamer yelling at his chat for not understanding things that take time to learn.

The structure of the class is very simple and reasonable, which was the saving grace of this class (and the only thing that made Zocchi still preferable to Corbin):

20% is completion-based homework assigned on Mastering Physics (he gives a week to do about 2 hours)
20% is the first midterm which was very easy and straightforward in my section
20% is the second midterm which was pretty scary but still manageable for most students
40% is a god-awful final that will bring up things you've never even thought about
- and luckily anything over 80% in the class counts as an A

So the best advice I can offer is: Read the textbook, try to ace the midterms, and do all the homework so that you can cry less while pretending to understand why a square hockey puck and a salad bowl are on the final.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Considering how well you understand the basic formalism of qm determines how well you do in the following chapters, there isn't a better professor than Professor Zocchi to take this class with (he does an excellent job teaching physics 131). He sometimes likes to apply material from later chapters to earlier ones (e.g. using spin as an example in formalism), so it's important to attend every lecture.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 22, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Physics 1A is an extremely important physics class and Giovanni Zocchi teaches it in the most convoluted and difficult to understand way possible. He is a terrible lecturer and does not get the concepts across. I took the equivalent of this class before in high school and if I hadn't had that background this class would have felt impossibly difficult. Even if the other professor is Corbin, take him, Corbin curves like crazy and you will actually learn something. I personally was fine in that class but I truly only had an easy time because of my previous exposure. I learned NOTHING from Zocchi. Please for your own sake don't take him.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 19, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Prof Zocchi was good. His final was a little tough, but it was mostly application to test if you knew the material, so it wasn't really that bad if you had paid attention and understood the material in his class. I feel that I have a good grasp on 1A after his class. A nice, funny man.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 11, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

I attended lecture for maybe the first two weeks, but stopped going as Zocchi is frankly a pretty horrible professor/lecturer. He discusses a lot that we don't need to know, and while it's pretty impressive how smart Zocchi actually is, he does not deliver it in a way students can understand. Also his accent is super thick, which makes his already convoluted lectures even worse. He always forgot about office hours and released homework super late. I relied entirely on what I learned taking AP Physics in high school. The first midterm was easy, the second a little harder but still doable (it's very easy to tell which questions his TA's write versus him). The final however, was nearly impossible and brought up so much stuff that you never thought was even possible. His only saving grace was that an 80% was considered an A in the class. Overall, course delivery was pretty bad, but honestly his grade scheme might make him preferable over other professors.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Oct. 6, 2020

Professor Zocchi has a heavy accent, making it difficult to understand what he's saying, and his notes aren't very clear either. Difficult to follow along to his lectures.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 23, 2020

So the reviews for this class are super outdated, but during Spring 2020 Zocchi's class was unorganized to say the least. He gave us barely any time for the midterms, even after NUMEROUS emails asking him to accommodate people during a tough time. The worst part was he wouldn't even respond to the emails which left much of the class in confusion (it also lead to 25% of the class dropping by week 10)

Midterm averages were also super low, midterm 1 was like a 68% and midterm 2 was about a 58%. He doesn't curve the tests but uses his own wack grading scale (I think??) where >80 is an A, 65-80 is a B, and so on. I'm not entirely sure if that's accurate because when I emailed him to confirm he ghosted me :/ I think the final average may have been higher cause most people I know scored much higher than previous midterms. But he also gave us 48 hours (finally!) for this test.

His lectures were reaaaaally hard to learn from, he has a very thick accent and just covers a bunch of examples like a machine. He definitely knows his material, but I couldn't really get anything from the lectures and stopped attending by like Week 2. I just grinded the material from the textbook and worked through the homework and prayed I'd get lucky on the midterms/finals.

Overall, if this is your first physics class since high school (like me), I would NOT recommend as I definitely feel like I have a half-ass command of the knowledge compared to my friends who took 1A with other professors. If you do have a strong physics foundation, I would still hesitantly recommend cause you're probably gonna have to rely on previous knowledge and do a bit of reading to do well in the class.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
April 15, 2019

Professor Zocchi wasn’t necessarily the best, but the course is pretty manageable if you have access to solutions from previous quarters (which I didn’t have personally). The HW is not straight from a textbook, so you can’t look up the solutions apart from possibly incorrect answers off Chegg. If you know the HW in detail, then the midterm is not so bad. It helps tremendously having old exams since some elements may be unchanged. The final exam was fairly similar to the provided practice problems, so make sure to know them by heart as well as all the homework if you have sufficient time.

Selling a collection of past exams with full midterm solutions and the practice final, homework solutions, and highly organized course materials including lecture notes and grade distributions. *************


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 26, 2019

Zocchi's 105A is like what you would expect for a university physics class.
His lectures are clear and he's really a nice guy. The key of this class is the formulation of Lagrangian, and that's something you have to do a lot of practice on. Homework problems are hard and really needs some time, but they are really helpful for me to know the course materials. Sometimes there are some problems that requires a bunch of calculation, but they will not appear on the tests.
Tests are somewhat difficult. They mainly focus on the ideas and concepts, so once you've figured out what you should do, the calculation would not torture you. And tests are curved so seems like we will be alright.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: P
Dec. 10, 2020

Zocchi is eh okay. He's very smart and knows quantum like the back of his hand, but that is pretty standard for all physics professors at UCLA. He is very nice. A few times this quarter students thought their mics were muted and he did not have it in his heart to tell them to shut up while they were blabbering. Even once someone was talking crap about him and he did not say "hey your mic is not muted". I felt bad for him sometimes. His lectures are very difficult to follow along with, and the exams are not too ridiculous, but we are all studying physics at a top tier institution, what do you expect?

He does assign a lot of homework from the textbook for 115B in our experience this quarter, sometimes I would begin assignments and I would be working on them all day and still not finish. Unnecessarily long and complicated integrals, but do your best to understand the idea behind the problems. Studying the book is a good way to do great in his class as the lectures get quite messy.

Another thing I should mention is that he creates his own grading schematic. Greater than 80% in an A, greater than 60% is a B, greater than 50% is a C, and anything lower than 50% is failing. So the class is not curved in that other students' scores do not affect yours.

Lastly, I hate to say it, but I do not think Zocchi honestly cared about how we felt and our learning. I am not trying to bad mouth him, but it seemed like he never truly was concerned for us during COVID when everything has become 10x more difficult in life and on top of that, we have to learn QM online with limited help. He never inquired about what he could do differently, while many other professors have a link where we could give tips on their teaching.

All in all, Zocchi is not bad. Just do your work to keep up!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 27, 2022

Okay so basically... Zocchi is really bad and I would not recommend taking his class, even coming from someone who received an A for the work this quarter.

Personal grudge first, then the technical stuff later:
Zocchi quickly fell behind in the material early in the quarter, and instead of cutting the irrelevant content (of which there was a fair amount), he held a class twice the length of a regular one, ON A HOLIDAY!
There was no class allowed by UCLA on Presidents' Day, and instead, Zocchi assigned twice the classwork because he failed to cover the relevant content in a timely manner.

Zocchi is a very unclear lecturer who will just run through practice problems for the entirety of the class, without stopping/slowing down to explain why or how things work with physics. The first week made sense and saw about 180 people attending each lecture. Fast forward through the quarter, and you'll see that 39 students, of the total 188 enrolled, dropped the class. Even though 149 people were still technically enrolled, I never saw more than 40 people in the Zoom call by the second half of the quarter. This is because of a class plan that I would also recommend:

If you HAVE to take Zocchi, don't waste your time attending his lectures, but use the time instead to read the textbook equivalent of whatever the lecture's title is (he lists their titles on the syllabus) or work through the content he has listed for each exam.

Zocchi is also just a bit rude and inconsiderate. His frustration with questions grew throughout the quarter, and his reactions were less like a teacher answering questions and more like a Twitch streamer yelling at his chat for not understanding things that take time to learn.

The structure of the class is very simple and reasonable, which was the saving grace of this class (and the only thing that made Zocchi still preferable to Corbin):

20% is completion-based homework assigned on Mastering Physics (he gives a week to do about 2 hours)
20% is the first midterm which was very easy and straightforward in my section
20% is the second midterm which was pretty scary but still manageable for most students
40% is a god-awful final that will bring up things you've never even thought about
- and luckily anything over 80% in the class counts as an A

So the best advice I can offer is: Read the textbook, try to ace the midterms, and do all the homework so that you can cry less while pretending to understand why a square hockey puck and a salad bowl are on the final.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

Considering how well you understand the basic formalism of qm determines how well you do in the following chapters, there isn't a better professor than Professor Zocchi to take this class with (he does an excellent job teaching physics 131). He sometimes likes to apply material from later chapters to earlier ones (e.g. using spin as an example in formalism), so it's important to attend every lecture.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
Nov. 22, 2022

Physics 1A is an extremely important physics class and Giovanni Zocchi teaches it in the most convoluted and difficult to understand way possible. He is a terrible lecturer and does not get the concepts across. I took the equivalent of this class before in high school and if I hadn't had that background this class would have felt impossibly difficult. Even if the other professor is Corbin, take him, Corbin curves like crazy and you will actually learn something. I personally was fine in that class but I truly only had an easy time because of my previous exposure. I learned NOTHING from Zocchi. Please for your own sake don't take him.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
June 19, 2022

Prof Zocchi was good. His final was a little tough, but it was mostly application to test if you knew the material, so it wasn't really that bad if you had paid attention and understood the material in his class. I feel that I have a good grasp on 1A after his class. A nice, funny man.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
June 11, 2022

I attended lecture for maybe the first two weeks, but stopped going as Zocchi is frankly a pretty horrible professor/lecturer. He discusses a lot that we don't need to know, and while it's pretty impressive how smart Zocchi actually is, he does not deliver it in a way students can understand. Also his accent is super thick, which makes his already convoluted lectures even worse. He always forgot about office hours and released homework super late. I relied entirely on what I learned taking AP Physics in high school. The first midterm was easy, the second a little harder but still doable (it's very easy to tell which questions his TA's write versus him). The final however, was nearly impossible and brought up so much stuff that you never thought was even possible. His only saving grace was that an 80% was considered an A in the class. Overall, course delivery was pretty bad, but honestly his grade scheme might make him preferable over other professors.


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