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- Greg Cohen
- SPAN 191B
Based on 1 User
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- Fall 2020
- Fall 2019
- Winter 2019
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Profesor Cohen is a great professor and seems to care about student learning and wellbeing- he was super understanding of COVID-19/any other things going on. The focus of the seminar was political art in Latin America in the 20th century and he was very knowledgeable about the topic and the discussions he led were generally interesting. The class included a group project as well as writing assignments. Participation is part of the grade, but it seemed to not be a huge deal if you did not speak much in class. Overall, this class was challenging (at least for me) but also very rewarding. I felt like I really learned a lot about the subject and also my writing and speaking skills definitely improved.
Profesor Cohen is a great professor and seems to care about student learning and wellbeing- he was super understanding of COVID-19/any other things going on. The focus of the seminar was political art in Latin America in the 20th century and he was very knowledgeable about the topic and the discussions he led were generally interesting. The class included a group project as well as writing assignments. Participation is part of the grade, but it seemed to not be a huge deal if you did not speak much in class. Overall, this class was challenging (at least for me) but also very rewarding. I felt like I really learned a lot about the subject and also my writing and speaking skills definitely improved.
Based on 1 User
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