
Guani Wu

Overall Ratings
Based on 74 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (74)

4 of 6
4 of 6
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 19, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B

Professor Wu himself is really nice, but I don't think he was all that great at explaining in a way that everyone understands. He basically reads the slides word for word and then gives homework out of the textbook. I took AP STATS in high school but this class threw me for a loop. I would not take this class with Professor Wu if you are NOT a math oriented person, because I feel like the people who did well in this class were people that were in math/science related majors. The midterm and final are HARD, they are much harder than the quizzes and the practice exams, and I honestly did not find a great way to prepare myself for them. Also, do not expect your TA's to be very helpful with the work that you do in lecture. I asked my TA for help on homework questions multiple times and he was unable to find an answer, or was unsure of himself. It's pretty much like you are taking 2 separate classes: lecture, where you learn about introductory statistics, and discussion where you learn basic coding. If you are intimidated by the coding in this class, DON'T BE. Professor Wu does not include it on the exams, and your TA will literally give you all the answers in discussion. Overall, it is not the absolute worst class you could take, but I Personally would not take it with Professor Wu again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

I thought the professor was good. His lectures were pretty boring but if you pay attention the entire time you'll be fine. His slides are super helpful. I found that most people who are STEM majors will find this class to be a breeze, while my non-stem peers didn't do as well.


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April 18, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

Very mid. Prof wasn't that good. The slides alone are honestly as good as lecture (or better). The class is very closely related to Math 151A like root finding, floating point (which are good topics), then it goes into R's classes which are different from C++ and regular ones, so it's pretty annoying. There is some useful data manipulation and regex.
The homeworks were fairly long. And the tests are pretty tough. Our final had ~40% average. We did obviously have a fat curve. But he says the tests are similar to the quizzes, which is a lie. They are scaled in difficulty by a lot and more specific on details, I see they are similar but tougher. The cheatsheet imo is pretty important, and it's crucial you have a good one.
The math and programming part is nice, the R classes portion is weird and annoying.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 22, 2022
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: C

I'm a STEM major and I LOVE math but oh my god do not take this class with this professor. We were supposed to cover 10 units in the course and only covered 2. ONLY 2!!!!!!!!! His lectures were all over the place and half the time when students asked questions, he didn't know how to answer them and this is a BASIC STATS INTRO CLASS. He was not an accommodating professor at all and for being someone who has gotten A's my whole life alongside my friends who were in this class, we all got C's because he asked questions on the midterm and final that we never covered in class. I even emailed him after the final and questioned if he would curve the score because everyone got a C or below and he said he wouldn't do so even though we got tested on units we were never taught. I feel bad for stats students who needed to learn the rest of the 8 units to prep for their next stats class since we only covered 2 units. I literally am so infuriated by this professor and the fact that he never apologized to us once for not doing his job and we were the ones on the back burner. Exams were on respondus with a separate camera watching our hands. The questions were very conceptual so even if you have good stats knowledge the questions are tricky, especially when you're being tested on topics that you weren't even taught how to do. Please please please go with any other professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 27, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

Nice professor. Tries to help a lot. But not very clear. And material is difficult (much bigger step from stats 20!) so be prepared to work. I watched all of Prof Chen's lectures on YouTube and even some extra supplemental lectures from different universities to finally get different concepts in this class. Be prepared to do supplemental work to understand concepts. But he does try to help and genuinely nice guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

I enjoyed this class because the professor is super organized. During each lecture, he essentially just goes over a slide deck that is typically uploaded to Bruin Learn in advance, so I would argue that you could probably succeed in this class without actually attending lectures. The homework assignments, which are worth the bulk of your grade, are a total mixed bag in terms of difficulty level. When I took this course, there were five homework assignments in total, and the first one was ridiculously easy as someone who has previously taken a programming class, and the third and fifth assignments were also very manageable. The second and fourth assignments, on the other hand, took upwards of 20 hours for me personally. Luckily, the professor is very receptive when he is told that some assignments are more difficult, so you will usually receive some sort of class extension for the more challenging homeworks. The quizzes are somewhat difficult most weeks, but they are graded based on completion. Exams are similar in content/structure to quizzes, so be sure to review quizzes in advance of the exams. If you have any previous programming experience, this class is pretty easy.


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April 12, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B-

I took the stats 102a during winter 2021, and currently taking 102b. Tbh, just take other prof if you can. Wu won't reply to emails, and discussion board. Also, for the first two weeks, we are just literally learning math 115a stuff whereas in his lec, he only talks about math concept rather than actual R coding.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 22, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+

I took this class as an easy GE, and yes the content was easy but professor Wu did not help and support his students after exams. The class average was a 75 and many people had questions regarding why answers were wrong, the professor and TA both said that they did not know and practice problems would not be provided. The content of the class wasn't difficult it was just more professor Wu's problems were oddly phrased and led to me doing bad in the midterm but made it up in my final significantly (once I realized that the Professor's creates his questions as a trick). I would recommend taking this class with a different professor as the content is easy yet it was just taught not in a good way.


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April 2, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-

Wu is a very nice man, but a terrible professor. He often begins class with a joke or story, or asks us how we are doing, and when he notices he is 致郁 he will say "I know from experience there is nothing I can say to make you guys feel better". He does not respond to emails at all. The TAs are often just as clueless as the students when it comes to homework expectations. My TA said they had to "push back" against the professor on some of the homework specs when they were too vague or too difficult.

Grading scheme: 5% quiz (based on completion), 35% homework (coding), 25% midterm, 35% final. Quizzes were easy enough, timed in lockdown browser. Homework was very confusing, because the hw specs were often not specific, so the TA would email us 3 days before it was due to clarify how the autograder and student graders will score us. Averages on the homeworks were all over the place, between 75% and 90%, but grading was usually pretty generous (or I got lucky). Due every 2 weeks, 5 overall, so each one was worth a substantial amount of our grade.

Tests: Midterm and final were the hardest tests I have ever taken. Averages for midterm was ~55% and average on the final was ~40%. No curve on individual assignments, but there was an end of class curve of about 25% (so D- became B-). No study guides, and lecture notes are pretty confusing, so pay attention in lecture (not recorded, slide notes posted, but for the latter half of the quarter he taught on the chalkboard, not using posted slides). Midterm was all MC, Final was half MC half free response.

I do not think Wu wanted to teach this class. He often expressed resentment on the topics he had to cover. The last chapter was barely covered in class, but still covered pretty extensively on the final. Some things on the final were not even part of the course curriculum and never covered in class.

Discussion sections were optional, essentially homework help and quiz review.


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Feb. 25, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

The most difficult concepts were taught right before the midterm and final. He does curve, but the exams were so difficult and I would not take them again. He is helpful in explaining the concepts, but the problem is that the difficulty from quizzes and in class examples to exam questions is quite a jump. I suggest looking up YouTube videos on how to do IEEE-754 conversions (extremely helpful) and any of the algorithm content.
As for the homework, they were mostly manageable, given that you go to office hours (his or the TA's) and get help. Note: you can't work on the homework together, so office hours is the only way to get help. Also, you don't get to drop any homework assignments. There was one extremely difficult homework assignment, so I suggest starting on homework as soon as possible so you can get help right away.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B
Dec. 19, 2021

Professor Wu himself is really nice, but I don't think he was all that great at explaining in a way that everyone understands. He basically reads the slides word for word and then gives homework out of the textbook. I took AP STATS in high school but this class threw me for a loop. I would not take this class with Professor Wu if you are NOT a math oriented person, because I feel like the people who did well in this class were people that were in math/science related majors. The midterm and final are HARD, they are much harder than the quizzes and the practice exams, and I honestly did not find a great way to prepare myself for them. Also, do not expect your TA's to be very helpful with the work that you do in lecture. I asked my TA for help on homework questions multiple times and he was unable to find an answer, or was unsure of himself. It's pretty much like you are taking 2 separate classes: lecture, where you learn about introductory statistics, and discussion where you learn basic coding. If you are intimidated by the coding in this class, DON'T BE. Professor Wu does not include it on the exams, and your TA will literally give you all the answers in discussion. Overall, it is not the absolute worst class you could take, but I Personally would not take it with Professor Wu again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2021

I thought the professor was good. His lectures were pretty boring but if you pay attention the entire time you'll be fine. His slides are super helpful. I found that most people who are STEM majors will find this class to be a breeze, while my non-stem peers didn't do as well.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
April 18, 2024

Very mid. Prof wasn't that good. The slides alone are honestly as good as lecture (or better). The class is very closely related to Math 151A like root finding, floating point (which are good topics), then it goes into R's classes which are different from C++ and regular ones, so it's pretty annoying. There is some useful data manipulation and regex.
The homeworks were fairly long. And the tests are pretty tough. Our final had ~40% average. We did obviously have a fat curve. But he says the tests are similar to the quizzes, which is a lie. They are scaled in difficulty by a lot and more specific on details, I see they are similar but tougher. The cheatsheet imo is pretty important, and it's crucial you have a good one.
The math and programming part is nice, the R classes portion is weird and annoying.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: C
Feb. 22, 2022

I'm a STEM major and I LOVE math but oh my god do not take this class with this professor. We were supposed to cover 10 units in the course and only covered 2. ONLY 2!!!!!!!!! His lectures were all over the place and half the time when students asked questions, he didn't know how to answer them and this is a BASIC STATS INTRO CLASS. He was not an accommodating professor at all and for being someone who has gotten A's my whole life alongside my friends who were in this class, we all got C's because he asked questions on the midterm and final that we never covered in class. I even emailed him after the final and questioned if he would curve the score because everyone got a C or below and he said he wouldn't do so even though we got tested on units we were never taught. I feel bad for stats students who needed to learn the rest of the 8 units to prep for their next stats class since we only covered 2 units. I literally am so infuriated by this professor and the fact that he never apologized to us once for not doing his job and we were the ones on the back burner. Exams were on respondus with a separate camera watching our hands. The questions were very conceptual so even if you have good stats knowledge the questions are tricky, especially when you're being tested on topics that you weren't even taught how to do. Please please please go with any other professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
March 27, 2022

Nice professor. Tries to help a lot. But not very clear. And material is difficult (much bigger step from stats 20!) so be prepared to work. I watched all of Prof Chen's lectures on YouTube and even some extra supplemental lectures from different universities to finally get different concepts in this class. Be prepared to do supplemental work to understand concepts. But he does try to help and genuinely nice guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
March 29, 2022

I enjoyed this class because the professor is super organized. During each lecture, he essentially just goes over a slide deck that is typically uploaded to Bruin Learn in advance, so I would argue that you could probably succeed in this class without actually attending lectures. The homework assignments, which are worth the bulk of your grade, are a total mixed bag in terms of difficulty level. When I took this course, there were five homework assignments in total, and the first one was ridiculously easy as someone who has previously taken a programming class, and the third and fifth assignments were also very manageable. The second and fourth assignments, on the other hand, took upwards of 20 hours for me personally. Luckily, the professor is very receptive when he is told that some assignments are more difficult, so you will usually receive some sort of class extension for the more challenging homeworks. The quizzes are somewhat difficult most weeks, but they are graded based on completion. Exams are similar in content/structure to quizzes, so be sure to review quizzes in advance of the exams. If you have any previous programming experience, this class is pretty easy.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B-
April 12, 2022

I took the stats 102a during winter 2021, and currently taking 102b. Tbh, just take other prof if you can. Wu won't reply to emails, and discussion board. Also, for the first two weeks, we are just literally learning math 115a stuff whereas in his lec, he only talks about math concept rather than actual R coding.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B+
Feb. 22, 2022

I took this class as an easy GE, and yes the content was easy but professor Wu did not help and support his students after exams. The class average was a 75 and many people had questions regarding why answers were wrong, the professor and TA both said that they did not know and practice problems would not be provided. The content of the class wasn't difficult it was just more professor Wu's problems were oddly phrased and led to me doing bad in the midterm but made it up in my final significantly (once I realized that the Professor's creates his questions as a trick). I would recommend taking this class with a different professor as the content is easy yet it was just taught not in a good way.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-
April 2, 2024

Wu is a very nice man, but a terrible professor. He often begins class with a joke or story, or asks us how we are doing, and when he notices he is 致郁 he will say "I know from experience there is nothing I can say to make you guys feel better". He does not respond to emails at all. The TAs are often just as clueless as the students when it comes to homework expectations. My TA said they had to "push back" against the professor on some of the homework specs when they were too vague or too difficult.

Grading scheme: 5% quiz (based on completion), 35% homework (coding), 25% midterm, 35% final. Quizzes were easy enough, timed in lockdown browser. Homework was very confusing, because the hw specs were often not specific, so the TA would email us 3 days before it was due to clarify how the autograder and student graders will score us. Averages on the homeworks were all over the place, between 75% and 90%, but grading was usually pretty generous (or I got lucky). Due every 2 weeks, 5 overall, so each one was worth a substantial amount of our grade.

Tests: Midterm and final were the hardest tests I have ever taken. Averages for midterm was ~55% and average on the final was ~40%. No curve on individual assignments, but there was an end of class curve of about 25% (so D- became B-). No study guides, and lecture notes are pretty confusing, so pay attention in lecture (not recorded, slide notes posted, but for the latter half of the quarter he taught on the chalkboard, not using posted slides). Midterm was all MC, Final was half MC half free response.

I do not think Wu wanted to teach this class. He often expressed resentment on the topics he had to cover. The last chapter was barely covered in class, but still covered pretty extensively on the final. Some things on the final were not even part of the course curriculum and never covered in class.

Discussion sections were optional, essentially homework help and quiz review.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Feb. 25, 2024

The most difficult concepts were taught right before the midterm and final. He does curve, but the exams were so difficult and I would not take them again. He is helpful in explaining the concepts, but the problem is that the difficulty from quizzes and in class examples to exam questions is quite a jump. I suggest looking up YouTube videos on how to do IEEE-754 conversions (extremely helpful) and any of the algorithm content.
As for the homework, they were mostly manageable, given that you go to office hours (his or the TA's) and get help. Note: you can't work on the homework together, so office hours is the only way to get help. Also, you don't get to drop any homework assignments. There was one extremely difficult homework assignment, so I suggest starting on homework as soon as possible so you can get help right away.


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