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- Hannah Appel
Based on 10 Users
- Engaging Lectures
- Would Take Again
- Fall 2021
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Hannah was very engaged with her lectures and would answer questions if you didn't know something. Attendance/Participation for the discussion section are REQUIRED, but your allowed to miss one. There were two midterm exams that we had. First exam was in-person with short answer responses, where you choose 3 prompt questions to answer, plus one cheat sheet. I honestly didn't try hard on this exam, but ended up getting 99/100. Second midterm was a group project, my TA selected the groups and it was easy. All you have to do is create a 25-35 minute presentation where I received 100/100. The final was just a reflective essay, very easy! Took this class to fulfill my Diversity requirement. 100% recommend!!!!
I honestly really liked this class. Professor Appel's lectures were engaging with tons of extra material for us to read before lectures so the concepts were more easily understood. The material was super interesting and eye-opening as well. The class didn't have much work other than reading so it was really chill, we had a midterm test that was pretty easy, a group project that was a recorded presentation where we recorded our presentation then uploaded it, and the final was just a simple essay. My ta graded things pretty easily and the class wasn't too difficult. The only bad thing was that some concepts could get confusing if you don't have any prior knowledge before the class because of the vocabulary used. Other than that I definitely recommend taking this class.
Hannah is incredibly engaging and truly convinced me that I wanted to pursue an IDS major. Her lectures are well planned out and relate to the assigned readings, so it never feels like busy work. I do wish the class wasn't in the morning because that made me want not to go to class.
Took this class during my first quarter as an IDS major, but 100% recommend to anyone as a GE!!!! I was skeptical of the 8am time, but I genuinely wanted to go to Professor Appel's lectures. It feels like I was listening to a TED Talk, so engaging!! The midterm was an in person exam, but you were allowed a cheat sheet. The final was just a project, so super easy!
You should take this class! Hannah is an amazing professor. She is engaging, and she cares about your learning. My TA Bethel was extremely helpful with concepts I did not understand and she would always take the time to explain things in discussion sections. The first midterm was all written responses with an extra credit response. You have to use a cheat sheet, and she prepares you for the midterm. The second midterm is a group project which is a prerecorded video. That assignment was pretty straightforward as long as you keep track of your group members and their assignments. The final was a paper with a choice between two topics. I ended with 100% in the class. She also allows you to have a late pass on either of the two midterms or the final paper. This class was informative and applicable to the real world and I highly recommend you take it.
Hannah is an amazing professor. I had her in the fall quarter and she is so engaging making this class worthwhile. The first midterm was all written work and there were extra credit opportunities. She tells you everything you need to know beforehand and thoroughly prepares you for this course. The second midterm was a group project video assignment explained in great detail. The final exam was a paper and had two options (you can either reflect on what you learned or relate a topic we learned in class to a personal experience). I ended this class with 100%, I absolutely loved the content, the tests were easy to understand and furthered my learning and both Hannah and Bethel, my TA were extremely helpful when you are confused. You should take this class you not only learn more about the world but you also can do well !!!
Professor Appel's lectures made my forced 8am class so worth it!!! She started every class w/ a video/example from pop culture, and makes her lectures very engaging and easy to follow overall. Most organized professor I've ever had.
The readings were very interesting, sometimes long but it was worth it. I went to her office hours once late in the quarter and she still made me feel so welcome on an academic and personal level.
She allowed a short "cheat sheet" for the written response midterm, and the final was a take-home essay. Would totally recommend if you're interested in international relations, poverty, etc, or just need a GE credit.
This class was so amazing! I recommend it to everybody because it is such an easy but interesting class. Professor Appel is truly an amazing professor, she managed to keep many people engaged in an 8am with her passionate and almost TEDTalk-like expression. This was by far my favorite class of the quarter because of how engaging and doable it was. If you are looking for an easy GE, this is the one! You definitely learn a lot though. It's a great intro class that covers a combination of history, politics, and economics and it's very insightful! Also if you get Bethel as your TA you're in luck because she is awesome.
This is my favorite class I have ever taken. Prof Appel is everything to me!! Took this at 8am and she still managed to keep my attention the entire time. This class was insanely interesting and really opened up my perspective. Very easy to follow, easy A as there’s 2 midterms and a final reflection paper that are all graded very generously. Just one book that you read a chapter or two of each week that is very user friendly and I would recommend everyone reads because it was so fascinating. 10/10 take this class!
Super easy GE, it also counts as a major class for IDS majors, but overall very easy class. The class was not recorded but as long as you went to lecture, the material was very easy to understand. There were 2 midterms, one in class, one online. Both were extremely easy as long as you knew the concepts. Final was just a reflection paper. I took this class with Econ 11 and MGMT 1B and it was super easy to balance as there was not much actual work for the class.
Hannah was very engaged with her lectures and would answer questions if you didn't know something. Attendance/Participation for the discussion section are REQUIRED, but your allowed to miss one. There were two midterm exams that we had. First exam was in-person with short answer responses, where you choose 3 prompt questions to answer, plus one cheat sheet. I honestly didn't try hard on this exam, but ended up getting 99/100. Second midterm was a group project, my TA selected the groups and it was easy. All you have to do is create a 25-35 minute presentation where I received 100/100. The final was just a reflective essay, very easy! Took this class to fulfill my Diversity requirement. 100% recommend!!!!
I honestly really liked this class. Professor Appel's lectures were engaging with tons of extra material for us to read before lectures so the concepts were more easily understood. The material was super interesting and eye-opening as well. The class didn't have much work other than reading so it was really chill, we had a midterm test that was pretty easy, a group project that was a recorded presentation where we recorded our presentation then uploaded it, and the final was just a simple essay. My ta graded things pretty easily and the class wasn't too difficult. The only bad thing was that some concepts could get confusing if you don't have any prior knowledge before the class because of the vocabulary used. Other than that I definitely recommend taking this class.
Hannah is incredibly engaging and truly convinced me that I wanted to pursue an IDS major. Her lectures are well planned out and relate to the assigned readings, so it never feels like busy work. I do wish the class wasn't in the morning because that made me want not to go to class.
Took this class during my first quarter as an IDS major, but 100% recommend to anyone as a GE!!!! I was skeptical of the 8am time, but I genuinely wanted to go to Professor Appel's lectures. It feels like I was listening to a TED Talk, so engaging!! The midterm was an in person exam, but you were allowed a cheat sheet. The final was just a project, so super easy!
You should take this class! Hannah is an amazing professor. She is engaging, and she cares about your learning. My TA Bethel was extremely helpful with concepts I did not understand and she would always take the time to explain things in discussion sections. The first midterm was all written responses with an extra credit response. You have to use a cheat sheet, and she prepares you for the midterm. The second midterm is a group project which is a prerecorded video. That assignment was pretty straightforward as long as you keep track of your group members and their assignments. The final was a paper with a choice between two topics. I ended with 100% in the class. She also allows you to have a late pass on either of the two midterms or the final paper. This class was informative and applicable to the real world and I highly recommend you take it.
Hannah is an amazing professor. I had her in the fall quarter and she is so engaging making this class worthwhile. The first midterm was all written work and there were extra credit opportunities. She tells you everything you need to know beforehand and thoroughly prepares you for this course. The second midterm was a group project video assignment explained in great detail. The final exam was a paper and had two options (you can either reflect on what you learned or relate a topic we learned in class to a personal experience). I ended this class with 100%, I absolutely loved the content, the tests were easy to understand and furthered my learning and both Hannah and Bethel, my TA were extremely helpful when you are confused. You should take this class you not only learn more about the world but you also can do well !!!
Professor Appel's lectures made my forced 8am class so worth it!!! She started every class w/ a video/example from pop culture, and makes her lectures very engaging and easy to follow overall. Most organized professor I've ever had.
The readings were very interesting, sometimes long but it was worth it. I went to her office hours once late in the quarter and she still made me feel so welcome on an academic and personal level.
She allowed a short "cheat sheet" for the written response midterm, and the final was a take-home essay. Would totally recommend if you're interested in international relations, poverty, etc, or just need a GE credit.
This class was so amazing! I recommend it to everybody because it is such an easy but interesting class. Professor Appel is truly an amazing professor, she managed to keep many people engaged in an 8am with her passionate and almost TEDTalk-like expression. This was by far my favorite class of the quarter because of how engaging and doable it was. If you are looking for an easy GE, this is the one! You definitely learn a lot though. It's a great intro class that covers a combination of history, politics, and economics and it's very insightful! Also if you get Bethel as your TA you're in luck because she is awesome.
This is my favorite class I have ever taken. Prof Appel is everything to me!! Took this at 8am and she still managed to keep my attention the entire time. This class was insanely interesting and really opened up my perspective. Very easy to follow, easy A as there’s 2 midterms and a final reflection paper that are all graded very generously. Just one book that you read a chapter or two of each week that is very user friendly and I would recommend everyone reads because it was so fascinating. 10/10 take this class!
Super easy GE, it also counts as a major class for IDS majors, but overall very easy class. The class was not recorded but as long as you went to lecture, the material was very easy to understand. There were 2 midterms, one in class, one online. Both were extremely easy as long as you knew the concepts. Final was just a reflection paper. I took this class with Econ 11 and MGMT 1B and it was super easy to balance as there was not much actual work for the class.
Based on 10 Users
- Engaging Lectures (8)
- Would Take Again (8)