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Harold Barrett
Based on 61 Users
The class isn't so bad, you just need to make sure you understand and listen to the lectures. I would listen to all the lectures on podcast and pause and go and he went through it. It's a lot of material, not necessarily hard though. I never read the book, but really knew my lectures well and did well in the class. The entire class is based on your midterm and final. Just study hard and you should be fine. I have all my notebook with all the lectures notes and my study guides. They should be efficient to do well in the class.
Contact: *************
Professor Barrett is very kind, and his lectures are packed with interesting information! He does tend to ramble a bit and sometimes can be hard to understand, especially since he often uses a lot of metaphors and vague terms to describe concepts in evolutionary psychology. I would say the course topics were still cool to learn about, however, and the workload was manageable. It consists of weekly reading reflections (200 words max and generally graded on completion since they're to check that you're doing the readings), three online quizzes on Canvas, and a final paper.
Records lecture! The only assignements were 200 word reflections per week. No final, only a 4 page double spaced term paper. Overall 5/5!
This class was really enjoyable, as someone that is interested in evolutionary biology. I took it for upper div credit, but the topic was really fun to learn about and I learned things outside of what I had learned in the LS7 series and other science classes. Each week is one or a few chapters in the professors book, which he shares to the students for free. The three quizzes got harder each time for me, but they aren't worth too much to worry about. The final writing was fairly easy since you can pick whatever topic as long as it's related to the class. I would definitely recommend this class if you like evolution, psychology, or behavior!
Professor Barrett is a very knowledgeable instructor and he has a lot of interesting ideas. However, the way that he poses most of this information is extremely hard to follow as he tends to go on tangents about the information, oftentimes giving us too much information or going too broadly. He also appears to have changed his grading schemes and I'm not sure if it was for the better. His new style is to have 3, 20-question quizzes that equal 30% of your grade. These were quite difficult to get a good grade on due to his choice of wording. There was little mercy in the grading of these quizzes either and he rarely elaborated afterwards about why the answer was right or wrong.
Selling textbook: Evolutionary Psychology Third Edition by Lance Workman and Will Reader
Used copy with minimal amount of wear and no highlighting. Selling it for $30 email me or text me @ ************* **********
ANTHROPOLOGY 124Q- Evolutionary Psychology
Hey guys, I didn't end up taking this course but I do have the course reader for Professor Barrett's Anthro 124Q- Evolutionary Psychology course reader (which you need to purchase for the class)
It's brand new and I am selling it for $45 (originally $60)
Email me if you're interested! *************
I decided not to take this class but I have already bought the course reader. Brand new! Sold for $60 at the library and I am willing to sell it for $45. Email me at ************* if interested.
Selling course reader for $30. Good condition! email me at *************
Dr. Barrett provides a lot of great insights to the field of evolutionary psychology, integrating concepts from evolutionary developmental biology and anthropology to create a truly interdisciplinary course. The grading is fair and the exams are doable. However, he does tend to ramble a lot, and sometimes the readings felt redundant because he would end up covering the material in class. You should be fine if you have a good background in evolutionary biology, tbh.
The class isn't so bad, you just need to make sure you understand and listen to the lectures. I would listen to all the lectures on podcast and pause and go and he went through it. It's a lot of material, not necessarily hard though. I never read the book, but really knew my lectures well and did well in the class. The entire class is based on your midterm and final. Just study hard and you should be fine. I have all my notebook with all the lectures notes and my study guides. They should be efficient to do well in the class.
Contact: *************
Professor Barrett is very kind, and his lectures are packed with interesting information! He does tend to ramble a bit and sometimes can be hard to understand, especially since he often uses a lot of metaphors and vague terms to describe concepts in evolutionary psychology. I would say the course topics were still cool to learn about, however, and the workload was manageable. It consists of weekly reading reflections (200 words max and generally graded on completion since they're to check that you're doing the readings), three online quizzes on Canvas, and a final paper.
This class was really enjoyable, as someone that is interested in evolutionary biology. I took it for upper div credit, but the topic was really fun to learn about and I learned things outside of what I had learned in the LS7 series and other science classes. Each week is one or a few chapters in the professors book, which he shares to the students for free. The three quizzes got harder each time for me, but they aren't worth too much to worry about. The final writing was fairly easy since you can pick whatever topic as long as it's related to the class. I would definitely recommend this class if you like evolution, psychology, or behavior!
Professor Barrett is a very knowledgeable instructor and he has a lot of interesting ideas. However, the way that he poses most of this information is extremely hard to follow as he tends to go on tangents about the information, oftentimes giving us too much information or going too broadly. He also appears to have changed his grading schemes and I'm not sure if it was for the better. His new style is to have 3, 20-question quizzes that equal 30% of your grade. These were quite difficult to get a good grade on due to his choice of wording. There was little mercy in the grading of these quizzes either and he rarely elaborated afterwards about why the answer was right or wrong.
Selling textbook: Evolutionary Psychology Third Edition by Lance Workman and Will Reader
Used copy with minimal amount of wear and no highlighting. Selling it for $30 email me or text me @ ************* **********
ANTHROPOLOGY 124Q- Evolutionary Psychology
Hey guys, I didn't end up taking this course but I do have the course reader for Professor Barrett's Anthro 124Q- Evolutionary Psychology course reader (which you need to purchase for the class)
It's brand new and I am selling it for $45 (originally $60)
Email me if you're interested! *************
I decided not to take this class but I have already bought the course reader. Brand new! Sold for $60 at the library and I am willing to sell it for $45. Email me at ************* if interested.
Dr. Barrett provides a lot of great insights to the field of evolutionary psychology, integrating concepts from evolutionary developmental biology and anthropology to create a truly interdisciplinary course. The grading is fair and the exams are doable. However, he does tend to ramble a lot, and sometimes the readings felt redundant because he would end up covering the material in class. You should be fine if you have a good background in evolutionary biology, tbh.