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HongWen Jiang
Based on 16 Users
I took this class during the corona quarter as well so please keep that in mind.
Here's a breakdown of the class:
10% HW
15% Lab
20% MT1
20% MT2
35% Final
Jiang's lectures were pretty dry (perhaps because I wasn't that interested in the material), but I think he explains things pretty well. He recorded his zoom lectures so I ended up watching them on CCLE at a faster speed. He kind of has an accent if that bothers any of you at all, but it didn't make that much of a difference for me.
He did open note midterms on MasteringPhysics with 4 multi-part questions. Each part had 3 tries and if you did the homework he assigned and maybe the problems at the end of each chapter, you were pretty much set to get a 100. The homework he assigned each week was usually 7 or 8 mastering problems which were pretty easy if you a) went to lecture or b) read the book. I personally didn't take the final because of everything that happened at the end of this quarter, and he was kind enough to let us take an optional final. I looked at the final and it wasn't too bad as long as you paid attention in class and did the practice final he sent , but I was thoroughly checked out by the end of spring so it looked hard to me.
Anyway, Jiang is a really sweet professor
Honestly, I felt pretty mislead by the previous reviews and the grades that were posted on here. The midterms and homework are fairly easy and doable to get good grades in, but I, along with many other students, were taken aback by how difficult the final exam was, which was worth 35% of our grade. We were given no extra practice exams or discussion problems, which made it harder to prepare for the final exam; Prof Jiang just said to review the Mastering Physics homework problems in order to review, but we were only given 7-8 problems per week, and these were the same ones we used to review for the midterm. So really it was just recycling the same few problems, and we weren't able to apply the concepts in a different manner to adequately prepare us for the final. I really felt blindsided by the final and if you have the option to take this class with someone else, I would.
Took jiang in fall 22. He did not bruincast, opting instead to post notes that were messy. He did not make a campuswire/discussion forum or anything, meaning -- good luck asking questions if you couldn't make office hours. For midterms he would always tell us to just review the mastering instead of giving us practice problems. This worked out for midterm 1... not so well for midterm 2 and final, which IMO were beyond the scope of the mastering. I would avoid this prof if you can.
The subject is very interesting and challenging, although this is just the preliminary stuff. The book, Kittel, is horrible and goes over a lot of stuff in an unsatisfying level of thoroughness making you want more.
Jiang is OK as an instructor, not amazing and he basically sticks with the book. The exams, especially the final, are carbon copies of the homework. Nearly every question of the 8 questions on the final were exact repeats of the homework, so if you just spend quality time on the problem sets and study those, you'll get an A in the class.
DISCLAIMER: I took this class during Spring '20, which was the corona quarter.
Prof Jiang was not engaging at all, I found myself skipping lecture then going back and watching it on 2x speed. As for the material, I think 5A was definitely harder than 5C, and 5C was harder than 5B, but Jiang did a relatively good job explaining things. It was interesting for me, and I have like no care for electricity and stuff.
Originally he said he was going to grade on a curve, so watch out for that. Since we took our midterms on MasteringPhysics however, he ended up grading on a straight scale so that even if people cheated, there would be an equal chance for everyone to get an A. With the midterms being online, it was all-or-nothing, meaning if you got a question wrong out of the 4-question midterm, you'd be at a C. It was open note however, so I think people did well. The final ended up being optional due to (justified) nationwide outrage, but for those who chose to take it, you had the chance of earning partial credit, and it was similar to the practice final he posted a week before. I will say this, Jiang was sweet and accommodating, and always looked for student input before making decisions. I'd take a class with him again, only if it were bruincasted though haha.
I took this class during the pandemic. It was definitely hard focusing but Prof Jiang is really sweet and I think he genuinely cares for his students. I really hated the method of the midterm because if you miss an answer, your work doesn't count and you lose the point. But I took the option final which boosted my grade. In conclusion, I will definitely recommend professor Jiang.
He’s a very kind profesor. I took him during the COVID situation and he was really considerate about our needs and frustrations. He tries his best to explain what’s going on and answers questions and the end and sometimes during lecture. He seemed a bit confused on how technology works hahah, but I’m sure he’ll figure it out soon. Overall pretty straight forward class, he doesn’t try to screw you over which is nice.
Jiang was pretty good for adjusting for the COVID situation. The class itself was not hard as the tests were on Mastering Physics where you had 3 tries to get each question right without deducting points. The homework was also on mastering and while it could be long it was okay. His lectures were decent, I just copied the notes ahead of time so I could understand him better, but I stopped going after a while. The labs were pathetically easy, especially if you do the simulations. There was a final presentation in lab which was easy but apparently I didn't do well in, because I got like 80 something percent in the lab component when I got 100 on all the labs which lowered my grade in this class. Overall, I would recommend taking it with Jiang because he really does care about your learning and is not too difficult.
This professor was so mean. I dropped this class because the midterms did not offer partial credit and they were out of 4 questions, so if you missed 1 question you already had a 75%. He was incredibly rude to me and my friends during office hours, and despite the new stresses of an online quarter, he was unforgiving and insensitive. I've done well in all my other physics classes and actually enjoy the subject, but this professor made me miserable. I would avoid this professor at all costs!!!!
Professor Jiang was such a sweet kind man! He really tried his best to teach us and was constantly asking if we had any questions. Anytime there was a question he would make sure to revisit that topic and explain it all again. Personally, I struggled to focus in this class, but I think that is because I was not interested in the content. As a result of this, I found myself getting lost in the flow of the lectures sometimes. I just recommend that you read the textbook for this class. Electricity, magnetism, and quantum mechanics are all vague topics that can be very hard to visualize and understand. The textbook does a great job making analogies and explaining things clearly though!
One complaint I have is that we were never given any practice exams. However, this issue wasn't that big of a deal because after the first midterm I realized that the exams are HEAVILY influenced by the mastering physics homework and the practice problems he goes over in class. When studying for exams, I recommend you redo the mastering physics and the problems in class! If you can understand all of those, you should be set to succeed in this class!
I took this class during the corona quarter as well so please keep that in mind.
Here's a breakdown of the class:
10% HW
15% Lab
20% MT1
20% MT2
35% Final
Jiang's lectures were pretty dry (perhaps because I wasn't that interested in the material), but I think he explains things pretty well. He recorded his zoom lectures so I ended up watching them on CCLE at a faster speed. He kind of has an accent if that bothers any of you at all, but it didn't make that much of a difference for me.
He did open note midterms on MasteringPhysics with 4 multi-part questions. Each part had 3 tries and if you did the homework he assigned and maybe the problems at the end of each chapter, you were pretty much set to get a 100. The homework he assigned each week was usually 7 or 8 mastering problems which were pretty easy if you a) went to lecture or b) read the book. I personally didn't take the final because of everything that happened at the end of this quarter, and he was kind enough to let us take an optional final. I looked at the final and it wasn't too bad as long as you paid attention in class and did the practice final he sent , but I was thoroughly checked out by the end of spring so it looked hard to me.
Anyway, Jiang is a really sweet professor
Honestly, I felt pretty mislead by the previous reviews and the grades that were posted on here. The midterms and homework are fairly easy and doable to get good grades in, but I, along with many other students, were taken aback by how difficult the final exam was, which was worth 35% of our grade. We were given no extra practice exams or discussion problems, which made it harder to prepare for the final exam; Prof Jiang just said to review the Mastering Physics homework problems in order to review, but we were only given 7-8 problems per week, and these were the same ones we used to review for the midterm. So really it was just recycling the same few problems, and we weren't able to apply the concepts in a different manner to adequately prepare us for the final. I really felt blindsided by the final and if you have the option to take this class with someone else, I would.
Took jiang in fall 22. He did not bruincast, opting instead to post notes that were messy. He did not make a campuswire/discussion forum or anything, meaning -- good luck asking questions if you couldn't make office hours. For midterms he would always tell us to just review the mastering instead of giving us practice problems. This worked out for midterm 1... not so well for midterm 2 and final, which IMO were beyond the scope of the mastering. I would avoid this prof if you can.
The subject is very interesting and challenging, although this is just the preliminary stuff. The book, Kittel, is horrible and goes over a lot of stuff in an unsatisfying level of thoroughness making you want more.
Jiang is OK as an instructor, not amazing and he basically sticks with the book. The exams, especially the final, are carbon copies of the homework. Nearly every question of the 8 questions on the final were exact repeats of the homework, so if you just spend quality time on the problem sets and study those, you'll get an A in the class.
DISCLAIMER: I took this class during Spring '20, which was the corona quarter.
Prof Jiang was not engaging at all, I found myself skipping lecture then going back and watching it on 2x speed. As for the material, I think 5A was definitely harder than 5C, and 5C was harder than 5B, but Jiang did a relatively good job explaining things. It was interesting for me, and I have like no care for electricity and stuff.
Originally he said he was going to grade on a curve, so watch out for that. Since we took our midterms on MasteringPhysics however, he ended up grading on a straight scale so that even if people cheated, there would be an equal chance for everyone to get an A. With the midterms being online, it was all-or-nothing, meaning if you got a question wrong out of the 4-question midterm, you'd be at a C. It was open note however, so I think people did well. The final ended up being optional due to (justified) nationwide outrage, but for those who chose to take it, you had the chance of earning partial credit, and it was similar to the practice final he posted a week before. I will say this, Jiang was sweet and accommodating, and always looked for student input before making decisions. I'd take a class with him again, only if it were bruincasted though haha.
I took this class during the pandemic. It was definitely hard focusing but Prof Jiang is really sweet and I think he genuinely cares for his students. I really hated the method of the midterm because if you miss an answer, your work doesn't count and you lose the point. But I took the option final which boosted my grade. In conclusion, I will definitely recommend professor Jiang.
He’s a very kind profesor. I took him during the COVID situation and he was really considerate about our needs and frustrations. He tries his best to explain what’s going on and answers questions and the end and sometimes during lecture. He seemed a bit confused on how technology works hahah, but I’m sure he’ll figure it out soon. Overall pretty straight forward class, he doesn’t try to screw you over which is nice.
Jiang was pretty good for adjusting for the COVID situation. The class itself was not hard as the tests were on Mastering Physics where you had 3 tries to get each question right without deducting points. The homework was also on mastering and while it could be long it was okay. His lectures were decent, I just copied the notes ahead of time so I could understand him better, but I stopped going after a while. The labs were pathetically easy, especially if you do the simulations. There was a final presentation in lab which was easy but apparently I didn't do well in, because I got like 80 something percent in the lab component when I got 100 on all the labs which lowered my grade in this class. Overall, I would recommend taking it with Jiang because he really does care about your learning and is not too difficult.
This professor was so mean. I dropped this class because the midterms did not offer partial credit and they were out of 4 questions, so if you missed 1 question you already had a 75%. He was incredibly rude to me and my friends during office hours, and despite the new stresses of an online quarter, he was unforgiving and insensitive. I've done well in all my other physics classes and actually enjoy the subject, but this professor made me miserable. I would avoid this professor at all costs!!!!
Professor Jiang was such a sweet kind man! He really tried his best to teach us and was constantly asking if we had any questions. Anytime there was a question he would make sure to revisit that topic and explain it all again. Personally, I struggled to focus in this class, but I think that is because I was not interested in the content. As a result of this, I found myself getting lost in the flow of the lectures sometimes. I just recommend that you read the textbook for this class. Electricity, magnetism, and quantum mechanics are all vague topics that can be very hard to visualize and understand. The textbook does a great job making analogies and explaining things clearly though!
One complaint I have is that we were never given any practice exams. However, this issue wasn't that big of a deal because after the first midterm I realized that the exams are HEAVILY influenced by the mastering physics homework and the practice problems he goes over in class. When studying for exams, I recommend you redo the mastering physics and the problems in class! If you can understand all of those, you should be set to succeed in this class!