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- Howard Stahl
- COM SCI 31
Based on 104 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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I came into this class a total beginner in c++ and still managed to survive. Stahl gives out pretty good lectures that teach you what you need to know for the tests and projects, but he is very boring and will almost always make you very sleepy. Class projects were not tough but require you to plan out your project before you start. He is really bad at writing the project specs (instructions), so make sure you are doing EXACTLY what he asks for. Read the book if you don't know much about programming going in. It's actually pretty useful. The tests are reasonably difficult. Just make sure you read the entire question before you answer it, and check your test to make sure he didn't grade it incorrectly.
lectures are useless but I still went to them. if you don't know compsci you're gonna just have to learn from the book basically you just gotta rely on yourself to learn it all (typical ucla stuff). find practice problems or something to prepare for his midterm/final. if you've never learned compsci before. have fun
Easy class, but Stahl isn't the best professor. Exams were really straightforward and the projects are doable as long as you look understand the concepts he puts in the slides by reading the textbook, which is really helpful. Overall though, easy class.
The major problem with Stahl is that he does not know how to teach effectively. In my opinion, allocating 2 hours for a lecture with this professor is unnecessary. He waffles on for long periods of time about a topic that could be explained efficiently in under 5 minutes. He overcomplicates what is supposed to be simple ideas and topics. The worst part of Stahl is that he assigns projects that are of a much higher difficulty than what he teaches in lecture. It is very hard to use what you have learned in class, which is usually very little, and you then have to apply to a level beyond that he has shown you. Another pet peeve I have with him is that his notes and project specs are very messy. Putting it in that format in CCLE is extremely hard to read and understand. His lecture slides as well are pretty horrid. DO NOT TAKE HIM
Definitely an easy class as long as you start the projects earlier than a day or two before the due date. Tests are fairly straightforward and he allows a cheat sheet (front and back) for the midterm, and TWO cheat sheets (also front and back) for the final. He's not the most engaging lecturer, but as long as you read through the slides and maybe skim over the textbook for some more confusing concepts you should be fine. Discussions have limited benefit depending on the TA, but sometimes the TA will do part of the upcoming project during the section so they're helpful to go to if you don't quite know where to start with the homework.
Fun subject matter, bad professor. I skipped nearly all the lectures and just read the textbook on my own and did very well. Prof Stahl messed up the grading on my midterm 5 times. I got back my test and got an 81/100. I asked him what I got wrong and he looked over the problems I got wrong and said they were all right. He then regraded my test and gave it back to me at the next class. My grade moved up to an 84. This process repeated and then my grade moved to a 93,99, and then finally 100. HE HAD TO GRADE MY TEST 5 TIMES BEFORE HE FINALLY DID IT RIGHT.
Stahl isn't a good professor, but the textbook is good and serious study of it will give you the knowledge needed to succeed in the class. Also, tip, start your projects early!!!
Stahl is possibly the worst instructor I've ever had. Don't take this class if you are not a CS major, as his teaching and grading method is geared toward students who already know the material. His lectures are terrible, he codes in Microsoft OneNote during class and his code is broken and full of spelling errors (because he doesn't use an IDE). His notes are fragmented and incomprehensible, and his tests are ridiculous. The final was 25 pages. His projects take HOURS to complete, and if you don't score well enough on the exams, your project grade is reduced. He is impatient and brushes you off during OH. Honestly, this was my only B- and it was warmly welcomed just to get me out of this class.
CS31 (especially in winter, as all the real CS majors don’t take it at this time usually) is easy enough to self-study, which is great if you’re good at that, as it’ll be exactly what you’re doing. I think between projects and googling stuff you don’t get it’s about 4~6 hours of studying per week, which isn’t bad at all imo. Most of the people in my discussion seemed to need to be hand-held, so I ended up doing really well because I’m used to having useless professors and learning by myself. If that sounds like you, CS31 will be okay.
Stahl makes bad specs and teaches the stuff you need after the assignments are due (and badly) but you still HAVE to go to lecture because he gives away some code and explains his specs until it goes from being absolutely incomprehensible to readable enough. UPE has good review sessions so go to those.
If you’re not down to self-learn, this professor probably isn’t for you.
I came into this class a total beginner in c++ and still managed to survive. Stahl gives out pretty good lectures that teach you what you need to know for the tests and projects, but he is very boring and will almost always make you very sleepy. Class projects were not tough but require you to plan out your project before you start. He is really bad at writing the project specs (instructions), so make sure you are doing EXACTLY what he asks for. Read the book if you don't know much about programming going in. It's actually pretty useful. The tests are reasonably difficult. Just make sure you read the entire question before you answer it, and check your test to make sure he didn't grade it incorrectly.
lectures are useless but I still went to them. if you don't know compsci you're gonna just have to learn from the book basically you just gotta rely on yourself to learn it all (typical ucla stuff). find practice problems or something to prepare for his midterm/final. if you've never learned compsci before. have fun
Easy class, but Stahl isn't the best professor. Exams were really straightforward and the projects are doable as long as you look understand the concepts he puts in the slides by reading the textbook, which is really helpful. Overall though, easy class.
The major problem with Stahl is that he does not know how to teach effectively. In my opinion, allocating 2 hours for a lecture with this professor is unnecessary. He waffles on for long periods of time about a topic that could be explained efficiently in under 5 minutes. He overcomplicates what is supposed to be simple ideas and topics. The worst part of Stahl is that he assigns projects that are of a much higher difficulty than what he teaches in lecture. It is very hard to use what you have learned in class, which is usually very little, and you then have to apply to a level beyond that he has shown you. Another pet peeve I have with him is that his notes and project specs are very messy. Putting it in that format in CCLE is extremely hard to read and understand. His lecture slides as well are pretty horrid. DO NOT TAKE HIM
Definitely an easy class as long as you start the projects earlier than a day or two before the due date. Tests are fairly straightforward and he allows a cheat sheet (front and back) for the midterm, and TWO cheat sheets (also front and back) for the final. He's not the most engaging lecturer, but as long as you read through the slides and maybe skim over the textbook for some more confusing concepts you should be fine. Discussions have limited benefit depending on the TA, but sometimes the TA will do part of the upcoming project during the section so they're helpful to go to if you don't quite know where to start with the homework.
Fun subject matter, bad professor. I skipped nearly all the lectures and just read the textbook on my own and did very well. Prof Stahl messed up the grading on my midterm 5 times. I got back my test and got an 81/100. I asked him what I got wrong and he looked over the problems I got wrong and said they were all right. He then regraded my test and gave it back to me at the next class. My grade moved up to an 84. This process repeated and then my grade moved to a 93,99, and then finally 100. HE HAD TO GRADE MY TEST 5 TIMES BEFORE HE FINALLY DID IT RIGHT.
Stahl isn't a good professor, but the textbook is good and serious study of it will give you the knowledge needed to succeed in the class. Also, tip, start your projects early!!!
Stahl is possibly the worst instructor I've ever had. Don't take this class if you are not a CS major, as his teaching and grading method is geared toward students who already know the material. His lectures are terrible, he codes in Microsoft OneNote during class and his code is broken and full of spelling errors (because he doesn't use an IDE). His notes are fragmented and incomprehensible, and his tests are ridiculous. The final was 25 pages. His projects take HOURS to complete, and if you don't score well enough on the exams, your project grade is reduced. He is impatient and brushes you off during OH. Honestly, this was my only B- and it was warmly welcomed just to get me out of this class.
CS31 (especially in winter, as all the real CS majors don’t take it at this time usually) is easy enough to self-study, which is great if you’re good at that, as it’ll be exactly what you’re doing. I think between projects and googling stuff you don’t get it’s about 4~6 hours of studying per week, which isn’t bad at all imo. Most of the people in my discussion seemed to need to be hand-held, so I ended up doing really well because I’m used to having useless professors and learning by myself. If that sounds like you, CS31 will be okay.
Stahl makes bad specs and teaches the stuff you need after the assignments are due (and badly) but you still HAVE to go to lecture because he gives away some code and explains his specs until it goes from being absolutely incomprehensible to readable enough. UPE has good review sessions so go to those.
If you’re not down to self-learn, this professor probably isn’t for you.
Based on 104 Users
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