Huan Huang
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - Professor Huang was honestly an extremely helpful professor. Granted, his accent made it hard to understand him sometimes, but he really did put a lot of effort into ensuring that his students had a good grasp on the class materials. He assigned weekly homeworks and quizzes online which counted for 15% of our grade. Towards the end of the class he informed us that, since he recognized how hard we were working, he would give us all 100% in all the homeworks and quizzes. He also gave everyone who got above a 90% in the final exam at least an A-, regardless of their midterm and lab grades. He is one of the few professors I have met who truly want their students to succeed. He provided us with the exact topics we would get in both midterms and told us beforehand that the final exam would consist of several repeat questions from the lecture slides and the previous midterms. As long as you went to lecture and paid attention to his hints about the exams, it's pretty easy to pass this class.
Winter 2023 - Professor Huang was honestly an extremely helpful professor. Granted, his accent made it hard to understand him sometimes, but he really did put a lot of effort into ensuring that his students had a good grasp on the class materials. He assigned weekly homeworks and quizzes online which counted for 15% of our grade. Towards the end of the class he informed us that, since he recognized how hard we were working, he would give us all 100% in all the homeworks and quizzes. He also gave everyone who got above a 90% in the final exam at least an A-, regardless of their midterm and lab grades. He is one of the few professors I have met who truly want their students to succeed. He provided us with the exact topics we would get in both midterms and told us beforehand that the final exam would consist of several repeat questions from the lecture slides and the previous midterms. As long as you went to lecture and paid attention to his hints about the exams, it's pretty easy to pass this class.
Most Helpful Review
Prof Huang is really funny prof even though he probably doesn't try to be. Its probably because he's asian and the simple jokes sound REALLY funny coming from him. He's a good lecturer but I could see that a lot of times he would derive shit on the board (all the equations and stuff) and everybody would get really lost. But have no fear because you will never get tested on the derivation of anything. Neither will you ever have to use calculus in the problems. READ THE BOOK AND DO THE HW. He takes a lot of test problems directly from hw problems but with numbers changed around or very slight modifications. And the hw problems come directly from the book hw problems which I have a solutions manual too. (email me at ************* if you want the solutions manual for the whole book) Yeah, the class definately would be harder without the solutions manual. The solutions manual was almost like a teacher for me because Huang didn't go over enough examples in class. Oh and I forgot to mention that you get a double sided paper to fill with whatever for all the tests. Awesome class. Take it with Huang.
Prof Huang is really funny prof even though he probably doesn't try to be. Its probably because he's asian and the simple jokes sound REALLY funny coming from him. He's a good lecturer but I could see that a lot of times he would derive shit on the board (all the equations and stuff) and everybody would get really lost. But have no fear because you will never get tested on the derivation of anything. Neither will you ever have to use calculus in the problems. READ THE BOOK AND DO THE HW. He takes a lot of test problems directly from hw problems but with numbers changed around or very slight modifications. And the hw problems come directly from the book hw problems which I have a solutions manual too. (email me at ************* if you want the solutions manual for the whole book) Yeah, the class definately would be harder without the solutions manual. The solutions manual was almost like a teacher for me because Huang didn't go over enough examples in class. Oh and I forgot to mention that you get a double sided paper to fill with whatever for all the tests. Awesome class. Take it with Huang.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - Professor Huan was a solid professor. The class was mostly run by the TA's however and my TA's were both great. For my quarter there was a lab a week for 10 weeks. The first two weeks were online and just mostly about using python for data analysis. The rest of the labs were in-person, and were very enjoyable. This class had 7 graded formal reports. I thought that the grading of the reports were generally very fair. The reports didn't need to be very long either, anywhere from 3-5 pages was a good length. Depending on your TA the grading could be either good or bad, but for my case it was good. The reports are due by the end of the quarter. My advice would be to do 1 report a week though. If you let the reports pile up then you will be struggling to complete them at the end of the quarter which may impact final exam studying. Some of the labs that were done include the photoelectric effect, building radios, measuring the e/m ratio, and superconductivity. The labs were engaging and fun. The only major complaint I had was with the lab manual. Some of the labs were structured very clearly, however some, if not most, were structured in a confusing manner. I found myself having to ask the TA's a lot of questions to clarify what to actually do in the labs. Also, it was kind of hard to understand Huan in the zoom sessions, mostly due to his mic quality. Overall Huan was a good professor and structured this lab class fairly. I would take Huan again.
Winter 2022 - Professor Huan was a solid professor. The class was mostly run by the TA's however and my TA's were both great. For my quarter there was a lab a week for 10 weeks. The first two weeks were online and just mostly about using python for data analysis. The rest of the labs were in-person, and were very enjoyable. This class had 7 graded formal reports. I thought that the grading of the reports were generally very fair. The reports didn't need to be very long either, anywhere from 3-5 pages was a good length. Depending on your TA the grading could be either good or bad, but for my case it was good. The reports are due by the end of the quarter. My advice would be to do 1 report a week though. If you let the reports pile up then you will be struggling to complete them at the end of the quarter which may impact final exam studying. Some of the labs that were done include the photoelectric effect, building radios, measuring the e/m ratio, and superconductivity. The labs were engaging and fun. The only major complaint I had was with the lab manual. Some of the labs were structured very clearly, however some, if not most, were structured in a confusing manner. I found myself having to ask the TA's a lot of questions to clarify what to actually do in the labs. Also, it was kind of hard to understand Huan in the zoom sessions, mostly due to his mic quality. Overall Huan was a good professor and structured this lab class fairly. I would take Huan again.