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- Hung Ding Pham
Based on 36 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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We stan Dr. Pham, the sweetest professor I've ever had! Extremely accommodating exam windows (open 36 hours), ample practice materials (he uploaded exams from every quarter/year as old as 2004 when this course was still LS4! although you'd be better off practicing from later exams after 2016 bc the material and exam format aligns better) and SO MUCH extra credit PER exam (yes, not just once, but per exam!!)!
class is taught like the typical flipped classroom in the LS7 series where you watch pre-lecture videos and do reef clickers during lecture time (graded on participation, not accuracy). even if you hated 7B (like I did lol), give genetics another chance because the material here is a lot more straightforward and Pham does a wonderful job of explaining the material. he always reminds us that we're all here to learn and help each other, and always takes his time to go through each concept thoroughly to ensure no one is left behind :") no one ever tells u "no question is a dumb question" once u get to higher education but Dr. Pham always says that and it's really reassuring even if it's a simple gesture haha
courseload felt pretty light imo: we had pre-lecture videos per week along with a pre-lecture quiz (~13 total because he added more so that we can drop more scores, ended up only counting your 7 highest scores, weekly quizzes (9 total, 2 lowest dropped), weekly discussion worksheets (no submission necessary, just attend discussion for participation credit), two midterms and a final.
MT1 avg ~91% (gave us 5 pts extra credit opportunity though post-exam quiz), MT2 avg ~81% (initially 6 pts ec quiz, but then created an additional 5pt ec quiz just bc we asked for more during lecture) and final (idk the avg but 10 pts ec quiz). MT1 and 2 was 40 questions in 2 hours, and the final was 50 questions in 3 hours. I felt pressed for time during MT2 but generally the material was easy to understand as long as you put in the effort to do the weekly discussion worksheets and practice exams (practice exams were especially handy for the final, so make sure you take advantage of the plethora of old exams he releases and study ahead of time)!
if I could take this course again, I would, simply just to have Dr. Pham as a professor again. he's really nice, you won't regret taking the class with him! :D
This is a great and interesting class! Although the tests and weekly quizzes can be a bit challenging, Prof. Pham gives a ton of resources. There are many practice exams from past years for the midterms and final. Worksheets from weekly discussions as well as clickers pretty much give you exact models for exam questions. This class does require quite a bit of studying, but if you put in the effort it's easy to succeed.
I had an awesome study group that helped a lot in this class. Pham gives tons of old exams that are super similar to the actual exam so it’s easy to study. He knows the material very well and is a very nice and awesome person. His lectures are engaging and even inspiring at times. 2 weekly quizzes that aren’t too hard and then 3 tests throughout the quarter.
Dr. Pham was an amazing professor! I am a transfer student and I took this class during my first quarter at UCLA and if it weren't for his class I would have been so overwhelmed. I was taking two other difficult upper division courses, but Dr. Pham made it very easy to study his material by providing weekly worksheets and having a hybrid classroom. Attendance is mandatory, but you want to attend because he is very kind, funny, and his lectures go over practice problems in depth.
Engaging and great professor. It's a flipped classroom format. You didn't have to read out of the book, you only had to watch prelecture videos but this was during Covid so that may change. You had to take prelecture quizzes based on correctness but he would drop some of them. For lecture, he would explain concepts and go over clicker questions which I found very helpful. Clicker questions were based on participation. Going to discussion was worth points but this was also based on participation. Weekly quizzes based on correction but he dropped some of them. 2 midterms and a final. First one was way easier. Second one was a little bit more difficult but the average was still a B. The final was worth two midterms. He also offered extra credit which can push you from an A- to an A. Best advice I can give for the tests is to double check the question and make sure you're solving for the right thing. Overall, a great professor who truly cares about the success of his students.
You won't learn much in lecture, mostly just do the clickers. But the exams are basically a repeat of the old ones and you just have to put in the work to master all types of questions. Go to office hours and work with classmates and you'll get an A
Professor Pham was awesome. He teaches a flipped classroom so you will be watching videos at home and then coming into class to solve problems with clickers. He's also very accommodating and understanding to students who have outside issues (i.e. family death/illness). Go to his office hours, he is super helpful and will try to help you where he can. He posts a TON of past exams for you to practice with and some of those problems are either similar or exactly the problem that will be on the exam. There was 2 midterms and 1 final (although the final was optional for students because of the the coronavirus and campus closure). I still have most of the course material if anyone needs help! *************
I'm so glad I took this class with Pham. I definitely felt like I learned a lot about genetics. A lot of the material builds off of the LS7 series and expands on topics that are learned there. There's not a lot of memorization, it's mainly problem solving and as long as you understand how to approach each of the problems (by doing all the practice midterms and finals that Pham posts on CCLE) you're set! And there's a bunch of extra credit as well.
Pham is so nice and such a great professor, but lectures are not too engaging. It's mostly just clicker questions. I mostly learn from doing problems in discussion and watching the online lectures that he posts. Overall, this is a good class. I would recommend it.
I dropped this class Fall 2018 because I bombed the first midterm. So I was determined to retake the course, learn from my mistakes, and do well. What I did differently: never looked at the textbook, went to every lecture for participation, printed at least 6 old exams to practice from. I really put in more time and effort into studying the old exams and past problems which is what I think really helped my performance. I printed out enough exams that go back 3 years, per Dr. Pham's advice, and started them as soon as possible, typically after discussion so we knew how to start the problems. I had Leanne as my TA, who is phenomenal and I think the best TA for this class. She has really easy techniques that make solving problems easier to memorize and easy to understand. I also went to the professor's OH often to reinforce all the problems and get help on any other problems. I think these strategies are truly what got me an A+ in the course, which is very doable because I was taking 11 other units and worked part-time. My scores-- M1: 93.5/100, M2: 100/100, Final: 200/200, Online Quiz: 30/30, Clicker: 30/30, Discussion: 50/50. He did not curve because the class did well on each exam. Just put in the time to do those exams, and your midterms will be very similar if not exactly the same.
We stan Dr. Pham, the sweetest professor I've ever had! Extremely accommodating exam windows (open 36 hours), ample practice materials (he uploaded exams from every quarter/year as old as 2004 when this course was still LS4! although you'd be better off practicing from later exams after 2016 bc the material and exam format aligns better) and SO MUCH extra credit PER exam (yes, not just once, but per exam!!)!
class is taught like the typical flipped classroom in the LS7 series where you watch pre-lecture videos and do reef clickers during lecture time (graded on participation, not accuracy). even if you hated 7B (like I did lol), give genetics another chance because the material here is a lot more straightforward and Pham does a wonderful job of explaining the material. he always reminds us that we're all here to learn and help each other, and always takes his time to go through each concept thoroughly to ensure no one is left behind :") no one ever tells u "no question is a dumb question" once u get to higher education but Dr. Pham always says that and it's really reassuring even if it's a simple gesture haha
courseload felt pretty light imo: we had pre-lecture videos per week along with a pre-lecture quiz (~13 total because he added more so that we can drop more scores, ended up only counting your 7 highest scores, weekly quizzes (9 total, 2 lowest dropped), weekly discussion worksheets (no submission necessary, just attend discussion for participation credit), two midterms and a final.
MT1 avg ~91% (gave us 5 pts extra credit opportunity though post-exam quiz), MT2 avg ~81% (initially 6 pts ec quiz, but then created an additional 5pt ec quiz just bc we asked for more during lecture) and final (idk the avg but 10 pts ec quiz). MT1 and 2 was 40 questions in 2 hours, and the final was 50 questions in 3 hours. I felt pressed for time during MT2 but generally the material was easy to understand as long as you put in the effort to do the weekly discussion worksheets and practice exams (practice exams were especially handy for the final, so make sure you take advantage of the plethora of old exams he releases and study ahead of time)!
if I could take this course again, I would, simply just to have Dr. Pham as a professor again. he's really nice, you won't regret taking the class with him! :D
This is a great and interesting class! Although the tests and weekly quizzes can be a bit challenging, Prof. Pham gives a ton of resources. There are many practice exams from past years for the midterms and final. Worksheets from weekly discussions as well as clickers pretty much give you exact models for exam questions. This class does require quite a bit of studying, but if you put in the effort it's easy to succeed.
I had an awesome study group that helped a lot in this class. Pham gives tons of old exams that are super similar to the actual exam so it’s easy to study. He knows the material very well and is a very nice and awesome person. His lectures are engaging and even inspiring at times. 2 weekly quizzes that aren’t too hard and then 3 tests throughout the quarter.
Dr. Pham was an amazing professor! I am a transfer student and I took this class during my first quarter at UCLA and if it weren't for his class I would have been so overwhelmed. I was taking two other difficult upper division courses, but Dr. Pham made it very easy to study his material by providing weekly worksheets and having a hybrid classroom. Attendance is mandatory, but you want to attend because he is very kind, funny, and his lectures go over practice problems in depth.
Engaging and great professor. It's a flipped classroom format. You didn't have to read out of the book, you only had to watch prelecture videos but this was during Covid so that may change. You had to take prelecture quizzes based on correctness but he would drop some of them. For lecture, he would explain concepts and go over clicker questions which I found very helpful. Clicker questions were based on participation. Going to discussion was worth points but this was also based on participation. Weekly quizzes based on correction but he dropped some of them. 2 midterms and a final. First one was way easier. Second one was a little bit more difficult but the average was still a B. The final was worth two midterms. He also offered extra credit which can push you from an A- to an A. Best advice I can give for the tests is to double check the question and make sure you're solving for the right thing. Overall, a great professor who truly cares about the success of his students.
You won't learn much in lecture, mostly just do the clickers. But the exams are basically a repeat of the old ones and you just have to put in the work to master all types of questions. Go to office hours and work with classmates and you'll get an A
Professor Pham was awesome. He teaches a flipped classroom so you will be watching videos at home and then coming into class to solve problems with clickers. He's also very accommodating and understanding to students who have outside issues (i.e. family death/illness). Go to his office hours, he is super helpful and will try to help you where he can. He posts a TON of past exams for you to practice with and some of those problems are either similar or exactly the problem that will be on the exam. There was 2 midterms and 1 final (although the final was optional for students because of the the coronavirus and campus closure). I still have most of the course material if anyone needs help! *************
I'm so glad I took this class with Pham. I definitely felt like I learned a lot about genetics. A lot of the material builds off of the LS7 series and expands on topics that are learned there. There's not a lot of memorization, it's mainly problem solving and as long as you understand how to approach each of the problems (by doing all the practice midterms and finals that Pham posts on CCLE) you're set! And there's a bunch of extra credit as well.
Pham is so nice and such a great professor, but lectures are not too engaging. It's mostly just clicker questions. I mostly learn from doing problems in discussion and watching the online lectures that he posts. Overall, this is a good class. I would recommend it.
I dropped this class Fall 2018 because I bombed the first midterm. So I was determined to retake the course, learn from my mistakes, and do well. What I did differently: never looked at the textbook, went to every lecture for participation, printed at least 6 old exams to practice from. I really put in more time and effort into studying the old exams and past problems which is what I think really helped my performance. I printed out enough exams that go back 3 years, per Dr. Pham's advice, and started them as soon as possible, typically after discussion so we knew how to start the problems. I had Leanne as my TA, who is phenomenal and I think the best TA for this class. She has really easy techniques that make solving problems easier to memorize and easy to understand. I also went to the professor's OH often to reinforce all the problems and get help on any other problems. I think these strategies are truly what got me an A+ in the course, which is very doable because I was taking 11 other units and worked part-time. My scores-- M1: 93.5/100, M2: 100/100, Final: 200/200, Online Quiz: 30/30, Clicker: 30/30, Discussion: 50/50. He did not curve because the class did well on each exam. Just put in the time to do those exams, and your midterms will be very similar if not exactly the same.
Based on 36 Users
- Uses Slides (21)
- Gives Extra Credit (21)
- Would Take Again (21)