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- Jay Phelan
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures
- Often Funny
- Gives Extra Credit
- Uses Slides
- Needs Textbook
- Would Take Again
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Everyone on the reviews is correct. Phelan is one of the best professors at UCLA. His lectures are amazing and so applicable to life. I was never that interested in Biology and hadn't taken a Bio class since freshman year, but everything we learned was so, so interesting. I did both the readings in the textbook and the small book (even though the second wasn't necessary, it's just interesting). He is a hilarious, kind, and great professor. I never attended his office hours, but I wish I did just to establish a connection for the future.
This class might be a lot for a GE, but I took it as a prereq for my major. I did well on the midterm and fairly well on the final. My TA would grade kind of hard on the quizzes and I found the two hour section a bit excessive, but those are my only complaints.
I would highly, highly recommend this class. I am so happy I got to experience Phelan's class because I truly learned so much. I liked his class so much I decided to take University Studies 10C with him (another class I would recommend if you're a freshman and slightly confused about college/your future)
Phelan was awesome. Every lecture was clear and well organized. There was also lecture recordings in case you missed lecture or wanted to review. The tests were fairly straightforward, and the weekly quizzes in class weren't bad at all. The debate aspect of the class took some coordination, but was a fun experience overall. Pro tip: do the music video project! Be creative and Phelan will 100% reward you for it (pretty sure it saved my grade).
This class is one of the best classes I've taken at UCLA, thanks to how awesome Professor Phelan is. He is single-handedly one of the coolest professors I've had, and makes his lectures very enjoyable while teaching a lot of very interesting things. That being said, the tests in this class were difficult. Many of the questions were very in depth and specific, and if you didn't include certain key words in your answers the TA's would take points off. The tests will require a good amount of studying if you want to do well. The lab/discussion sections also took a fair amount of work and effort, and the spoken presentations/debates were graded pretty harshly, at least in my discussion group. However, don't let this discourage you from taking this class though, as it truly was one of the most interesting classes I have taken at UCLA. The topics covered are super engaging, eye-opening, and make you think, even if you aren't majoring in a science related field.
I feel like the information in this class was very applicable to other classes. Although it was life sciences, the logic taught behind the material made it seem very worthwhile, and the lectures were very engaging. I really recommend this for a GE.
This is a great class for people that don't like sciences AKA me. HOWEVER, be ready to read so so so much. This class asks a lot of you for a GE so you must be ready to give it all. I had two midterms the same day I took it for this class and honestly it almost killed me. However I do recommend it. I don't know how I feel about the exams. However Dr. Phelan is the best. AMAZING LECTURES, you actually learn about stuff that is interesting.
- Very interesting
- Broadcasted
- Short lectures
- Funny professor
- You are one in a million
- TONS of reading
- Hard exams
- Studying A LOT
- Depends a lot on which TA you get
After taking AP Bio in high school, I felt adequately prepared for this class as it's mainly simple introductory concepts and if you did fairly well in it you'll probably do fine in this course. But what made Phelan such a worthwhile professor is that he takes biology to a whole new level. This class literally changed the way I think about the world through the lenses of biology. Plus, the bruincast is nice because you don't need to show up physically and it's definitely a great course for a first-year. Although this class isn't a complete easy A as there is studying involved for tests and weekly quizzes, you can just study the quizlets and you'll be fine and there's a curve at the end of the quarter that helped me hugely as I only scored a 78 and 72 on the midterm and final respectively but still ended with an A-. Overall, take this class.
Phelan is the best professor ever! Lectures are very interesting and engaging. There are bruincasts, but I went to every lecture because he's so funny. I actually felt like I learned a lot about life from this class even though I don't like biology.
Workload: There are a lot of readings each week. To do the problem set (useful for quizzes), you kind of have to do all the readings. There's also a group debate, which is fairly easy. I would say the workload is fairly light if you love Phelan like I do.
Weekly quiz: one question taken from the problem set. My suggestion to ace the quizzes is GO TO TA'S OFFICE HOUR! If you don't know how to answer a question on the problem set, just go to OH and they would pretty much give you the answer.
Tests: Go to test bank if you are anxious about the midterm. Looking at previous midterms is really helpful. He often gives similar questions, especially short answers. Study hard for the tests and you would do great.
Take Phelan if you can! I would definitely love to take another class with him.
Everyone on the reviews is correct. Phelan is one of the best professors at UCLA. His lectures are amazing and so applicable to life. I was never that interested in Biology and hadn't taken a Bio class since freshman year, but everything we learned was so, so interesting. I did both the readings in the textbook and the small book (even though the second wasn't necessary, it's just interesting). He is a hilarious, kind, and great professor. I never attended his office hours, but I wish I did just to establish a connection for the future.
This class might be a lot for a GE, but I took it as a prereq for my major. I did well on the midterm and fairly well on the final. My TA would grade kind of hard on the quizzes and I found the two hour section a bit excessive, but those are my only complaints.
I would highly, highly recommend this class. I am so happy I got to experience Phelan's class because I truly learned so much. I liked his class so much I decided to take University Studies 10C with him (another class I would recommend if you're a freshman and slightly confused about college/your future)
Phelan was awesome. Every lecture was clear and well organized. There was also lecture recordings in case you missed lecture or wanted to review. The tests were fairly straightforward, and the weekly quizzes in class weren't bad at all. The debate aspect of the class took some coordination, but was a fun experience overall. Pro tip: do the music video project! Be creative and Phelan will 100% reward you for it (pretty sure it saved my grade).
This class is one of the best classes I've taken at UCLA, thanks to how awesome Professor Phelan is. He is single-handedly one of the coolest professors I've had, and makes his lectures very enjoyable while teaching a lot of very interesting things. That being said, the tests in this class were difficult. Many of the questions were very in depth and specific, and if you didn't include certain key words in your answers the TA's would take points off. The tests will require a good amount of studying if you want to do well. The lab/discussion sections also took a fair amount of work and effort, and the spoken presentations/debates were graded pretty harshly, at least in my discussion group. However, don't let this discourage you from taking this class though, as it truly was one of the most interesting classes I have taken at UCLA. The topics covered are super engaging, eye-opening, and make you think, even if you aren't majoring in a science related field.
I feel like the information in this class was very applicable to other classes. Although it was life sciences, the logic taught behind the material made it seem very worthwhile, and the lectures were very engaging. I really recommend this for a GE.
This is a great class for people that don't like sciences AKA me. HOWEVER, be ready to read so so so much. This class asks a lot of you for a GE so you must be ready to give it all. I had two midterms the same day I took it for this class and honestly it almost killed me. However I do recommend it. I don't know how I feel about the exams. However Dr. Phelan is the best. AMAZING LECTURES, you actually learn about stuff that is interesting.
- Very interesting
- Broadcasted
- Short lectures
- Funny professor
- You are one in a million
- TONS of reading
- Hard exams
- Studying A LOT
- Depends a lot on which TA you get
After taking AP Bio in high school, I felt adequately prepared for this class as it's mainly simple introductory concepts and if you did fairly well in it you'll probably do fine in this course. But what made Phelan such a worthwhile professor is that he takes biology to a whole new level. This class literally changed the way I think about the world through the lenses of biology. Plus, the bruincast is nice because you don't need to show up physically and it's definitely a great course for a first-year. Although this class isn't a complete easy A as there is studying involved for tests and weekly quizzes, you can just study the quizlets and you'll be fine and there's a curve at the end of the quarter that helped me hugely as I only scored a 78 and 72 on the midterm and final respectively but still ended with an A-. Overall, take this class.
Phelan is the best professor ever! Lectures are very interesting and engaging. There are bruincasts, but I went to every lecture because he's so funny. I actually felt like I learned a lot about life from this class even though I don't like biology.
Workload: There are a lot of readings each week. To do the problem set (useful for quizzes), you kind of have to do all the readings. There's also a group debate, which is fairly easy. I would say the workload is fairly light if you love Phelan like I do.
Weekly quiz: one question taken from the problem set. My suggestion to ace the quizzes is GO TO TA'S OFFICE HOUR! If you don't know how to answer a question on the problem set, just go to OH and they would pretty much give you the answer.
Tests: Go to test bank if you are anxious about the midterm. Looking at previous midterms is really helpful. He often gives similar questions, especially short answers. Study hard for the tests and you would do great.
Take Phelan if you can! I would definitely love to take another class with him.
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures (164)
- Often Funny (159)
- Gives Extra Credit (145)
- Uses Slides (128)
- Needs Textbook (127)
- Would Take Again (148)