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- Jay Phelan
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures
- Often Funny
- Gives Extra Credit
- Uses Slides
- Needs Textbook
- Would Take Again
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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This class was by far one of my favorite classes that I took my freshman year. First of all, Phelan is the man. Seriously, he is one of the coolest professors at UCLA and one of the most impressive. I felt BAD missing lecture simply because I felt like I was letting Phelan down. He writes the text book that is required for the class and also requires you to buy Mean Genes (another book he wrote) but you do not need Mean Genes to get an A. Discussion is extremely important. Go to every one. You have a "quiz" every week but the quiz is really just one question off of the weekly problem set you pick up in lecture. So, you have the "quiz" questions ahead of time every time. Memorize the answers in the most basic sense the night before your discussion and you're solid. I ended with an A in the class even with being out of school for 2 and a half weeks of being sick. Go to the midterm review and final review and write down his questions because if you can outline each question he gives you from the reviews you will get an A. This class is extremely relevant and gave me a new outlook on science. HIGHLY recommend.
His class is a class where you learn a lot of different things ranging from reciprocal altruism to how caffeine affects the chemicals in your brain to the scientific method. His quizzes are easily doable, his tests are not -- STUDY. Also, do not make the mistake I made on the midterm -- do NOT write on the back (it will not be graded, cost me an A). Last but not least, go to class...some of the material he talks about in class that is not in the textbooks is in his exams.
I am selling the What is Life w Physiology 3rd ed Loose Leaf, midterm and review session notes, class notes and problem sets/handouts for $55. Email me at *************
I LOVE PROFESSOR PHELAN. I created a bruinwalk account just to leave a dank review for him. He is an amazing professor, and by far the best professor I've ever encountered so far in UCLA. I truly admire his passion and love for science. His lectures aren't dull at all, but rather engaging and fun. The discussions aren't bad either; weekly quizzes and a mini debate. The topics for the debates are very controversial, but interesting overall. Honestly, the exams can be tough, but he uses curve so it's shouldn't be that bad. Overall, the class itself was so worth it and I would definitely take another class with Phelan!
The workload was light. We only had one debate (pair work) and a mini quiz every week. The quizzes were VERY short (took about 5-10 minutes at most) and the questions were taken from the handouts. The exams were a bit challenging, but if you study the past papers you should be fine. Also, Prof. Phelan had a review session before both midterm and final, and it was quite helpful. I read the textbook and I thought the exams weren't that bad, but I know people who didn't read the textbook at all and they still got an A. Overall his class was really engaging. It was fun and not much work. Definitely take this class if you can:)
I honestly probably owe this man a fruit basket. I got to his 8am final at around 9:40am, and I was scared I wouldn't be allowed to finish. He just laughed and said, "Have a nice sleep? Sorry, I should not be laughing. You were probably terrified. You can finish in your test in my office; I would hate for this to affect your grade at all." He then proceeded to tell me that he was afraid he would sleep through the test too and that his son made a funny joke the day before. His lectures are fun to listen to and give you fun facts to spit out in random conversation. He loves teaching, and genuinely cares about his students. I cannot recommend this class enough. (Sidenote: don't buy the textbook.)
This class was by far one of my favorite classes that I took my freshman year. First of all, Phelan is the man. Seriously, he is one of the coolest professors at UCLA and one of the most impressive. I felt BAD missing lecture simply because I felt like I was letting Phelan down. He writes the text book that is required for the class and also requires you to buy Mean Genes (another book he wrote) but you do not need Mean Genes to get an A. Discussion is extremely important. Go to every one. You have a "quiz" every week but the quiz is really just one question off of the weekly problem set you pick up in lecture. So, you have the "quiz" questions ahead of time every time. Memorize the answers in the most basic sense the night before your discussion and you're solid. I ended with an A in the class even with being out of school for 2 and a half weeks of being sick. Go to the midterm review and final review and write down his questions because if you can outline each question he gives you from the reviews you will get an A. This class is extremely relevant and gave me a new outlook on science. HIGHLY recommend.
His class is a class where you learn a lot of different things ranging from reciprocal altruism to how caffeine affects the chemicals in your brain to the scientific method. His quizzes are easily doable, his tests are not -- STUDY. Also, do not make the mistake I made on the midterm -- do NOT write on the back (it will not be graded, cost me an A). Last but not least, go to class...some of the material he talks about in class that is not in the textbooks is in his exams.
I am selling the What is Life w Physiology 3rd ed Loose Leaf, midterm and review session notes, class notes and problem sets/handouts for $55. Email me at *************
I LOVE PROFESSOR PHELAN. I created a bruinwalk account just to leave a dank review for him. He is an amazing professor, and by far the best professor I've ever encountered so far in UCLA. I truly admire his passion and love for science. His lectures aren't dull at all, but rather engaging and fun. The discussions aren't bad either; weekly quizzes and a mini debate. The topics for the debates are very controversial, but interesting overall. Honestly, the exams can be tough, but he uses curve so it's shouldn't be that bad. Overall, the class itself was so worth it and I would definitely take another class with Phelan!
The workload was light. We only had one debate (pair work) and a mini quiz every week. The quizzes were VERY short (took about 5-10 minutes at most) and the questions were taken from the handouts. The exams were a bit challenging, but if you study the past papers you should be fine. Also, Prof. Phelan had a review session before both midterm and final, and it was quite helpful. I read the textbook and I thought the exams weren't that bad, but I know people who didn't read the textbook at all and they still got an A. Overall his class was really engaging. It was fun and not much work. Definitely take this class if you can:)
I honestly probably owe this man a fruit basket. I got to his 8am final at around 9:40am, and I was scared I wouldn't be allowed to finish. He just laughed and said, "Have a nice sleep? Sorry, I should not be laughing. You were probably terrified. You can finish in your test in my office; I would hate for this to affect your grade at all." He then proceeded to tell me that he was afraid he would sleep through the test too and that his son made a funny joke the day before. His lectures are fun to listen to and give you fun facts to spit out in random conversation. He loves teaching, and genuinely cares about his students. I cannot recommend this class enough. (Sidenote: don't buy the textbook.)
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures (164)
- Often Funny (159)
- Gives Extra Credit (145)
- Uses Slides (128)
- Needs Textbook (127)
- Would Take Again (148)