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- Jay Phelan
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures
- Often Funny
- Gives Extra Credit
- Uses Slides
- Needs Textbook
- Would Take Again
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Jay is my favorite professor so far at UCLA! He wrote me a letter of recommendation, and I really enjoyed his class. I'm taking the lab for his class right now and I'm really enjoying that too. My major is in the life science department, and I hope I'll have the chance to take another class with him. Go to office hours (they're actually fun), do the online quizzes, go to discussion, and you'll do well.
Selling all problem set (homework) answers and graded quizzes and midterm.
Great science GE for non science majors. A lot of the material is applicable to daily life. Professor Phelan lectures in an engaging way and really cares about his students. Highly recommend this class!
Jay is a good professor and he changes my life in some ways. The knowledge in this class can be applied to make a better life.
It's not that hard and super interesting.. I think mean genes is interesting and just decide to keep it but you can get it on amazon with only 10$ or so. Selling What is Life 3rd edition. It is new without any mark so 90$
Text ********** if interested!
Selling Textbooks What is Life, and Mean Genes.. New Condition.
I thought LS15 was the funniest, most engaging class I've taken, and would definitely recommend it to everyone who can get in, since it fills up the fastest.
To buy textbooks, text on **********
Prof. Phelan's LS15 is an absolute work of art. You can tell that every single lecture, every slide, every story he integrates into lecture is planned and has a purpose. The course's content is also very relevant to real life and can change your perspective on a lot of things completely. I was genuinely sad walking out of the last lecture for this class. While the exams can be challenging (particularly the final), if you go to his review sessions and spend enough time studying you will do fine. Definitely worth while and by far the most valuable class I've taken in UCLA thus far.
Took this class as a GE and really enjoyed it. You definitely need to put in the work to get an A but Phelan is a great lecturer that makes every class interesting with understandable examples. I am not a science person, and I loved this class. Professor Phelan is entertaining and incredibly smart, you can't help but enjoy the course.
This class was really great. I have no interest in the sciences, but professor Phelan was extremely engaging and helpful. The course covers such topics of drugs, behavior, friendship, sex, and kindness. It is truly a great course.
Be aware though, it does require you to pay attention in class (although you will want to) and you have to do a debate in your discussion.
Also you don't need the textbook, but you do need an online code from it which can be purchased separately.
Take this course as your science GE. Just take it.
Jay Phelan is a really cool dude. This class is a science class for non-science majors, so we talk about behavioral economics and the science of happiness. As an engineering major, it was a new experience for me and I gained a different perspective. The lectures are engaging (once he gave out $20 to multiple students) and his book Mean Genes is a fun, light read. I do not think purchasing the textbook is necessary. Since he wrote it, there is not much different from the text and his lectures. The only bad part about this class is the two hour mandatory discussion. Research TA's and get the best one.
Think high school biology in a little more detail and a little more interesting. Phelan may be my favorite professor at UCLA. He keeps his classes incredibly engaging and the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and oftentimes pretty interesting. The book is his own and is sort of pricey, but you can purchase the online portion separately and use the book on reserve in the library for the problem sets.
The class isn't particularly difficult if you pay attention and do the midterm review questions. Easy science GE and one that I would definitely recommend !! Also, take the money (you'll get it if you take the class).
Jay is my favorite professor so far at UCLA! He wrote me a letter of recommendation, and I really enjoyed his class. I'm taking the lab for his class right now and I'm really enjoying that too. My major is in the life science department, and I hope I'll have the chance to take another class with him. Go to office hours (they're actually fun), do the online quizzes, go to discussion, and you'll do well.
Selling all problem set (homework) answers and graded quizzes and midterm.
Great science GE for non science majors. A lot of the material is applicable to daily life. Professor Phelan lectures in an engaging way and really cares about his students. Highly recommend this class!
Jay is a good professor and he changes my life in some ways. The knowledge in this class can be applied to make a better life.
It's not that hard and super interesting.. I think mean genes is interesting and just decide to keep it but you can get it on amazon with only 10$ or so. Selling What is Life 3rd edition. It is new without any mark so 90$
Text ********** if interested!
Selling Textbooks What is Life, and Mean Genes.. New Condition.
I thought LS15 was the funniest, most engaging class I've taken, and would definitely recommend it to everyone who can get in, since it fills up the fastest.
To buy textbooks, text on **********
Prof. Phelan's LS15 is an absolute work of art. You can tell that every single lecture, every slide, every story he integrates into lecture is planned and has a purpose. The course's content is also very relevant to real life and can change your perspective on a lot of things completely. I was genuinely sad walking out of the last lecture for this class. While the exams can be challenging (particularly the final), if you go to his review sessions and spend enough time studying you will do fine. Definitely worth while and by far the most valuable class I've taken in UCLA thus far.
Took this class as a GE and really enjoyed it. You definitely need to put in the work to get an A but Phelan is a great lecturer that makes every class interesting with understandable examples. I am not a science person, and I loved this class. Professor Phelan is entertaining and incredibly smart, you can't help but enjoy the course.
This class was really great. I have no interest in the sciences, but professor Phelan was extremely engaging and helpful. The course covers such topics of drugs, behavior, friendship, sex, and kindness. It is truly a great course.
Be aware though, it does require you to pay attention in class (although you will want to) and you have to do a debate in your discussion.
Also you don't need the textbook, but you do need an online code from it which can be purchased separately.
Take this course as your science GE. Just take it.
Jay Phelan is a really cool dude. This class is a science class for non-science majors, so we talk about behavioral economics and the science of happiness. As an engineering major, it was a new experience for me and I gained a different perspective. The lectures are engaging (once he gave out $20 to multiple students) and his book Mean Genes is a fun, light read. I do not think purchasing the textbook is necessary. Since he wrote it, there is not much different from the text and his lectures. The only bad part about this class is the two hour mandatory discussion. Research TA's and get the best one.
Think high school biology in a little more detail and a little more interesting. Phelan may be my favorite professor at UCLA. He keeps his classes incredibly engaging and the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and oftentimes pretty interesting. The book is his own and is sort of pricey, but you can purchase the online portion separately and use the book on reserve in the library for the problem sets.
The class isn't particularly difficult if you pay attention and do the midterm review questions. Easy science GE and one that I would definitely recommend !! Also, take the money (you'll get it if you take the class).
Based on 298 Users
- Engaging Lectures (164)
- Often Funny (159)
- Gives Extra Credit (145)
- Uses Slides (128)
- Needs Textbook (127)
- Would Take Again (148)