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Jennifer Chun
Based on 9 Users
Professor Chun is amazing, she really cares not only about her students but people as a whole. This course made me switch to an IDS major. My TA Kristi was also great too. The reading is reasonable, the quizzes can be taken as many times as you need, and the essays are fair. My TA always got back to me about any questions I had and was helpful with giving advice on essay outlines.
you should take her class. professor Chun is warm, sweet, kind, and thoughtful and everything a professor should be. Im actually really sad I didn’t get to know her more this semester. I was too caught up in trying to adjust to my first quarter here but I really should gone to office hours more or something. U can tell she is very enthusiastic and passionate about the subject material. She got doxxed by some extremists this quarter and she’s like the last person to deserve that and she still made an effort to teach through all that chaos. I have a lot of respect for her and she seems rlly cool and smart tbh. Anyway she is the best I miss her already. i love u prof chun i nominated u for the favorite professor award thing
This was such a great class, and I love Professor Chun! Just a note-- when I took it the name was IDS 120: Culture, Power, and Development, not Economic Development and Culture Change.
In this class we looked into forces of power and injustice in the world with case studies into different regions impacted by development policy! It was all really interesting, and both Professor Chun and my TA Abhilasha were so great and really chill graders!
Both the midterm and the final were take-home essays and I didn't find them to be too difficult! We also had alternating quizzes and short essays every other week, and a good deal of reading, but it wasn't too bad! This is probably my favorite IDS class I've taken so far, definitely recommend!
I felt that professor chun would often talk in circles and it was sometimes difficult to actually figure out the point she was getting to during her lectures. however she is a great professor and stood in solidarity/shed light on the grad students who were protesting for a COLA (cost of living adjustment). i would say this is your standard IDS class, not easy but not hard either. everything was straight forward on the exams. I can definitely say I learned a lot, especially from my TA Joseph who is amazing!
I thought that Professor Chun did a great job exploring the history of development and the different ways development has been implemented across time and the world and explained how it has affected human experience and labor. I really enjoyed taking this class with her! She super great at interacting with students and helping if they need help. Class had weekly memos which were two pages, pretty easy in the long run.
I really enjoyed this class, and it was a pleasure to hear Professor Chun lecture every time. She is very nice, caring, and approachable. The grading distribution was the following: 30% discussion sections, 10% BLM event reflections, 30% midterm, and 30% final. The lectures were recorded and participation was not mandatory. However, you need to go to the sections and participate. Moreover, you need to submit 5 response papers answering one of the weekly questions, which counts for 15% of the participation grade. Her exams were very straight forward. The professor gave four extra credit opportunities and each counted for 0.5 percentage point. The final was optional in a way that anyone who went through hardships could opt out and the midterm counted for 60% of the grade. The professor chose fascinating readings and movies. The material was very interesting. I also was lucky enough to have a great TA, Josh Mayer, who went above and beyond to be helpful to all students. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and learned so much from it. I 100% recommend it!!! As long as you watch the lectures, the movies, and read the articles, you will be good to go! Good luck!
I definitely think that some of the other reviews have a point with lectures being repetitive sometimes, but that being said, I definitely enjoyed this class. This professor is an actual delight, and you can tell she knows what she is talking about. I definitely learned a lot and most of all enjoyed the guest speakers she had come in. The workload is reasonable as well.
While i think it is not super hard to do well in Prof Chun's classes, I did not find her lectures to be very engaging and I did not think reading off of the slides was the best way to disseminate information. She did, however, provide really relevant case studies and those made the class a lot more interesting.
Professor Chun is amazing, she really cares not only about her students but people as a whole. This course made me switch to an IDS major. My TA Kristi was also great too. The reading is reasonable, the quizzes can be taken as many times as you need, and the essays are fair. My TA always got back to me about any questions I had and was helpful with giving advice on essay outlines.
you should take her class. professor Chun is warm, sweet, kind, and thoughtful and everything a professor should be. Im actually really sad I didn’t get to know her more this semester. I was too caught up in trying to adjust to my first quarter here but I really should gone to office hours more or something. U can tell she is very enthusiastic and passionate about the subject material. She got doxxed by some extremists this quarter and she’s like the last person to deserve that and she still made an effort to teach through all that chaos. I have a lot of respect for her and she seems rlly cool and smart tbh. Anyway she is the best I miss her already. i love u prof chun i nominated u for the favorite professor award thing
This was such a great class, and I love Professor Chun! Just a note-- when I took it the name was IDS 120: Culture, Power, and Development, not Economic Development and Culture Change.
In this class we looked into forces of power and injustice in the world with case studies into different regions impacted by development policy! It was all really interesting, and both Professor Chun and my TA Abhilasha were so great and really chill graders!
Both the midterm and the final were take-home essays and I didn't find them to be too difficult! We also had alternating quizzes and short essays every other week, and a good deal of reading, but it wasn't too bad! This is probably my favorite IDS class I've taken so far, definitely recommend!
I felt that professor chun would often talk in circles and it was sometimes difficult to actually figure out the point she was getting to during her lectures. however she is a great professor and stood in solidarity/shed light on the grad students who were protesting for a COLA (cost of living adjustment). i would say this is your standard IDS class, not easy but not hard either. everything was straight forward on the exams. I can definitely say I learned a lot, especially from my TA Joseph who is amazing!
I thought that Professor Chun did a great job exploring the history of development and the different ways development has been implemented across time and the world and explained how it has affected human experience and labor. I really enjoyed taking this class with her! She super great at interacting with students and helping if they need help. Class had weekly memos which were two pages, pretty easy in the long run.
I really enjoyed this class, and it was a pleasure to hear Professor Chun lecture every time. She is very nice, caring, and approachable. The grading distribution was the following: 30% discussion sections, 10% BLM event reflections, 30% midterm, and 30% final. The lectures were recorded and participation was not mandatory. However, you need to go to the sections and participate. Moreover, you need to submit 5 response papers answering one of the weekly questions, which counts for 15% of the participation grade. Her exams were very straight forward. The professor gave four extra credit opportunities and each counted for 0.5 percentage point. The final was optional in a way that anyone who went through hardships could opt out and the midterm counted for 60% of the grade. The professor chose fascinating readings and movies. The material was very interesting. I also was lucky enough to have a great TA, Josh Mayer, who went above and beyond to be helpful to all students. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and learned so much from it. I 100% recommend it!!! As long as you watch the lectures, the movies, and read the articles, you will be good to go! Good luck!
I definitely think that some of the other reviews have a point with lectures being repetitive sometimes, but that being said, I definitely enjoyed this class. This professor is an actual delight, and you can tell she knows what she is talking about. I definitely learned a lot and most of all enjoyed the guest speakers she had come in. The workload is reasonable as well.
While i think it is not super hard to do well in Prof Chun's classes, I did not find her lectures to be very engaging and I did not think reading off of the slides was the best way to disseminate information. She did, however, provide really relevant case studies and those made the class a lot more interesting.