Jennifer Sharpe
Most Helpful Review
I actually had her for Feminist Theory 110B. The course consists of a midterm and a final which are both a 3-4 paper and an in-class short answer. There really isnt that much work to be done. Her lectures are so dull though and I found myself rolling my eyes at everything she said. Sharpe isn't very nice or helpful. I ended up getting a B with a very minimal effort or any sort of understanding of the material.
I actually had her for Feminist Theory 110B. The course consists of a midterm and a final which are both a 3-4 paper and an in-class short answer. There really isnt that much work to be done. Her lectures are so dull though and I found myself rolling my eyes at everything she said. Sharpe isn't very nice or helpful. I ended up getting a B with a very minimal effort or any sort of understanding of the material.
Most Helpful Review
I took Professor Sharpe's WS 110B Feminist Theory Through the Humanities and it remains to be one of my favorite classes to date at UCLA and I graduate in 3 weeks. The class was divided into different sections, first we started with theory and then delved into how it pertains to women of color. The last section was applying theory to rewriting myths, such as Sleeping Beauty and other various cultural mythical portrayals of women. The class blew my mind and Prof. Sharpe was fantastic, she was always eager to let the class debate and discuss their opinions. However, she has a keen eye for those that did not do their work and did not tolerate laziness. If you want to be intellectually challenged and be in an atmosphere where you can really discuss theory and delve into your major, then take one of Sharpe's classes. I am sad that this was the only chance I had to be her student.
I took Professor Sharpe's WS 110B Feminist Theory Through the Humanities and it remains to be one of my favorite classes to date at UCLA and I graduate in 3 weeks. The class was divided into different sections, first we started with theory and then delved into how it pertains to women of color. The last section was applying theory to rewriting myths, such as Sleeping Beauty and other various cultural mythical portrayals of women. The class blew my mind and Prof. Sharpe was fantastic, she was always eager to let the class debate and discuss their opinions. However, she has a keen eye for those that did not do their work and did not tolerate laziness. If you want to be intellectually challenged and be in an atmosphere where you can really discuss theory and delve into your major, then take one of Sharpe's classes. I am sad that this was the only chance I had to be her student.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2015 - Redo-Post, you'd think they'd make a delete button for this site. I hope an administrator will see within time and will delete the post below. I just, changed the scores for the workload. Now to think of it the reading load isn't much and by the end of the quarter you get to view movies. Its just that the time frame to write the essays were short, especially when you got 3 other classes demanding the same. Original post: Ok I see some bad reviews on Professor Sharpe, but I really ended up enjoying something I imagined to be boring. The reading amount can defiantly get dense, if you are taking other literature classes, but the reading selections for the class were excellent. In class, Professor Sharpe tries to engage classroom discussion and expects everyone to ask questions and have read the material before coming to class. So if you don't do the work, your not going to enjoy the class. That being said, I thought her lectures were brilliant. As someone who did not have a clue about postcolonial literature, by the end of the quarter Eng130 became my favorite class. I strongly recommend taking the class, especially if you never have read anything from the Caribbean Islands. Take a leap faith in learning something new, instead of going for the 'cooler' sounding classes. I always felt like the best classes I took during my 4 years were the classes of my third choice. For me, the literature could touch me on a personale level and made me really re-think about how i see myself. During my four years here, that never happened.
Winter 2015 - Redo-Post, you'd think they'd make a delete button for this site. I hope an administrator will see within time and will delete the post below. I just, changed the scores for the workload. Now to think of it the reading load isn't much and by the end of the quarter you get to view movies. Its just that the time frame to write the essays were short, especially when you got 3 other classes demanding the same. Original post: Ok I see some bad reviews on Professor Sharpe, but I really ended up enjoying something I imagined to be boring. The reading amount can defiantly get dense, if you are taking other literature classes, but the reading selections for the class were excellent. In class, Professor Sharpe tries to engage classroom discussion and expects everyone to ask questions and have read the material before coming to class. So if you don't do the work, your not going to enjoy the class. That being said, I thought her lectures were brilliant. As someone who did not have a clue about postcolonial literature, by the end of the quarter Eng130 became my favorite class. I strongly recommend taking the class, especially if you never have read anything from the Caribbean Islands. Take a leap faith in learning something new, instead of going for the 'cooler' sounding classes. I always felt like the best classes I took during my 4 years were the classes of my third choice. For me, the literature could touch me on a personale level and made me really re-think about how i see myself. During my four years here, that never happened.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2013 - I took English 131 with Professor Sharpe and although the class was called "Literary Transculturation of the Caribbean Contact Zone" it was not as difficult and alienating as it may sounds. Professor Sharpe is a very gracious and extremely knowledgeable person (As all UCLA faculty should be). As a transfer student, I am so glad that I had her for one of my first classes at UCLA. Even though the material can be dense, she incorporated film and music to the class material which made it much more interesting than a 9AM class might otherwise be. She wants her students to develop their opinions and she is interested in what you have to say, she even challenges it. This might sound intimidating but she really gives you interesting perspectives on the material we read which is what literature and the humanities is all about! I recommend that English majors take a class with her because she also brings interesting points from the Gender Studies (she is the chair of that department).
Fall 2013 - I took English 131 with Professor Sharpe and although the class was called "Literary Transculturation of the Caribbean Contact Zone" it was not as difficult and alienating as it may sounds. Professor Sharpe is a very gracious and extremely knowledgeable person (As all UCLA faculty should be). As a transfer student, I am so glad that I had her for one of my first classes at UCLA. Even though the material can be dense, she incorporated film and music to the class material which made it much more interesting than a 9AM class might otherwise be. She wants her students to develop their opinions and she is interested in what you have to say, she even challenges it. This might sound intimidating but she really gives you interesting perspectives on the material we read which is what literature and the humanities is all about! I recommend that English majors take a class with her because she also brings interesting points from the Gender Studies (she is the chair of that department).