Jesus Torrecilla
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Spring 2018 - Professor Torrencilla is amazing and super nice. This class is made up of 30% participation and homework. If you do the hw on time and show up to class on time you get the full 30%. 20% of your grade is composed of an essay on a reading of your choice, just analyzing, and a short presentation. 20% is the midterm and 30% the final. He is very straight forward about what will be on the midterm and what kind of questions there will be. For instance, some are one sentence response, others require a 2-3 sentence response, and then there’s like a short essay response (10-12 sentences). Overall, it was a very interesting, fun class and would definitely recommend. Oh, we also don’t have to buy a textbook so that’s a plus!
Spring 2018 - Professor Torrencilla is amazing and super nice. This class is made up of 30% participation and homework. If you do the hw on time and show up to class on time you get the full 30%. 20% of your grade is composed of an essay on a reading of your choice, just analyzing, and a short presentation. 20% is the midterm and 30% the final. He is very straight forward about what will be on the midterm and what kind of questions there will be. For instance, some are one sentence response, others require a 2-3 sentence response, and then there’s like a short essay response (10-12 sentences). Overall, it was a very interesting, fun class and would definitely recommend. Oh, we also don’t have to buy a textbook so that’s a plus!
Most Helpful Review
Great professor! Took 119 with him. The workload isn't hard and even if you don't fully complete the homework he still gives you points and sometimes even lets you complete it and turn it in later for full credit. He explains the material VERY well. As long as you attend lecture (he also takes attendance) you'll do fine since the exams are basically what's discussed in class - no tricks or surprises. He is super kind and is always available, he really wants to see his students succeed.
Great professor! Took 119 with him. The workload isn't hard and even if you don't fully complete the homework he still gives you points and sometimes even lets you complete it and turn it in later for full credit. He explains the material VERY well. As long as you attend lecture (he also takes attendance) you'll do fine since the exams are basically what's discussed in class - no tricks or surprises. He is super kind and is always available, he really wants to see his students succeed.
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Winter 2018 - This class with Torrecilla is pretty simple. There are two essays, a midterm, a final, and some section participation points. He gives you the essay prompts in advance and the tests were pretty fair which was nice. His lectures can be kind of boring and he sometimes fails to cover all the information but when he does cover things he covers them extensively. It's not super necessary to really do the readings in depth but there are reading identifications on the tests. Overall it was a pretty easy class but not the most interesting.
Winter 2018 - This class with Torrecilla is pretty simple. There are two essays, a midterm, a final, and some section participation points. He gives you the essay prompts in advance and the tests were pretty fair which was nice. His lectures can be kind of boring and he sometimes fails to cover all the information but when he does cover things he covers them extensively. It's not super necessary to really do the readings in depth but there are reading identifications on the tests. Overall it was a pretty easy class but not the most interesting.
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Torrecilla is one of the most amazing teachers I have had here. He is direct and thorough about every work he goes over in class. I did an honors contract with him that was too long and a pain, but he was the only professor in two quarters who agreed to give one. He knows everything about his subject, is approachable and available, and extremely concerned with his undergrads. This was quite refreshing coming from the bitter Prof. Johnson the quarter before. I only hope I can take Torrecilla again! Also, my TA was Manuel G, the best TA I've had yet.
Prof. Torrecilla is one of the most amazing teachers I have had here. He is direct and thorough about every work he goes over in class. I did an honors contract with him that was too long and a pain, but he was the only professor in two quarters who agreed to give one. He knows everything about his subject, is approachable and available, and extremely concerned with his undergrads. This was quite refreshing coming from the bitter Prof. Johnson the quarter before. I only hope I can take Torrecilla again! Also, my TA was Manuel G, the best TA I've had yet.
Most Helpful Review
Torrecilla is a very smart and articulate professor, his spanish is clear and easy to understand for non-native speakers and the class was well organized and presented. The readings werent the most engaging I have had, but the reader combines well with lecture to stress the major themes and get to the point of all the readings. Overall one of the better Spanish Lit. classes I have had here
Torrecilla is a very smart and articulate professor, his spanish is clear and easy to understand for non-native speakers and the class was well organized and presented. The readings werent the most engaging I have had, but the reader combines well with lecture to stress the major themes and get to the point of all the readings. Overall one of the better Spanish Lit. classes I have had here
Most Helpful Review
Profesor Torrecilla es uno de los mejores profesores que he tenido en toda mi carrera. Su forma de evaluar es justa y te indica que es lo que quiere que entiendas de cada clase que da. Recomiendo a este profesor a aquellos que esten cursando una carrera en Espanol y "teaching" ya que el te puede orientar muchisimimo.
Profesor Torrecilla es uno de los mejores profesores que he tenido en toda mi carrera. Su forma de evaluar es justa y te indica que es lo que quiere que entiendas de cada clase que da. Recomiendo a este profesor a aquellos que esten cursando una carrera en Espanol y "teaching" ya que el te puede orientar muchisimimo.