Ji Kim
Based on 2 Users
Prof Ji is a phenomenal professor, although her 2 hour lectures can get a bit boring and tiring. However, there were moments when her class would end an hour or even half an hour early. In some lectures, she would make us do dozens of syntax trees as practice and although I do understand why she would make us, at the same time, I felt like it caused some students to get bored and doze off. I have an issue with my writing hand and it would sometimes cause my hand to get into a lot of pain. Her exams were also quite difficult and required a lot of studying and they were quite long as well. I got a B average on both of them but someone got a perfect score on the first one so it is definitely do-able but you do have to put effort to study and practice and ask any questions if you are struggling. She is an extremely kind and patient professor who listen and answers every single question you have. The individual project was quite stressful but at the end, it turned out to be a great learning experience. Also, if you are worried that your Spanish isn't the best, Prof Ji allows you to communicate in English and will translate a word or phrase you need help with. I would give this class a 7/10 because it did cause me stress in a few moments when she would be somewhat vague and because the exams were quite hard at moments. However, the professor deserves a 10/10 because she always replied to emails in less that 24 hours, stayed after class if anyone had any questions, always open to clarify and was a kind-hearted woman. There are not many professors like her so it's awesome to have such a fantastic professor such as her.
Professor Ji Young Kim is the best professor I’ve had at UCLA thus far! She is super kind and helpful and is always open to answering questions. The homework is just like the exams so they are super fair! She also gives an opportunity for extra credit at the end of each exam. I got a A- in the class and could have definitely gotten a higher grade but I procrastinated on the hw. Attendance is important to not fall behind. The final group project is open ended so we got to choose our topic of choice to research upon. She gives a lot of time for it so it’s not anything to stress about too much. I also took her for SPAN 100B and the class is structured very similarly. Only main difference is that the final project for this class is individual. Overall, 10/10 would recommend. Looking forward to taking another class taught by her!
Prof Ji is a phenomenal professor, although her 2 hour lectures can get a bit boring and tiring. However, there were moments when her class would end an hour or even half an hour early. In some lectures, she would make us do dozens of syntax trees as practice and although I do understand why she would make us, at the same time, I felt like it caused some students to get bored and doze off. I have an issue with my writing hand and it would sometimes cause my hand to get into a lot of pain. Her exams were also quite difficult and required a lot of studying and they were quite long as well. I got a B average on both of them but someone got a perfect score on the first one so it is definitely do-able but you do have to put effort to study and practice and ask any questions if you are struggling. She is an extremely kind and patient professor who listen and answers every single question you have. The individual project was quite stressful but at the end, it turned out to be a great learning experience. Also, if you are worried that your Spanish isn't the best, Prof Ji allows you to communicate in English and will translate a word or phrase you need help with. I would give this class a 7/10 because it did cause me stress in a few moments when she would be somewhat vague and because the exams were quite hard at moments. However, the professor deserves a 10/10 because she always replied to emails in less that 24 hours, stayed after class if anyone had any questions, always open to clarify and was a kind-hearted woman. There are not many professors like her so it's awesome to have such a fantastic professor such as her.
Professor Ji Young Kim is the best professor I’ve had at UCLA thus far! She is super kind and helpful and is always open to answering questions. The homework is just like the exams so they are super fair! She also gives an opportunity for extra credit at the end of each exam. I got a A- in the class and could have definitely gotten a higher grade but I procrastinated on the hw. Attendance is important to not fall behind. The final group project is open ended so we got to choose our topic of choice to research upon. She gives a lot of time for it so it’s not anything to stress about too much. I also took her for SPAN 100B and the class is structured very similarly. Only main difference is that the final project for this class is individual. Overall, 10/10 would recommend. Looking forward to taking another class taught by her!