Jinyong Hahn
Department of Economics
Overall Rating
Based on 52 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.9 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tough Tests
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Needs Textbook
  • Useful Textbooks

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (47)

5 of 5
5 of 5
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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2012

Probably the worst experience I've had at UCLA. His lectures are absolutely terrible. He spends most of his lectures deriving formulas and poorly attempting to elucidate concepts by using inappropriate analogies. His assigned homework is straight-forward and trivial.

From previous reviews, I believed that his exams would be very fair. However, Hahn claimed that his prior students complained that his earlier exams were too easy, so he decided to make them more difficult in recent years. Now, his exams are EXTREMELY time-constraining. You get less than 1.5 minutes per question. While, about 60-70% of the exam is pretty straight-forward and can be done in less than 1.5 minutes if you know the material like the back of your hand, he throws in some difficult and time-consuming questions, which you should just skip. Averages on the midterm/final were in the 50%'s. The exams are multiple choice and, no one finishes his exams (and I mean no one). On the midterm, probably 80% of the class didn't get halfway through the exam. On the final, I'd say most students were able to get through about 65-70% of the exam. Therefore, the performance on the ~30% of the exam that students either skip or do not finish is based primarily on chance and, thus, so is your grade, which I believe to be quite ridiculous.

If you do not test quickly, you will not get an A in the class. The top 20% of the class gets A's, but what separates an A from a B is about 2-5 questions, so your grade can easily be determined by chance. I managed to get an A- (I got the average on the midterm and top 10 on the final - primarily because I guessed better than other students on the final). If you want to maximize your chance of obtaining an A, I'd recommend being able to do his homework questions in under a minute and also to memorize formulas (even though you get a cheat sheet) so that you can conserve time on the test.

This was the worst class I've ever taken and the only class that I've received any grade lower than an A. I would not recommend this class. He tests SPEED, not understanding of statistics. You do not need to understand anything in the class except how to use the formulas. You do not need to know what the formulas represent or what they tell you. You just need to know when to use them. Also, you do not need to know any conceptual ideas nor any of the derivations he does in class. They are all irrelevant on the exam. Oh, and his office hours are pointless - he basically repeats the same crap he says in lecture.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 21, 2012

Hahn is one of those professors some students really like and some students really despise. His tests are very time-pressured (about 46 questions in 60 minutes) to the point that the best way to study for his exams is to grind the course material into your brain till it becomes second nature. He allows the use of a cheat sheet on exams, but many students will not have time to search for answers on their cheat sheets since time is so limited.

Hahn can sometimes come off as condescending when he is explaining material in class and implies that the statistics we learned in previous classes was useless. He is super strict on his grading policy and almost flat out rude about the way he explains his grading policy. Your grade is based purely on your performance relative to the class, and the ratio is 40-60 between the midterm and the final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 20, 2012

Easily the worst class I've taken at UCLA. Lectures were unclear and unorganized. Notes had little to do with how the test was run. Studied for at least 50 hours for the final and was still blindsided by most of the questions. Both the midterm and final were incredibly time pressured (200 questions in 2 hours?). Ended up with a B which was not terrible, but haven't had a worse experience with how a class was taught or tested.


3 1 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 27, 2011

EXCELLENT lecturer, some people talk trash about him but his tests are EAAASY A street, and his final is pretty nice and fair too. He's a very nice guy, I didn't have to go to office hours but I could tell.

This prof seems to split some people, but he really knows what he's talking about. TAKE HIM, you won't regret it!


0 6 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2008

I didn't enjoy his class very much. Considering that this is basically an introductory stats class, I believe that he didn't do a very good job. Throughout the course he was very condescending and assumed that we wasted our time with any stats class we had taken before his class (such as the Stats AP exam- I think I learned much more from my Stats AP class...). Anyways, despite the fact that it was an 8:00 class, I dragged myself out of be everymorning to go to his dry and repetitive powerpoint lectures. It would take him forever to progress through simple topics, yet would speed through a little more complicated topics. The first midterm was easy, everyone did well, and the second midterm was a joke. He tested us on topics he basically sped through during lecture. I felt that if he was going to give such a significant amount of weight to those topics he should have made sure we knew that. One significant roadblock I encountered was that the topics he emphasized were solely based upon his lectures. The topic was not covered at all in the book. I had the feeling he had given us such a difficult second midterm because so many people had been skipping lecture, although I don't think he should have been so shocked considering it was an 8:00 class. The lecture following the second midterm he said "I can't believe more people aren't here after such a difficult exam", which led me to the conclusion that he purposely made that exam difficult to boost his attendance. My experience with this teacher was less than satisfying and just made me annoyed most of the time. I would suggest trying to avoid his for this class. (As a side note, I got a decent grade in this class and I'm a math person but just didn't like his way of teaching)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 30, 2008

Lectures are boring, but he explains concepts really well, so I force myself to go to all of them, even though it's an 8 AM class. Discussion sections are pretty helpful; the TAs will review homework problems (which are graded and basically free points) and additional practice problems.

To study, go over his lecture slides (it includes material not in the book), review example problems in the textbook, and do all assigned problems. Don't focus too much on his derivations - he hasn't tested on that so far. Just study the formulas and how to apply them.

All his tests are multiple choice, which may or may not be a good thing. His first midterm was cake - the majority of the class got an A, average was 27/30. However, his second midterm was considerably more difficult. He added ten more questions under the same amount of time, plus some of the questions were VERY time consuming. The average for the second midterm was about 26/40. I still did well on the second midterm by learning how to do homework problems really quickly. Also, he lets you bring cheat sheets to every test, so don't waste time memorizing formulas. But note that you can't rely heavily on your cheat sheet if you want to finish the test on time, so try to make your cheat sheet as concise and easily accesible as possible. Overall, good professor for Econ 41.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 26, 2008

Professor Hahn is an excellent lecturer. He's very good at explaining the material and his exams are very fair (plus you can bring cheat sheets, so that makes them easier). He posts the lecture notes online and gives you a list of practice problems at the beginning of the quarter, which is really nice. If he teaches this again, you should take him.


0 5 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2012

Probably the worst experience I've had at UCLA. His lectures are absolutely terrible. He spends most of his lectures deriving formulas and poorly attempting to elucidate concepts by using inappropriate analogies. His assigned homework is straight-forward and trivial.

From previous reviews, I believed that his exams would be very fair. However, Hahn claimed that his prior students complained that his earlier exams were too easy, so he decided to make them more difficult in recent years. Now, his exams are EXTREMELY time-constraining. You get less than 1.5 minutes per question. While, about 60-70% of the exam is pretty straight-forward and can be done in less than 1.5 minutes if you know the material like the back of your hand, he throws in some difficult and time-consuming questions, which you should just skip. Averages on the midterm/final were in the 50%'s. The exams are multiple choice and, no one finishes his exams (and I mean no one). On the midterm, probably 80% of the class didn't get halfway through the exam. On the final, I'd say most students were able to get through about 65-70% of the exam. Therefore, the performance on the ~30% of the exam that students either skip or do not finish is based primarily on chance and, thus, so is your grade, which I believe to be quite ridiculous.

If you do not test quickly, you will not get an A in the class. The top 20% of the class gets A's, but what separates an A from a B is about 2-5 questions, so your grade can easily be determined by chance. I managed to get an A- (I got the average on the midterm and top 10 on the final - primarily because I guessed better than other students on the final). If you want to maximize your chance of obtaining an A, I'd recommend being able to do his homework questions in under a minute and also to memorize formulas (even though you get a cheat sheet) so that you can conserve time on the test.

This was the worst class I've ever taken and the only class that I've received any grade lower than an A. I would not recommend this class. He tests SPEED, not understanding of statistics. You do not need to understand anything in the class except how to use the formulas. You do not need to know what the formulas represent or what they tell you. You just need to know when to use them. Also, you do not need to know any conceptual ideas nor any of the derivations he does in class. They are all irrelevant on the exam. Oh, and his office hours are pointless - he basically repeats the same crap he says in lecture.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 21, 2012

Hahn is one of those professors some students really like and some students really despise. His tests are very time-pressured (about 46 questions in 60 minutes) to the point that the best way to study for his exams is to grind the course material into your brain till it becomes second nature. He allows the use of a cheat sheet on exams, but many students will not have time to search for answers on their cheat sheets since time is so limited.

Hahn can sometimes come off as condescending when he is explaining material in class and implies that the statistics we learned in previous classes was useless. He is super strict on his grading policy and almost flat out rude about the way he explains his grading policy. Your grade is based purely on your performance relative to the class, and the ratio is 40-60 between the midterm and the final.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 20, 2012

Easily the worst class I've taken at UCLA. Lectures were unclear and unorganized. Notes had little to do with how the test was run. Studied for at least 50 hours for the final and was still blindsided by most of the questions. Both the midterm and final were incredibly time pressured (200 questions in 2 hours?). Ended up with a B which was not terrible, but haven't had a worse experience with how a class was taught or tested.


3 1 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 27, 2011

EXCELLENT lecturer, some people talk trash about him but his tests are EAAASY A street, and his final is pretty nice and fair too. He's a very nice guy, I didn't have to go to office hours but I could tell.

This prof seems to split some people, but he really knows what he's talking about. TAKE HIM, you won't regret it!


0 6 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2008

I didn't enjoy his class very much. Considering that this is basically an introductory stats class, I believe that he didn't do a very good job. Throughout the course he was very condescending and assumed that we wasted our time with any stats class we had taken before his class (such as the Stats AP exam- I think I learned much more from my Stats AP class...). Anyways, despite the fact that it was an 8:00 class, I dragged myself out of be everymorning to go to his dry and repetitive powerpoint lectures. It would take him forever to progress through simple topics, yet would speed through a little more complicated topics. The first midterm was easy, everyone did well, and the second midterm was a joke. He tested us on topics he basically sped through during lecture. I felt that if he was going to give such a significant amount of weight to those topics he should have made sure we knew that. One significant roadblock I encountered was that the topics he emphasized were solely based upon his lectures. The topic was not covered at all in the book. I had the feeling he had given us such a difficult second midterm because so many people had been skipping lecture, although I don't think he should have been so shocked considering it was an 8:00 class. The lecture following the second midterm he said "I can't believe more people aren't here after such a difficult exam", which led me to the conclusion that he purposely made that exam difficult to boost his attendance. My experience with this teacher was less than satisfying and just made me annoyed most of the time. I would suggest trying to avoid his for this class. (As a side note, I got a decent grade in this class and I'm a math person but just didn't like his way of teaching)


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 30, 2008

Lectures are boring, but he explains concepts really well, so I force myself to go to all of them, even though it's an 8 AM class. Discussion sections are pretty helpful; the TAs will review homework problems (which are graded and basically free points) and additional practice problems.

To study, go over his lecture slides (it includes material not in the book), review example problems in the textbook, and do all assigned problems. Don't focus too much on his derivations - he hasn't tested on that so far. Just study the formulas and how to apply them.

All his tests are multiple choice, which may or may not be a good thing. His first midterm was cake - the majority of the class got an A, average was 27/30. However, his second midterm was considerably more difficult. He added ten more questions under the same amount of time, plus some of the questions were VERY time consuming. The average for the second midterm was about 26/40. I still did well on the second midterm by learning how to do homework problems really quickly. Also, he lets you bring cheat sheets to every test, so don't waste time memorizing formulas. But note that you can't rely heavily on your cheat sheet if you want to finish the test on time, so try to make your cheat sheet as concise and easily accesible as possible. Overall, good professor for Econ 41.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 26, 2008

Professor Hahn is an excellent lecturer. He's very good at explaining the material and his exams are very fair (plus you can bring cheat sheets, so that makes them easier). He posts the lecture notes online and gives you a list of practice problems at the beginning of the quarter, which is really nice. If he teaches this again, you should take him.


0 5 Please log in to provide feedback.
5 of 5
Overall Rating
Based on 52 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.9 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tough Tests
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Needs Textbook
  • Useful Textbooks

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