John Agnew
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2017 - The toughest thing about the class, like most people said, is sitting through 3 hours of lecture that is not engaging unless you really like European Cities. The second most annoying thing is how much reading material is given (4-5 books). Other than that, the class is very manageable because the reading can easily be split up if you create a study group and it's very easy to get A's on both the midterm and final. The midterm is in class and the final was take-home. Professor Agnew gives out potential essay questions for both essays, a list of 6 and you must write about the 2 he chooses. When doing the reading, you don't have to read the book word-for-word, make an essay outline and then fill in the specifics when the essay questions are given. Use some evidence from the lecture but the bulk of the evidence should be from the book. Personally, I chose to prepare for only 3 essays for the midterm, he ended up choosing 1 I knew and 1 I didn't know (stupid me) but I managed to spit out as much as I could recall and extra out of my ass and still ended up with a 90 for the midterm. So he's not too too particular, which I was stressed about, nut needlessly. I would take him again knowing how chill he is with grading because the class can even out a heavy load. I am selling all his books for $10 each *************.
Fall 2017 - The toughest thing about the class, like most people said, is sitting through 3 hours of lecture that is not engaging unless you really like European Cities. The second most annoying thing is how much reading material is given (4-5 books). Other than that, the class is very manageable because the reading can easily be split up if you create a study group and it's very easy to get A's on both the midterm and final. The midterm is in class and the final was take-home. Professor Agnew gives out potential essay questions for both essays, a list of 6 and you must write about the 2 he chooses. When doing the reading, you don't have to read the book word-for-word, make an essay outline and then fill in the specifics when the essay questions are given. Use some evidence from the lecture but the bulk of the evidence should be from the book. Personally, I chose to prepare for only 3 essays for the midterm, he ended up choosing 1 I knew and 1 I didn't know (stupid me) but I managed to spit out as much as I could recall and extra out of my ass and still ended up with a 90 for the midterm. So he's not too too particular, which I was stressed about, nut needlessly. I would take him again knowing how chill he is with grading because the class can even out a heavy load. I am selling all his books for $10 each *************.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - SUPER INTERESTING! Agnew is so great and so knowledgeable (but also talks for the entire lecture up until the last second). This course was really intriguing and I loved learning about cities across Europe. It was also SO. EASY. Literally just a take-home midterm and final. The books were unnecessary I found free pdfs of them and just skimmed them for examples for the exams. Agnew's slides are robust and I'd recommend typing everything down. I loved how, after the introductory lectures, each week/day was set aside to deep-dive into one particular city.
Winter 2023 - SUPER INTERESTING! Agnew is so great and so knowledgeable (but also talks for the entire lecture up until the last second). This course was really intriguing and I loved learning about cities across Europe. It was also SO. EASY. Literally just a take-home midterm and final. The books were unnecessary I found free pdfs of them and just skimmed them for examples for the exams. Agnew's slides are robust and I'd recommend typing everything down. I loved how, after the introductory lectures, each week/day was set aside to deep-dive into one particular city.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - This class is SO interesting. We learn so much uncommon (but awesome) info about the Med. Agnew himself is an amazing professor, but the TA was sooo scary and was a tough grader for our weekly assignments. Each week we had an assignment with 2-4 questions about the lecture material and readings, so you best believe I poured my heart and soul into those assignments. The midterm was take-home and a normal long/short essay test. The final was take-home but a research paper. There were a bunch of supplemental readings that were absolutely necessary to read to do well on the assignments (which often ask for specific examples/concepts hidden in one paragraph of the 70 page reading). You don't have to read the whole thing you can skim it and find the info you need, of course. The supplemental books I just found free pdfs for and then the ones I could not find I just used book review sites to get the summary.
Spring 2023 - This class is SO interesting. We learn so much uncommon (but awesome) info about the Med. Agnew himself is an amazing professor, but the TA was sooo scary and was a tough grader for our weekly assignments. Each week we had an assignment with 2-4 questions about the lecture material and readings, so you best believe I poured my heart and soul into those assignments. The midterm was take-home and a normal long/short essay test. The final was take-home but a research paper. There were a bunch of supplemental readings that were absolutely necessary to read to do well on the assignments (which often ask for specific examples/concepts hidden in one paragraph of the 70 page reading). You don't have to read the whole thing you can skim it and find the info you need, of course. The supplemental books I just found free pdfs for and then the ones I could not find I just used book review sites to get the summary.