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Jonathan Sigmon
Based on 63 Users
-easy content
-reasonable workload (weekly 1 page paper on assigned readings graded on completion)
-gives a study guide for exams
-super nice guy
-chill class environment
-can find free pdfs of the textbook online
-boring at times
-content can be pretty common sense/too easy (not really a con though haha)
Professor Sigmon is a super cool guy. He's very chill and will gladly chat with you after class. He's super passionate about the content, and you can tell he loves his job. The exams are extremely fair - he literally posts study guides for them on Bruin Learn, and the study guides give you exactly what you need to know for the exam. I only studied the day of the midterm and the day before the final and I got A's on both. By far my easiest class of the quarter, and it was so refreshing to have such a down to Earth prof
Professor Sigmon is by far my favorite professor at UCLA. His class consists of weekly discussion posts, a midterm exam, and a final exam. His lecture slides are very easy to follow along with and cover everything that will be on the exams, which are all free response questions. Participation matters for the discussion section but is not mandatory for the lectures. The discussion questions are based on the reading but I've learned to do the reading as I'm answering the questions. He posts his slides at the end of the week so missing a class or two won't be an issue. To prepare for the exams, the TA's provide additional office hours and review sessions to go over the topics that will be covered. Note that this class is not one that you can simply memorize. Instead, it's critical to thoroughly understand the concepts and different sociologists discussed in order to do well on the free response questions. Overall this class is super easy to stay on top of and doesn't require a ton of work in comparison to other classes. As long as you study for the exams while putting effort into the weekly discussions, you will do great in the class!
for anyone reading during the 2021-22 school year:
** SELLING HARD COPY OF TEXTBOOK (Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology (7th Edition) by Susan J. Ferguson) FOR $8! i bought it for $9.17 **
text ********** if you're interested!
as someone who loves sociology, this class was easy to enjoy. even if you don't, it's a solid class. if you're taking the exams in person, you just gotta be prepared for open-ended questions. study with quizlet and you'll be set. can't think of a reason not to take it :)
Professor Sigmon is an above average lecturer, if you remember most the content of the lecture slides, you basically get an free A.
He is an a******. The TA is tough grader as well. If you are international student, he will destroy your GPA.
The class itself isn't too hard, but Sigmon is super boring and makes the lectures feel twice as long as they actually are. That being said, you don't really need to attend lectures because his exam questions come straight from the slides. He's really approachable though and his office hours are great if you ever need to talk through paper ideas or class material with him!
Structure of the course was Midterm, Paper, Final with both exams being 30% of the grade and Paper and discussion both being 20%.
Midterm and Final were mostly multiple choice, a few short answer questions, and true or false questions where, if false, you had to say what's the correct answer.
It's important to preface this review with that Sigmon's teaching style is not for everyone. As the more negative reviews have said, he does only read off his slides "in a dark room" and the material can be quite challenging. However, I found this class greatly reinforcing why I even love Sociology in the first place. It's completely valid to feel like this stuff is just recalling material since it's all multiple choice, but I found that if you really enjoy the topics he goes over you'll easily learn it. There's so many types of concepts like group dynamics, aggression, interpersonal attraction, etc. that are, to me, really fun to learn and helps you uncover the "facts" of our daily lives.
His lecture style isn't for everyone. Yeah, it can definitely feel like it's dragging on a bit. I've taken his classes multiple times so I'm used to it, but it's totally fair to feel this way. I felt this way myself, but I really grew to enjoy the comments he makes during lecture that helps reinforce the concepts. And if you don't quite get it, he's more than willing to clarify things during office hours so you truly understand the material. He's a great professor, and I'd take this class again any time. Don't let the negative reviews dismiss what I found to be a genuinely wonderful class with a kind and caring professor.
I am a 4th-year student, and I can tell you that you won't learn much in this class because of the way he organized it. He basically reads off his slides, in a dark classroom, so you can already assume that the lectures are not engaging at all. The exams do not test your knowledge in any way, it is simply memorization which is not very rational for a university social psych class. There is a term paper, which you would think is worth a lot since it is a sociology class, but unfortunately, it is worth the same as attendance, which means to have an A and to be an A student you just have to basically have a great memory and memorize the material, not thinking or analyzing concepts-only learn the answers and recall during the test, and based on that you'll know where you stand. Prof is a nice guy, but the class isn't what I imagined
狠狠避雷 铁铁们速逃 very confusing, midterm and final is so hard, lots of notes and very abstract concepts
this is a review for soc 102 with sigmon, but also 101 because i took him for both. i love sigmon!!! the way that he structures his tests makes it that you can literally have a guaranteed a in the class- as long as you put in the work. the questions on his tests are literally verbatim from what he puts on his slides, no more, no less. he will literally ask you to fill in the blank for a random quote that you're unlikely to remember- unless you study the slides. no reading is required either- both classes i did reading the first few weeks but it doesn't help you much on your tests because all you need to know are the words written on his slides. i studied for his tests by combining all of my lecture notes- this being the notes on his slides typed out word for word- put on a complete google doc. i organized each one by their theory and theorist, if there were multiple, and then also added the info that my ta gave us in section. i then made these concept maps that included the theory, theorist, and all the terms with definitions. others in this class may have just reviewed the slides but i have a really hard time memorizing things unless i do it extensively so as long as i did this, i easily recognized each question on the final. the tests are curved by a couple points too, so that should help. i got a 97 on the midterm, and a 91 on the final because i didn't study the slides enough. there is also an essay but its really easy and he gives you the prompt at the start of the quarter, so start soon that way you have more time to study since the essay is due a few days before the final. its five pages double spaced, but he also asks you to pull from outside resources. not only do i love sigmon because of the predictability of his tests- and my grade in the class- but he also makes understanding theory so much easier. he basically just breaks down the reading into digestible content in his lectures, and pulls from his own life for examples. he also recalls other theoriests in soc 102, from soc 101 so it helped me recall the theories i learned last quarter too. he's also just a really nice guy, i never went to his office hours but it was clear that he loved talking to students and wanted them to succeed. also- this class is not podcasts, however i would miss class a couple weeks because he basically reads his slides word for word, and posts them at the end of each week, so id just take all the info from the slides and copy it down in my doc if i had to miss- but i recommend going in person, he loves when students show up and it also just makes it easier to stay on top of all the info you need.
-easy content
-reasonable workload (weekly 1 page paper on assigned readings graded on completion)
-gives a study guide for exams
-super nice guy
-chill class environment
-can find free pdfs of the textbook online
-boring at times
-content can be pretty common sense/too easy (not really a con though haha)
Professor Sigmon is a super cool guy. He's very chill and will gladly chat with you after class. He's super passionate about the content, and you can tell he loves his job. The exams are extremely fair - he literally posts study guides for them on Bruin Learn, and the study guides give you exactly what you need to know for the exam. I only studied the day of the midterm and the day before the final and I got A's on both. By far my easiest class of the quarter, and it was so refreshing to have such a down to Earth prof
Professor Sigmon is by far my favorite professor at UCLA. His class consists of weekly discussion posts, a midterm exam, and a final exam. His lecture slides are very easy to follow along with and cover everything that will be on the exams, which are all free response questions. Participation matters for the discussion section but is not mandatory for the lectures. The discussion questions are based on the reading but I've learned to do the reading as I'm answering the questions. He posts his slides at the end of the week so missing a class or two won't be an issue. To prepare for the exams, the TA's provide additional office hours and review sessions to go over the topics that will be covered. Note that this class is not one that you can simply memorize. Instead, it's critical to thoroughly understand the concepts and different sociologists discussed in order to do well on the free response questions. Overall this class is super easy to stay on top of and doesn't require a ton of work in comparison to other classes. As long as you study for the exams while putting effort into the weekly discussions, you will do great in the class!
for anyone reading during the 2021-22 school year:
** SELLING HARD COPY OF TEXTBOOK (Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology (7th Edition) by Susan J. Ferguson) FOR $8! i bought it for $9.17 **
text ********** if you're interested!
as someone who loves sociology, this class was easy to enjoy. even if you don't, it's a solid class. if you're taking the exams in person, you just gotta be prepared for open-ended questions. study with quizlet and you'll be set. can't think of a reason not to take it :)
The class itself isn't too hard, but Sigmon is super boring and makes the lectures feel twice as long as they actually are. That being said, you don't really need to attend lectures because his exam questions come straight from the slides. He's really approachable though and his office hours are great if you ever need to talk through paper ideas or class material with him!
Structure of the course was Midterm, Paper, Final with both exams being 30% of the grade and Paper and discussion both being 20%.
Midterm and Final were mostly multiple choice, a few short answer questions, and true or false questions where, if false, you had to say what's the correct answer.
It's important to preface this review with that Sigmon's teaching style is not for everyone. As the more negative reviews have said, he does only read off his slides "in a dark room" and the material can be quite challenging. However, I found this class greatly reinforcing why I even love Sociology in the first place. It's completely valid to feel like this stuff is just recalling material since it's all multiple choice, but I found that if you really enjoy the topics he goes over you'll easily learn it. There's so many types of concepts like group dynamics, aggression, interpersonal attraction, etc. that are, to me, really fun to learn and helps you uncover the "facts" of our daily lives.
His lecture style isn't for everyone. Yeah, it can definitely feel like it's dragging on a bit. I've taken his classes multiple times so I'm used to it, but it's totally fair to feel this way. I felt this way myself, but I really grew to enjoy the comments he makes during lecture that helps reinforce the concepts. And if you don't quite get it, he's more than willing to clarify things during office hours so you truly understand the material. He's a great professor, and I'd take this class again any time. Don't let the negative reviews dismiss what I found to be a genuinely wonderful class with a kind and caring professor.
I am a 4th-year student, and I can tell you that you won't learn much in this class because of the way he organized it. He basically reads off his slides, in a dark classroom, so you can already assume that the lectures are not engaging at all. The exams do not test your knowledge in any way, it is simply memorization which is not very rational for a university social psych class. There is a term paper, which you would think is worth a lot since it is a sociology class, but unfortunately, it is worth the same as attendance, which means to have an A and to be an A student you just have to basically have a great memory and memorize the material, not thinking or analyzing concepts-only learn the answers and recall during the test, and based on that you'll know where you stand. Prof is a nice guy, but the class isn't what I imagined
this is a review for soc 102 with sigmon, but also 101 because i took him for both. i love sigmon!!! the way that he structures his tests makes it that you can literally have a guaranteed a in the class- as long as you put in the work. the questions on his tests are literally verbatim from what he puts on his slides, no more, no less. he will literally ask you to fill in the blank for a random quote that you're unlikely to remember- unless you study the slides. no reading is required either- both classes i did reading the first few weeks but it doesn't help you much on your tests because all you need to know are the words written on his slides. i studied for his tests by combining all of my lecture notes- this being the notes on his slides typed out word for word- put on a complete google doc. i organized each one by their theory and theorist, if there were multiple, and then also added the info that my ta gave us in section. i then made these concept maps that included the theory, theorist, and all the terms with definitions. others in this class may have just reviewed the slides but i have a really hard time memorizing things unless i do it extensively so as long as i did this, i easily recognized each question on the final. the tests are curved by a couple points too, so that should help. i got a 97 on the midterm, and a 91 on the final because i didn't study the slides enough. there is also an essay but its really easy and he gives you the prompt at the start of the quarter, so start soon that way you have more time to study since the essay is due a few days before the final. its five pages double spaced, but he also asks you to pull from outside resources. not only do i love sigmon because of the predictability of his tests- and my grade in the class- but he also makes understanding theory so much easier. he basically just breaks down the reading into digestible content in his lectures, and pulls from his own life for examples. he also recalls other theoriests in soc 102, from soc 101 so it helped me recall the theories i learned last quarter too. he's also just a really nice guy, i never went to his office hours but it was clear that he loved talking to students and wanted them to succeed. also- this class is not podcasts, however i would miss class a couple weeks because he basically reads his slides word for word, and posts them at the end of each week, so id just take all the info from the slides and copy it down in my doc if i had to miss- but i recommend going in person, he loves when students show up and it also just makes it easier to stay on top of all the info you need.