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- Jonathan Sigmon
- SOCIOL 171
Based on 2 Users
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Super light class. Midterm and final were so easily as long as you study and do the readings. Readings weren't bad and were doable. He provides a study guide for midterm and final. He's chill and a funny professor.
You have weekly discussion posts based on the readings ~500 words.
1 midterm
1 5 page paper on someone's job [also super easy]
1 final
10 discussion posts
This class was super interesting and very engaging. As a Sociology major, I found this class to be super easy and very applicable to the real world. Every week you have a one-page, double-spaced, summary reading due to your TAs and discussion is mandatory, you have one free miss. There is a midterm and final. There is also a paper on the quality of a job that someone you know has. I would definitely recommend this class!
Super light class. Midterm and final were so easily as long as you study and do the readings. Readings weren't bad and were doable. He provides a study guide for midterm and final. He's chill and a funny professor.
You have weekly discussion posts based on the readings ~500 words.
1 midterm
1 5 page paper on someone's job [also super easy]
1 final
10 discussion posts
This class was super interesting and very engaging. As a Sociology major, I found this class to be super easy and very applicable to the real world. Every week you have a one-page, double-spaced, summary reading due to your TAs and discussion is mandatory, you have one free miss. There is a midterm and final. There is also a paper on the quality of a job that someone you know has. I would definitely recommend this class!
Based on 2 Users
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