
Jukka Keranen

Overall Ratings
Based on 218 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (218)

13 of 16
13 of 16
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 3, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+

jukka is the best teacher for this class. he is clear, helpful, and very approachable. he uses two beanie babies in class that you ask questions to (flippy and puffers). he is also very funny during class and makes the lessons fun and entertaining as well as easy to understand. i would love every class at UCLA and pass every one if ey were all taught by the penguin god himself, jukka


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 9, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: N/A

I am going to be completely honest by saying that although I got an A+ in this class, I did not feel like I learned anything. The 30 series is decently confusing and most of the time you feel like you're learning the same thing every single week. Jukka overall was a good professor, but he was not very helpful and was honestly very passive aggressive when students asked questions. The exams are decently challenging, but the practice exams are very similar. There is much opportunity for extra credit in this class so getting an A is super attainable.


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Aug. 12, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A-

Keranen is an absolutely amazing professor. There's no reason to hesitate when picking Keranen. If you can take him, DO IT. Decently easy A and you also learn a lot.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 28, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

I'm not very religious, but I do wholeheartedly believe this man is an angel descended from the heavens. Jukka is the best professor I've had at UCLA so far, and I 100% recommend taking him if you need LS 30A/B. He is super understanding, accommodating, clear, and just an all-around nice person. Sometimes in the middle of lecture he'll just randomly say how much he loves us and it makes me want to cry he is so sweet. His slides are really easy to understand - he does a great job of turning pretty complicated topics into very organized presentations. He does give a lot of small assignments throughout the week (like pre-class/post-class work) that can be difficult to keep track of in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it's not bad at all. His exams were very fair and he did an amazing job preparing us for it. In his review sessions, he'll literally go over problems of the exact same format before the midterm & final. He also provides practice exams and a whole slideshow of practice exam problems so you'll be set. Near the end, he gave more extra credit because it seemed like he just wanted everyone to get an A and not be stressed. The coding in 30B was harder than 30A, but I just got a lot of help from my TA and LA and I was fine. And it's not bad considering there wasn't any coding on our midterm or final. Overall, Jukka is your best friend so take 30B with him if you can!!!


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July 30, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A

Really good and passionate professor. I think he was one of the best professors who motivated me to do things for this class. His grading scheme is very forgiving, and i would definitely recommend for a class like this. He has a lot of office hours that are available, his midterms are just like he says they are and its just a good class to be in. I found this to be a useful class.


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July 28, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A

Jukka is the best mathematics professor I've had at UCLA, and is in my top three across the entire school. He is extremely well-prepared, does a great job explaining the complex topics brought on by an upper-division linear algebra course, and has a wonderful personality. He holds several office hours each week, including one on Sunday and extra review sessions before exams, to help assist with the weekly homework assignments and to answer questions about the subject matter.

Each of our two-hour lectures opened with an extensive review (sometimes taking up to a third of the total class time) of the previous material to make sure everyone was staying up to date and following along. After that, we went through two slide decks with a short break in the middle. The slides were published the evening before so we could prepare before coming the next day. After class, our one-hour discussion section went over some additional practice problems in order to get some hands-on work with the material. At the end of each day, we needed to submit a class reflection, detailing the new content we learned and giving us an opportunity to recall everything so that it stays fresh.

The class was not too difficult, but it also did require quite a bit of work. Even though the class is condensed into six weeks, rather than ten, we still covered every single slide that would have been presented in the ten week course. Jukka helpfully left the last unit (on inner products) off the exam to give us a chance to study for a full week.

We had one midterm exam, attendance was required, and the biweekly discussions had a worksheet submission. There were ten homework problems a week, not taking more than a couple hours in total.


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July 25, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A

Professor Jukka is by far the best professor I have ever had within the two years of college so far. Before enrolling in his class, a lot of my peers have offered very positive feedback about him and his reviews on Bruinwalk was also very assuring. However, it was my experience in this class that I realized how amazing of a Professor he is and how helpful of a resource he becomes for us students.
Beginning of the summer session A, I met with him and discussed about dropping out due to the difficulty of the class; however, he reassured me and offered to take time out of his day to meet with me for a tutoring session to help make sure I understood the class materials. Not only did he went beyond his ways to help me, but he was very communicative and held many, many review sessions and office hours to answer our questions and make sure we were fully prepared for the exams.
Additionally, Professor Jukka is great at teaching the course materials as he's very clear and goes at a good pace for everyone to understand. Unlike some professors I've taken, he's willing to make sure that no students fall behind and that they can be comfortable to ask any questions.
I am truly thankful that I got to enroll in one of Professor Jukka's class because it was very eye-opening and I am very, very appreciative of his unwavering support to make sure his students succeed in his class. Without him, I would have most likely dropped out of Math 115A and probably struggled worse with another professor so I am truly grateful for Professor Jukka. He is an amazing professor and individual and I hope to be able to take more upper div classes with him in the future and I hope many students can experience the wonderful learning experience that I got with Professor Jukka.
I know he can't see this but I want to thank him very much and that words can't describe how grateful I am. The UCLA Math department is very lucky to have a professor like him and I wish him the best of luck!


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June 25, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C

OMG where do I begin?!?! Jukka will be the best math teacher, if not the best teacher you've ever had. Words cannot explain how terrified I was for Math 31A and he completely eased my worries within the first week. The COUNTLESS review sessions for the Midterm and Final also show how much he wants us to succeed in the class. He told us he sleeps 3-4 hours a day and it's literally because he works so hard for us :(. I will say, this class is a LOT of homework (up to 80 hour-long problems in a week), but it's all extremely helpful in understanding the material. Be prepared to dedicate most of your life to this class when you take it, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! If you fail the class initially (calc is sooo tough), Jukka will give you the opportunity to take an oral test with him through Zoom (basically a giveaway). He's the sweetest and he deserves the WORLDDDD!!!!! I also want to say that this was my first calc class and my math skills are absolutely horrifying. So if I can do it, you can too! Take advantage of office hours and tutoring (my PLF was a miracle)! and you'll do great :)!!!!


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June 23, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Jukka is the -best professor. Take him and you don't have to worry about one single thing.


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June 9, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Take 115A with Jukka. He has an awesome personality, clear lectures, and straightforward tests with LOTS of officer hours and review sessions. I got a C in 33a and didn't remember much about linear algebra but that didn't matter. Jukka starts fresh and makes it alot less intimidating. Attendance was mandatory but I didn't even mind going to every one. The small classroom size also completely changes the dynamic for the better.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+
Feb. 3, 2022

jukka is the best teacher for this class. he is clear, helpful, and very approachable. he uses two beanie babies in class that you ask questions to (flippy and puffers). he is also very funny during class and makes the lessons fun and entertaining as well as easy to understand. i would love every class at UCLA and pass every one if ey were all taught by the penguin god himself, jukka


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: N/A
Feb. 9, 2022

I am going to be completely honest by saying that although I got an A+ in this class, I did not feel like I learned anything. The 30 series is decently confusing and most of the time you feel like you're learning the same thing every single week. Jukka overall was a good professor, but he was not very helpful and was honestly very passive aggressive when students asked questions. The exams are decently challenging, but the practice exams are very similar. There is much opportunity for extra credit in this class so getting an A is super attainable.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A-
Aug. 12, 2024

Keranen is an absolutely amazing professor. There's no reason to hesitate when picking Keranen. If you can take him, DO IT. Decently easy A and you also learn a lot.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 28, 2022

I'm not very religious, but I do wholeheartedly believe this man is an angel descended from the heavens. Jukka is the best professor I've had at UCLA so far, and I 100% recommend taking him if you need LS 30A/B. He is super understanding, accommodating, clear, and just an all-around nice person. Sometimes in the middle of lecture he'll just randomly say how much he loves us and it makes me want to cry he is so sweet. His slides are really easy to understand - he does a great job of turning pretty complicated topics into very organized presentations. He does give a lot of small assignments throughout the week (like pre-class/post-class work) that can be difficult to keep track of in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it's not bad at all. His exams were very fair and he did an amazing job preparing us for it. In his review sessions, he'll literally go over problems of the exact same format before the midterm & final. He also provides practice exams and a whole slideshow of practice exam problems so you'll be set. Near the end, he gave more extra credit because it seemed like he just wanted everyone to get an A and not be stressed. The coding in 30B was harder than 30A, but I just got a lot of help from my TA and LA and I was fine. And it's not bad considering there wasn't any coding on our midterm or final. Overall, Jukka is your best friend so take 30B with him if you can!!!


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A
July 30, 2024

Really good and passionate professor. I think he was one of the best professors who motivated me to do things for this class. His grading scheme is very forgiving, and i would definitely recommend for a class like this. He has a lot of office hours that are available, his midterms are just like he says they are and its just a good class to be in. I found this to be a useful class.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A
July 28, 2024

Jukka is the best mathematics professor I've had at UCLA, and is in my top three across the entire school. He is extremely well-prepared, does a great job explaining the complex topics brought on by an upper-division linear algebra course, and has a wonderful personality. He holds several office hours each week, including one on Sunday and extra review sessions before exams, to help assist with the weekly homework assignments and to answer questions about the subject matter.

Each of our two-hour lectures opened with an extensive review (sometimes taking up to a third of the total class time) of the previous material to make sure everyone was staying up to date and following along. After that, we went through two slide decks with a short break in the middle. The slides were published the evening before so we could prepare before coming the next day. After class, our one-hour discussion section went over some additional practice problems in order to get some hands-on work with the material. At the end of each day, we needed to submit a class reflection, detailing the new content we learned and giving us an opportunity to recall everything so that it stays fresh.

The class was not too difficult, but it also did require quite a bit of work. Even though the class is condensed into six weeks, rather than ten, we still covered every single slide that would have been presented in the ten week course. Jukka helpfully left the last unit (on inner products) off the exam to give us a chance to study for a full week.

We had one midterm exam, attendance was required, and the biweekly discussions had a worksheet submission. There were ten homework problems a week, not taking more than a couple hours in total.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: N/A
July 25, 2024

Professor Jukka is by far the best professor I have ever had within the two years of college so far. Before enrolling in his class, a lot of my peers have offered very positive feedback about him and his reviews on Bruinwalk was also very assuring. However, it was my experience in this class that I realized how amazing of a Professor he is and how helpful of a resource he becomes for us students.
Beginning of the summer session A, I met with him and discussed about dropping out due to the difficulty of the class; however, he reassured me and offered to take time out of his day to meet with me for a tutoring session to help make sure I understood the class materials. Not only did he went beyond his ways to help me, but he was very communicative and held many, many review sessions and office hours to answer our questions and make sure we were fully prepared for the exams.
Additionally, Professor Jukka is great at teaching the course materials as he's very clear and goes at a good pace for everyone to understand. Unlike some professors I've taken, he's willing to make sure that no students fall behind and that they can be comfortable to ask any questions.
I am truly thankful that I got to enroll in one of Professor Jukka's class because it was very eye-opening and I am very, very appreciative of his unwavering support to make sure his students succeed in his class. Without him, I would have most likely dropped out of Math 115A and probably struggled worse with another professor so I am truly grateful for Professor Jukka. He is an amazing professor and individual and I hope to be able to take more upper div classes with him in the future and I hope many students can experience the wonderful learning experience that I got with Professor Jukka.
I know he can't see this but I want to thank him very much and that words can't describe how grateful I am. The UCLA Math department is very lucky to have a professor like him and I wish him the best of luck!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C
June 25, 2024

OMG where do I begin?!?! Jukka will be the best math teacher, if not the best teacher you've ever had. Words cannot explain how terrified I was for Math 31A and he completely eased my worries within the first week. The COUNTLESS review sessions for the Midterm and Final also show how much he wants us to succeed in the class. He told us he sleeps 3-4 hours a day and it's literally because he works so hard for us :(. I will say, this class is a LOT of homework (up to 80 hour-long problems in a week), but it's all extremely helpful in understanding the material. Be prepared to dedicate most of your life to this class when you take it, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! If you fail the class initially (calc is sooo tough), Jukka will give you the opportunity to take an oral test with him through Zoom (basically a giveaway). He's the sweetest and he deserves the WORLDDDD!!!!! I also want to say that this was my first calc class and my math skills are absolutely horrifying. So if I can do it, you can too! Take advantage of office hours and tutoring (my PLF was a miracle)! and you'll do great :)!!!!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 23, 2024

Jukka is the -best professor. Take him and you don't have to worry about one single thing.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 9, 2024

Take 115A with Jukka. He has an awesome personality, clear lectures, and straightforward tests with LOTS of officer hours and review sessions. I got a C in 33a and didn't remember much about linear algebra but that didn't matter. Jukka starts fresh and makes it alot less intimidating. Attendance was mandatory but I didn't even mind going to every one. The small classroom size also completely changes the dynamic for the better.


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13 of 16

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