
Jukka Keranen

Overall Ratings
Based on 211 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (211)

5 of 15
5 of 15
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March 24, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

The book for this class is honestly shit. The LS 30 series is fairly new but the book is often unclear and has a lot of typos. Labs were pretty annoying but once you get the handle of coding the lab exam is easy and it becomes free points. Jukka is honestly such a G. I was a bit bored in lectures at times but Jukka is a really awesome guy. He cares about his students and wants everyone to succeed and get an A. He said he understood the book was bad and even asked for our feedback in improving the course for the future. He also gave us midterm and final exams to help us study. The midterm was way harder than the final. Jukka gave us his previous year's final to study for and the questions were literally the same except for a few changes that helped make the questions clearer and easier. I didn't always understand the concepts Jukka was talking about in lecture and I stopped reading the book at some point. But make sure to go to review sessions he goes over everything you would need for the exams. Jukka's the best.


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March 26, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+

This class was very very easy. Jukka's lectures are very interesting and engaging. He often tells jokes and finds places to slide in sarcasm, making lecture very fun. He gives a fair amount of homework and has clicker questions nearly every lecture (aka attendance is important). In terms of midterms and finals, they are very straightforward. If you utilize the materials/practice problems he provides, you should be well prepared. Additionally, you should attend the review sessions he holds before big exams because he gives a lot of useful information about what WILL be on the exam. The only thing that most people struggle with in this course is the lab section. Personally, I didn't struggle much. However, if you find yourself struggling with this class, you can always go to office hours/ ask your TA/LA. They are very helpful. Since this class has a lab exam portion, it is important to truly learn how to do the code. Overall, this class was probably my favorite class of my fall quarter. Choose Jukka if possible!


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March 23, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: NR

Jukka is a great professor and he knows the material well. He is very clear in the lectures and all of the slides are available on CCLE if you miss anything. Doing well is this class isn't rocket science; basically just do the labs and the homework and go to his review sessions before the midterm and the final. When I took this class the final was significantly harder than the midterm so be prepared for that. Class still wasn't too difficult, though. He's a funny guy and will take the time to make sure you understand something is you don't get it the first time around.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

Jukka is amazing! He is so sweet and lenient, especially with school being online. It's so easy to end with an A, he gives everyone 20 points extra credit so your grade is already boosted. Work can pile up if you let the recorded lectures stack up, and the homework is pretty lengthy. Jukka takes so much time to make sure we all understand and is happy to give any extension you need. Definitely take this class!


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April 1, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

I took LIFESCI 30B with Jukka during Winter 2019.

Chances are that if you're looking at Bruinwalk for LS30B, you're probably required to take this class as a major prerequisite anyway and you're probably just comparing professors.

That being said, I was very happy to have Jukka as my professor for the LS 30 series. Although I do admit I often got bored during the lecture slides, they were effective in helping me learn the material. And although I spent many hours doing the assigned homework problems, they helped me become proficient at the material.

Jukka was also very helpful during his office hours and review sessions. He went over problems in great detail and it was obvious he cared a lot for his students' success.

The midterm and final study guides and practice templates prepare you extremely well. For the 30A midterm and final and the 30B midterm, Jukka was very straight forward--I did pretty well because he was clear about exactly what to study. The 30B final was slightly trickier but I still did pretty well.


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April 4, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B

I had never taken calculus before this class but that didn't seem to affect my understanding much. Jukka is a very interesting guy who genuinely cares about his students. He holds office hours and review sessions to help prepare students for the exams but the content of this class can be pretty confusing. I also hate coding which was a downside but my TA, John, was very helpful and funny. I would recommend taking this class with Jukka if you have to take the class because the content will be similar among all professors but Jukka tries to help students succeed in the class.


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April 11, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

Jukka's class was fairly easy. He only tests you on what he has taught you. Be sure to attend his office hours and do the practice problems he gives out before the midterm and final. These are very useful because they are quite similar to the exams themselves. Sometimes I found that his teaching style was unclear, so I just watched YouTube videos or looked back over his slides to review what he had said in class. If you put in the time to understand what he is teaching and can solve all the different types of problems he discusses in class, then you will do fine.

(Lastly, Jukka has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and can seem a bit condescending, but he is actually a nice and funny guy. )


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 30, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+

This is a great class with an amazing professor. I can't recommend Jukka enough. He is very kind, interesting, smart, and warm. He makes the class so good. In order to do well in this class, just do all the assignments on time, go to all the office hours (it's best to do weekly quizzes after office hours to make sure you understand the questions and answers), and study a lot. It's a substantial amount of work, but this is a fascinating class with one of the best professors ever.


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June 15, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

As someone who absolutely hated LS30B, Jukka totally redeemed this series for me. Other than the coding, which I will never like, I grew to like this class. Jukka is so fair and he gives out accurate practice tests. He knows what topics are difficult and spends extra time on them. He’s quirky but really a sweet funny guy, and I’ll miss his teaching!


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June 18, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

I love Jukka! He's very funny and approachable and also reviews the course material at such a great pace. He gives out excellent previous finals and midterms to study off of and puts in so much effort into his slides. I would 10/10 take his class again just for his neon backpack.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
March 24, 2019

The book for this class is honestly shit. The LS 30 series is fairly new but the book is often unclear and has a lot of typos. Labs were pretty annoying but once you get the handle of coding the lab exam is easy and it becomes free points. Jukka is honestly such a G. I was a bit bored in lectures at times but Jukka is a really awesome guy. He cares about his students and wants everyone to succeed and get an A. He said he understood the book was bad and even asked for our feedback in improving the course for the future. He also gave us midterm and final exams to help us study. The midterm was way harder than the final. Jukka gave us his previous year's final to study for and the questions were literally the same except for a few changes that helped make the questions clearer and easier. I didn't always understand the concepts Jukka was talking about in lecture and I stopped reading the book at some point. But make sure to go to review sessions he goes over everything you would need for the exams. Jukka's the best.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
March 26, 2019

This class was very very easy. Jukka's lectures are very interesting and engaging. He often tells jokes and finds places to slide in sarcasm, making lecture very fun. He gives a fair amount of homework and has clicker questions nearly every lecture (aka attendance is important). In terms of midterms and finals, they are very straightforward. If you utilize the materials/practice problems he provides, you should be well prepared. Additionally, you should attend the review sessions he holds before big exams because he gives a lot of useful information about what WILL be on the exam. The only thing that most people struggle with in this course is the lab section. Personally, I didn't struggle much. However, if you find yourself struggling with this class, you can always go to office hours/ ask your TA/LA. They are very helpful. Since this class has a lab exam portion, it is important to truly learn how to do the code. Overall, this class was probably my favorite class of my fall quarter. Choose Jukka if possible!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: NR
March 23, 2019

Jukka is a great professor and he knows the material well. He is very clear in the lectures and all of the slides are available on CCLE if you miss anything. Doing well is this class isn't rocket science; basically just do the labs and the homework and go to his review sessions before the midterm and the final. When I took this class the final was significantly harder than the midterm so be prepared for that. Class still wasn't too difficult, though. He's a funny guy and will take the time to make sure you understand something is you don't get it the first time around.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Dec. 28, 2020

Jukka is amazing! He is so sweet and lenient, especially with school being online. It's so easy to end with an A, he gives everyone 20 points extra credit so your grade is already boosted. Work can pile up if you let the recorded lectures stack up, and the homework is pretty lengthy. Jukka takes so much time to make sure we all understand and is happy to give any extension you need. Definitely take this class!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 1, 2019

I took LIFESCI 30B with Jukka during Winter 2019.

Chances are that if you're looking at Bruinwalk for LS30B, you're probably required to take this class as a major prerequisite anyway and you're probably just comparing professors.

That being said, I was very happy to have Jukka as my professor for the LS 30 series. Although I do admit I often got bored during the lecture slides, they were effective in helping me learn the material. And although I spent many hours doing the assigned homework problems, they helped me become proficient at the material.

Jukka was also very helpful during his office hours and review sessions. He went over problems in great detail and it was obvious he cared a lot for his students' success.

The midterm and final study guides and practice templates prepare you extremely well. For the 30A midterm and final and the 30B midterm, Jukka was very straight forward--I did pretty well because he was clear about exactly what to study. The 30B final was slightly trickier but I still did pretty well.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B
April 4, 2019

I had never taken calculus before this class but that didn't seem to affect my understanding much. Jukka is a very interesting guy who genuinely cares about his students. He holds office hours and review sessions to help prepare students for the exams but the content of this class can be pretty confusing. I also hate coding which was a downside but my TA, John, was very helpful and funny. I would recommend taking this class with Jukka if you have to take the class because the content will be similar among all professors but Jukka tries to help students succeed in the class.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
April 11, 2019

Jukka's class was fairly easy. He only tests you on what he has taught you. Be sure to attend his office hours and do the practice problems he gives out before the midterm and final. These are very useful because they are quite similar to the exams themselves. Sometimes I found that his teaching style was unclear, so I just watched YouTube videos or looked back over his slides to review what he had said in class. If you put in the time to understand what he is teaching and can solve all the different types of problems he discusses in class, then you will do fine.

(Lastly, Jukka has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and can seem a bit condescending, but he is actually a nice and funny guy. )


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B+
March 30, 2021

This is a great class with an amazing professor. I can't recommend Jukka enough. He is very kind, interesting, smart, and warm. He makes the class so good. In order to do well in this class, just do all the assignments on time, go to all the office hours (it's best to do weekly quizzes after office hours to make sure you understand the questions and answers), and study a lot. It's a substantial amount of work, but this is a fascinating class with one of the best professors ever.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
June 15, 2019

As someone who absolutely hated LS30B, Jukka totally redeemed this series for me. Other than the coding, which I will never like, I grew to like this class. Jukka is so fair and he gives out accurate practice tests. He knows what topics are difficult and spends extra time on them. He’s quirky but really a sweet funny guy, and I’ll miss his teaching!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
June 18, 2019

I love Jukka! He's very funny and approachable and also reviews the course material at such a great pace. He gives out excellent previous finals and midterms to study off of and puts in so much effort into his slides. I would 10/10 take his class again just for his neon backpack.


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