Kie Zuraw
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - Figured 120A would be a nightmare for me because I crawled through 102 with the most generous D grade of my life, but for someone who struggles massively with auditory processing type stuff, this course has been extremely enjoyable to take. The grading scheme is such that there are goals for various concepts in the course; once you master them, your grade can't drop for that concept. As long as you master the various concepts and grab a couple advanced proficiencies, an A is extremely doable in this course, and unless a train wreck in my life occurs, I'm expecting an A- or an A. There is a final project, and it involves eliciting data from consultants regarding a phonological phenomenon in some language, both of your choice. It's a baby step into more rigorous academic writing but still appropriate in scale to the course where it doesn't feel intimidatingly/overwhelmingly formal. Kie provides handouts each lecture, and while it does somewhat suck to miss lecture since you miss out on filling some blanks in the notes, the course is still easily manageable, and the lecture handouts are excellent review materials regardless. Strongly recommend taking this course with Kie, but in my experience, Dr. Bell is also an excellent professor for 119A (if for example, you took 102 or you need to petition to take 119A due tocourse availability) who was nothing but patient with me and my circumstances when I took 102 and dropped 119A a few years ago. Dr. Bell has the same grading scheme, so I suspect you won't go wrong regardless of which professor you choose. Regardless, Kie definitely made me appreciate phonology way more than I ever would have expected.
Winter 2024 - Figured 120A would be a nightmare for me because I crawled through 102 with the most generous D grade of my life, but for someone who struggles massively with auditory processing type stuff, this course has been extremely enjoyable to take. The grading scheme is such that there are goals for various concepts in the course; once you master them, your grade can't drop for that concept. As long as you master the various concepts and grab a couple advanced proficiencies, an A is extremely doable in this course, and unless a train wreck in my life occurs, I'm expecting an A- or an A. There is a final project, and it involves eliciting data from consultants regarding a phonological phenomenon in some language, both of your choice. It's a baby step into more rigorous academic writing but still appropriate in scale to the course where it doesn't feel intimidatingly/overwhelmingly formal. Kie provides handouts each lecture, and while it does somewhat suck to miss lecture since you miss out on filling some blanks in the notes, the course is still easily manageable, and the lecture handouts are excellent review materials regardless. Strongly recommend taking this course with Kie, but in my experience, Dr. Bell is also an excellent professor for 119A (if for example, you took 102 or you need to petition to take 119A due tocourse availability) who was nothing but patient with me and my circumstances when I took 102 and dropped 119A a few years ago. Dr. Bell has the same grading scheme, so I suspect you won't go wrong regardless of which professor you choose. Regardless, Kie definitely made me appreciate phonology way more than I ever would have expected.
Most Helpful Review
I was fortunate to have taken both 103 and 165A with Kie. Like the poster below me, I completely agree--Kie is THE BEST PROFESSOR EVER. She's passionate about what she teaches and it really comes across during lecture. She's also very approachable for questions at any time. She's also very organized with everything--her handouts are extremely detailed, lectures MAKE SENSE, etc. If you ever get a chance to take a class with her, DO IT!
I was fortunate to have taken both 103 and 165A with Kie. Like the poster below me, I completely agree--Kie is THE BEST PROFESSOR EVER. She's passionate about what she teaches and it really comes across during lecture. She's also very approachable for questions at any time. She's also very organized with everything--her handouts are extremely detailed, lectures MAKE SENSE, etc. If you ever get a chance to take a class with her, DO IT!