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- Kim Tuan Do
- MATH 61
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I dont know why this dude has a 5.0, but im going to make sure that students in the future do not make the mistake I did. He goes so fast in the course its almost as if hes expected you to take the course already. The hw and quizzes are really easy, but the tests have time sinks that are virtually impossible worth like 6% of your grade. Other than that, they are relatively easy, I have nothing awful to say about this class, but the in my opinion he does not deserve a 5.0 unless you a fan of jokes that are not very funny but for some reason makes the entire class burst out laughing. The lectures are unclear and there is very little substantiation in anything he does on the board, forcing you to learn through the homework. Overall relatively mid experience.
I liked this class a lot - I thought the professor was a good lecturer, and the lectures themselves are very clear and well-organized (though unfortunately not recorded). The homework is graded on correctness but generally weren't too difficult, aside from a few tricky problems. We had two midterms and a final - in terms of exam format, the questions were all fairly straightforward and similar to those in homework/lecture, with the exception of each exam having a question subpart (usually worth ~5%) that was noticeably harder than the others. I didn't attend many office hours personally, but the professor would almost always be going over homework problems.
I dont know why this dude has a 5.0, but im going to make sure that students in the future do not make the mistake I did. He goes so fast in the course its almost as if hes expected you to take the course already. The hw and quizzes are really easy, but the tests have time sinks that are virtually impossible worth like 6% of your grade. Other than that, they are relatively easy, I have nothing awful to say about this class, but the in my opinion he does not deserve a 5.0 unless you a fan of jokes that are not very funny but for some reason makes the entire class burst out laughing. The lectures are unclear and there is very little substantiation in anything he does on the board, forcing you to learn through the homework. Overall relatively mid experience.
I liked this class a lot - I thought the professor was a good lecturer, and the lectures themselves are very clear and well-organized (though unfortunately not recorded). The homework is graded on correctness but generally weren't too difficult, aside from a few tricky problems. We had two midterms and a final - in terms of exam format, the questions were all fairly straightforward and similar to those in homework/lecture, with the exception of each exam having a question subpart (usually worth ~5%) that was noticeably harder than the others. I didn't attend many office hours personally, but the professor would almost always be going over homework problems.
Based on 2 Users
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