Kimberly Boswell
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - I came in having taken AP Macro in high school, so I knew all of the content before the first midterm, so I stopped going to class after Week 2. However, Prof. Boswell's lecture slides were enough to understand the course content, so I had no issue with studying. Tests were generally fair, and she chose not to curve the class down, which was great. Overall decent class, even though I went all of seven times.
Spring 2024 - I came in having taken AP Macro in high school, so I knew all of the content before the first midterm, so I stopped going to class after Week 2. However, Prof. Boswell's lecture slides were enough to understand the course content, so I had no issue with studying. Tests were generally fair, and she chose not to curve the class down, which was great. Overall decent class, even though I went all of seven times.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - Professor Boswell is a godsend and made this class so incredibly painless. There are professors that care about their craft, that care about their students’ wellbeing, and that care about their students’ learning, and then there are professors who care about all three. Professor Boswell is the latter. This class has virtually no homework or busywork—everything seems intentional and purposeful in furthering our understanding of the subject and success in the class. She is concise and clear in lectures, using an abundance of real-world examples and ties in current events to every lecture to keep the subject matter relevant and show us why each concept is important. Outside of her lectures though, Cengage is a godsend for extra practice problems, and similar problems from the cengage practice sets are often on the midterms. Professor Boswell is intelligent, adept, and funny while still being firm, fair, and accommodating where need be. If you dislike this class for any reason, it’s going to be because really how interesting can macroeconomics be, but I promise you it won’t be because of Boswell <3.
Fall 2022 - Professor Boswell is a godsend and made this class so incredibly painless. There are professors that care about their craft, that care about their students’ wellbeing, and that care about their students’ learning, and then there are professors who care about all three. Professor Boswell is the latter. This class has virtually no homework or busywork—everything seems intentional and purposeful in furthering our understanding of the subject and success in the class. She is concise and clear in lectures, using an abundance of real-world examples and ties in current events to every lecture to keep the subject matter relevant and show us why each concept is important. Outside of her lectures though, Cengage is a godsend for extra practice problems, and similar problems from the cengage practice sets are often on the midterms. Professor Boswell is intelligent, adept, and funny while still being firm, fair, and accommodating where need be. If you dislike this class for any reason, it’s going to be because really how interesting can macroeconomics be, but I promise you it won’t be because of Boswell <3.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - This class was extremely well-taught, with strong slides and plenty of practice exams, homeworks, and resources to prepare for exams. The final grade was comprised of 30% midterm, 40% final, and 30% group projects. If you do all the practice weekly questions and make a good cheat sheet, you'll be fine. Taking Boswell again for 104!
Winter 2024 - This class was extremely well-taught, with strong slides and plenty of practice exams, homeworks, and resources to prepare for exams. The final grade was comprised of 30% midterm, 40% final, and 30% group projects. If you do all the practice weekly questions and make a good cheat sheet, you'll be fine. Taking Boswell again for 104!
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - Practice tests and project material (summary/spreadsheet of all the codes for Econ 103 and 104; super helpful for 104!) are available, $30 for full package (negotiable - I'm flexible and nice dw). Email me at *************. Boswell is pretty nice and extends project due dates if most of the class needs extra time for the group projects. Make sure for your groups, you choose responsible group partners and that you study well for the midterm. the midterm itself wasn't super difficult, but in my opinion, the environment was poorly planned out. She also records and livestreams lectures.
Fall 2023 - Practice tests and project material (summary/spreadsheet of all the codes for Econ 103 and 104; super helpful for 104!) are available, $30 for full package (negotiable - I'm flexible and nice dw). Email me at *************. Boswell is pretty nice and extends project due dates if most of the class needs extra time for the group projects. Make sure for your groups, you choose responsible group partners and that you study well for the midterm. the midterm itself wasn't super difficult, but in my opinion, the environment was poorly planned out. She also records and livestreams lectures.