Leisy Abrego
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2016 - I really hated this class. It's so boring and basically the same as 10A. Prof. Abrego is soooo boring, she's so full of herself and she low-key seems to have something against white people. The class is really easy with a creative project worth 10%, participation worth 25%, midterm essay worth 25% and a final paper worth 40%. I haven't gotten my grade back yet but I expect an A.
Winter 2016 - I really hated this class. It's so boring and basically the same as 10A. Prof. Abrego is soooo boring, she's so full of herself and she low-key seems to have something against white people. The class is really easy with a creative project worth 10%, participation worth 25%, midterm essay worth 25% and a final paper worth 40%. I haven't gotten my grade back yet but I expect an A.
Most Helpful Review
Summer 2023 - So for CCAS 10B I had Paula Ayala during the summer course. She's super nice and seems pretty lenient. Overall the class is boring but worth taking. It's an easy A since there are literally only 2 assignments which are two essays both 5 pages and they're based on a topic of your choice by using the readings she provides for you to create an argument and write about. The class is super easy. It's 10% participation and 10% attendance while the essays are worth both 40%. Seeing as I'm writing this while on week 5, I don't know exactly how she grades on the essays since she hasn't submitted any grades. But seeing as she also didn't provide much information or rubric on how to write the essays we should be fine. I also got by without readings some of the texts she provides since in class she talks about it but her lectures are kind of all over the place. Overall take the class for an easy A.
Summer 2023 - So for CCAS 10B I had Paula Ayala during the summer course. She's super nice and seems pretty lenient. Overall the class is boring but worth taking. It's an easy A since there are literally only 2 assignments which are two essays both 5 pages and they're based on a topic of your choice by using the readings she provides for you to create an argument and write about. The class is super easy. It's 10% participation and 10% attendance while the essays are worth both 40%. Seeing as I'm writing this while on week 5, I don't know exactly how she grades on the essays since she hasn't submitted any grades. But seeing as she also didn't provide much information or rubric on how to write the essays we should be fine. I also got by without readings some of the texts she provides since in class she talks about it but her lectures are kind of all over the place. Overall take the class for an easy A.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - This class is made up of 2 take home quizzes that are open note, 4 reading reflections, and 1 annotated bibliography at the end of the quarter (makes up a lot of your grade). Not many assignments but super easy if you go to class, do the readings, and understand the material. She records lectures but there is a participation part of your grade that can be made up with the occasional in-class participation. The one con with this class is the reading/content load. Expect 50-100 pages of reading a week and sometimes a 30minute-2hour long documentary. All the content is super interesting about social justice and issues in Central America. I learned so much and I am very glad I took this class.
Fall 2023 - This class is made up of 2 take home quizzes that are open note, 4 reading reflections, and 1 annotated bibliography at the end of the quarter (makes up a lot of your grade). Not many assignments but super easy if you go to class, do the readings, and understand the material. She records lectures but there is a participation part of your grade that can be made up with the occasional in-class participation. The one con with this class is the reading/content load. Expect 50-100 pages of reading a week and sometimes a 30minute-2hour long documentary. All the content is super interesting about social justice and issues in Central America. I learned so much and I am very glad I took this class.