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Lia Brozgal
Based on 75 Users
This class is really interesting if you need it as a GE, for your major, or if you're just interested in film. I learned a lot from this class and I really enjoyed the movies we watched and the cultural aspect of the class. The paper was graded fairly and wasn't that hard to write as long as you watched the films and used specific examples of concepts that you learned in class. The midterm and final were online, which was nice since you could take it on your own time but the questions were very specific so you need to make sure you remember details from all the movies and examples the professor said in lecture. The only thing I didn't like about this class is that the lectures were very long; on Tuesday's we watched the movie, which would usually be around 2 hours, and Thursdays we had a long lecture to go over the film. Discussions are also mandatory and participation matters. If you're looking for a fun class with not a whole lot of workload, I would recommend this class.
I really enjoyed my time with Professor Brozgal in French 41. In the beginning, my motivation in taking this class was to fulfill a GE; however, I am so happy that I was able to enroll in this class my first quarter here at UCLA. She is incredibly kind and understanding. After attending her office hours once, she remembered my name. It is so gratifying to hear your name in a classroom of 120 students. Whether you want to talk to Professor Brozgal about your thesis for the 2 short essays (10% of your grade each) or your upbringing during her office hours, she is open arms. The model of the class is one day is a screening day and the other a lecture day. I have been able to enjoy some of the best French films in this class. Her lectures sound like essays due to how well spoken this woman is :). The grade composition is made up of 1 midterm and a final, both which are online and multiple choice. There are about two hours allocated for the exam, but I only used about 30-35 minutes.
10/10 Would Recommend!!
Amazing class! I had never considered analyzing films--I was just taking this class for a french minor and for a GE. Professor Brozgal was awesome and I am so glad I took it. The movies were all good (with the exception of the 1930s propaganda one but it was still interesting). My mind was boggled by her lectures every time because she would analyze film elements so in-depth and connect them to the readings and historical context of the films. My TA Katie was pretty nice too!
I really enjoyed this class! Lectures were online/asynchronous with one in-person discussion a week. Throughout the week we were assigned a movie to watch and a few hours of recorded lectures breaking down concepts and information we needed to know. The content was really interesting, and Prof. Brozgal was always clear and informative in her lectures. Since the class focused on important and relevant topics - centering on racism in the context of France and its history - our weekly discussion section always had people engaged, with collaborative and insightful conversations taking place throughout the quarter.
Grading; we had weekly participation points from discussion, three quizzes throughout the quarter (all based on the lecture recordings, watch/take notes on those and you're golden) and a collaborative final project.
Overall would highly recommend! + shoutout to our TA Danielle!
I took French 41 during Winter 2015.
She is an absolutely incredible professor. Coming from the Engineering School, she is the reason why I believe that UCLA has a stronger Humanities professors than Engineering professors. Very articulate, top-notch French (though classes are never given in French if that's a concern), all around great person. I unfortunately could not go to her OH because it conflicted with a class but I'm sure it would have been a blast if I did go.
The class went like every week a movie and then a lecture on the next day of class. So, 10 movies in 10 weeks (yes!) and a lecture following each one. Also, each film we saw had some thematic discussion of race.
Lectures were well organized and presented valuable information. She does go into a "lecture voice" i.e. droning voice, but if you are interested in the subject matter you won't find yourself lost in her arguments. She definitely made insightful analysis that made the films much more easier to understand and made me appreciate the film much more.
TA Discussion sessions were alright. My TA was a History student so not sure if he offers the best filmic insights to the films (but good insight into the history behind it). I think most students preferred the other TA but I'm not sure if she will be TAing for future classes as she got her PhD at the end of our quarter. With my TA, I was lucky to have some pretty insightful classmates talking about the readings and film. Each week, someone led a discussion with the reading but the TA frequently "intervened" to get the discussion going (we were a pretty quiet bunch). Overall, a very welcoming environment so always speak up no matter what your ideas are!!
The movie choices were also amazing. The Intouchables was the first one we saw and it's a brilliantly made fun film. I lot of people liked La Haine as well but I was alright with it (not particularly hyped about it). Excluding The Intouchables, my personal favourites were the one about a teacher in a school, the French colony documentary, Welcome to the Sticks, and Welcome. You won't have trouble finding a film that you will enjoy.
My only complaint about the class was that I hoped to learn more filmic techniques, specifically French film techniques as I adore the French style of films, and because the course title included "French cinema." I wasn't expecting a quarter discussing race in France.
Tests were a bit tricky. You had to memorize a lot of film techniques and be able to visually identify them. What made the MC test challenging was that that you can't easily identify the correct solution unless if you "became the word." As a result, I didn't do too hot on the tests. Thankfully, they were not the big proportion of the class.
Regarding the essays, there were 3 (?) essays we had to write. 2 were on selected films and the last one was any film we saw. I was very scared on writing them because I never understood how to write a good analysis essay in high school. But I guess my TA likes my style of analysis so I got A's on all my essays. Given how my writing generally lacks the "pop," I'm pretty sure most students got A's as well. Another thing about the leniency of grading is that I wrote my last essay the night before it was due and the others were written MAX 3 nights before. Ended up with an A- in the class (I think my final weighted percentage was an 89%)
In summary, awesome class, great professor, GPA booster GE, learn a lot about France, learn cool things about films, and have a great time. French 41 is THE class for the cultural analysis GE (thank gosh I didn't take the Ling GEs, would have missed out on this golden class).
Professor Brozgal is very knowledgeable and concerned. In french 41, we watch the films on Tuesday and have lecture about the film on Thursday.
Grade breakdown:
15% attendance
10% participation
15% 3 response paper (5% each)
25% midterm
30% final
5% leading discussion
I got an A- in the class because I didn't study the slides when preparing for the midterm. Nevertheless, I learnt a lot in this class and really enjoy it!
I LOVED Prof Brozgal. I didn't actually attend Office hours but I loved her lectures, her choice of films and her insights on each of them. I absolutely loves The Intouchables and La Haine. There was only one film in the class that was sort of boring. I learnt a LOT about film and French culture. This was an AMAZING GE!
Brozgal is amazing. By far one of the most passionate and personable teachers I've ever had. She is an incredible educator and honestly takes the time to get to know her students. I'll be taking as many classes with her as I can. She gives a lot of work, but it will all pay off! Take her!
The French Cinema class was a really fun GE. Prof Brozgal is nothing short of amazing. We watched a film every tuesday and she gave a lecture about it on thursday. The readings were long and rather complex but she broke it all down to the basics. It was easy to follow. I learnt A LOT and I loved the selection of films too.
I absolutely adore Brozgal. She's incredible. The woman spent several years living in Paris and, let me tell you, it paid off. Her French is amazing. She speaks so quickly with an immaculate Parisian accent that you'd never guess she's American. I was scared out of my mind when I started French 120 with her last quarter. I thought I would have to drop the class because I'd only understand 60-70% of her lectures. I went to her office hours and expressed my concerns...she is very empathetic and an excellent listener. She encouraged me to stay in the class and do my best. By the end of the quarter, my comprehension of French had improved SO much. I wish I could take her every quarter. She is passionate about this language and culture. She's also a classy dresser and very beautiful. She's pretty young, too, so she's "hip with the kids." Haha. TAKE HER AND THANK ME LATER.
This class is really interesting if you need it as a GE, for your major, or if you're just interested in film. I learned a lot from this class and I really enjoyed the movies we watched and the cultural aspect of the class. The paper was graded fairly and wasn't that hard to write as long as you watched the films and used specific examples of concepts that you learned in class. The midterm and final were online, which was nice since you could take it on your own time but the questions were very specific so you need to make sure you remember details from all the movies and examples the professor said in lecture. The only thing I didn't like about this class is that the lectures were very long; on Tuesday's we watched the movie, which would usually be around 2 hours, and Thursdays we had a long lecture to go over the film. Discussions are also mandatory and participation matters. If you're looking for a fun class with not a whole lot of workload, I would recommend this class.
I really enjoyed my time with Professor Brozgal in French 41. In the beginning, my motivation in taking this class was to fulfill a GE; however, I am so happy that I was able to enroll in this class my first quarter here at UCLA. She is incredibly kind and understanding. After attending her office hours once, she remembered my name. It is so gratifying to hear your name in a classroom of 120 students. Whether you want to talk to Professor Brozgal about your thesis for the 2 short essays (10% of your grade each) or your upbringing during her office hours, she is open arms. The model of the class is one day is a screening day and the other a lecture day. I have been able to enjoy some of the best French films in this class. Her lectures sound like essays due to how well spoken this woman is :). The grade composition is made up of 1 midterm and a final, both which are online and multiple choice. There are about two hours allocated for the exam, but I only used about 30-35 minutes.
10/10 Would Recommend!!
Amazing class! I had never considered analyzing films--I was just taking this class for a french minor and for a GE. Professor Brozgal was awesome and I am so glad I took it. The movies were all good (with the exception of the 1930s propaganda one but it was still interesting). My mind was boggled by her lectures every time because she would analyze film elements so in-depth and connect them to the readings and historical context of the films. My TA Katie was pretty nice too!
I really enjoyed this class! Lectures were online/asynchronous with one in-person discussion a week. Throughout the week we were assigned a movie to watch and a few hours of recorded lectures breaking down concepts and information we needed to know. The content was really interesting, and Prof. Brozgal was always clear and informative in her lectures. Since the class focused on important and relevant topics - centering on racism in the context of France and its history - our weekly discussion section always had people engaged, with collaborative and insightful conversations taking place throughout the quarter.
Grading; we had weekly participation points from discussion, three quizzes throughout the quarter (all based on the lecture recordings, watch/take notes on those and you're golden) and a collaborative final project.
Overall would highly recommend! + shoutout to our TA Danielle!
I took French 41 during Winter 2015.
She is an absolutely incredible professor. Coming from the Engineering School, she is the reason why I believe that UCLA has a stronger Humanities professors than Engineering professors. Very articulate, top-notch French (though classes are never given in French if that's a concern), all around great person. I unfortunately could not go to her OH because it conflicted with a class but I'm sure it would have been a blast if I did go.
The class went like every week a movie and then a lecture on the next day of class. So, 10 movies in 10 weeks (yes!) and a lecture following each one. Also, each film we saw had some thematic discussion of race.
Lectures were well organized and presented valuable information. She does go into a "lecture voice" i.e. droning voice, but if you are interested in the subject matter you won't find yourself lost in her arguments. She definitely made insightful analysis that made the films much more easier to understand and made me appreciate the film much more.
TA Discussion sessions were alright. My TA was a History student so not sure if he offers the best filmic insights to the films (but good insight into the history behind it). I think most students preferred the other TA but I'm not sure if she will be TAing for future classes as she got her PhD at the end of our quarter. With my TA, I was lucky to have some pretty insightful classmates talking about the readings and film. Each week, someone led a discussion with the reading but the TA frequently "intervened" to get the discussion going (we were a pretty quiet bunch). Overall, a very welcoming environment so always speak up no matter what your ideas are!!
The movie choices were also amazing. The Intouchables was the first one we saw and it's a brilliantly made fun film. I lot of people liked La Haine as well but I was alright with it (not particularly hyped about it). Excluding The Intouchables, my personal favourites were the one about a teacher in a school, the French colony documentary, Welcome to the Sticks, and Welcome. You won't have trouble finding a film that you will enjoy.
My only complaint about the class was that I hoped to learn more filmic techniques, specifically French film techniques as I adore the French style of films, and because the course title included "French cinema." I wasn't expecting a quarter discussing race in France.
Tests were a bit tricky. You had to memorize a lot of film techniques and be able to visually identify them. What made the MC test challenging was that that you can't easily identify the correct solution unless if you "became the word." As a result, I didn't do too hot on the tests. Thankfully, they were not the big proportion of the class.
Regarding the essays, there were 3 (?) essays we had to write. 2 were on selected films and the last one was any film we saw. I was very scared on writing them because I never understood how to write a good analysis essay in high school. But I guess my TA likes my style of analysis so I got A's on all my essays. Given how my writing generally lacks the "pop," I'm pretty sure most students got A's as well. Another thing about the leniency of grading is that I wrote my last essay the night before it was due and the others were written MAX 3 nights before. Ended up with an A- in the class (I think my final weighted percentage was an 89%)
In summary, awesome class, great professor, GPA booster GE, learn a lot about France, learn cool things about films, and have a great time. French 41 is THE class for the cultural analysis GE (thank gosh I didn't take the Ling GEs, would have missed out on this golden class).
Professor Brozgal is very knowledgeable and concerned. In french 41, we watch the films on Tuesday and have lecture about the film on Thursday.
Grade breakdown:
15% attendance
10% participation
15% 3 response paper (5% each)
25% midterm
30% final
5% leading discussion
I got an A- in the class because I didn't study the slides when preparing for the midterm. Nevertheless, I learnt a lot in this class and really enjoy it!
I LOVED Prof Brozgal. I didn't actually attend Office hours but I loved her lectures, her choice of films and her insights on each of them. I absolutely loves The Intouchables and La Haine. There was only one film in the class that was sort of boring. I learnt a LOT about film and French culture. This was an AMAZING GE!
Brozgal is amazing. By far one of the most passionate and personable teachers I've ever had. She is an incredible educator and honestly takes the time to get to know her students. I'll be taking as many classes with her as I can. She gives a lot of work, but it will all pay off! Take her!
The French Cinema class was a really fun GE. Prof Brozgal is nothing short of amazing. We watched a film every tuesday and she gave a lecture about it on thursday. The readings were long and rather complex but she broke it all down to the basics. It was easy to follow. I learnt A LOT and I loved the selection of films too.
I absolutely adore Brozgal. She's incredible. The woman spent several years living in Paris and, let me tell you, it paid off. Her French is amazing. She speaks so quickly with an immaculate Parisian accent that you'd never guess she's American. I was scared out of my mind when I started French 120 with her last quarter. I thought I would have to drop the class because I'd only understand 60-70% of her lectures. I went to her office hours and expressed my concerns...she is very empathetic and an excellent listener. She encouraged me to stay in the class and do my best. By the end of the quarter, my comprehension of French had improved SO much. I wish I could take her every quarter. She is passionate about this language and culture. She's also a classy dresser and very beautiful. She's pretty young, too, so she's "hip with the kids." Haha. TAKE HER AND THANK ME LATER.