Marissa Lopez
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2017 - Lopez is honestly such a great professor. She is engaging, funny, and very hip. She can sometimes get pretty political in her lectures which bothers some people, but I think it's awesome because she really tries to relate course material to current events and make it relevant. Her lectures tend to be pretty heavy on the history behind pieces of literature, and instead of doing a lot of close reading in class she instead poses lots of big questions and ideas that students should think about regarding the texts. Class is graded as so: In class work - 5% Section Grade - 15% Essay 1 - 15% Group Project - 20% Essay 2 - 25% Final - 20% The group project generally bums people out when they see it on the syllabus, and I was definitely dreading having to do it. But it's actually pretty cool, it's basically just creating a database of a bunch of primary, secondary, etc etc sources on an author of your group's choice. Lopez also is very lenient with the grading and everyone does really well on the project--she mainly just makes the group project a thing because she wants students to learn how to use the library. Overall, 10C was great and very well balanced in terms of assignments and grading. Would definitely recommend taking Lopez--she is fair, interesting, engaging, and just super cool.
Winter 2017 - Lopez is honestly such a great professor. She is engaging, funny, and very hip. She can sometimes get pretty political in her lectures which bothers some people, but I think it's awesome because she really tries to relate course material to current events and make it relevant. Her lectures tend to be pretty heavy on the history behind pieces of literature, and instead of doing a lot of close reading in class she instead poses lots of big questions and ideas that students should think about regarding the texts. Class is graded as so: In class work - 5% Section Grade - 15% Essay 1 - 15% Group Project - 20% Essay 2 - 25% Final - 20% The group project generally bums people out when they see it on the syllabus, and I was definitely dreading having to do it. But it's actually pretty cool, it's basically just creating a database of a bunch of primary, secondary, etc etc sources on an author of your group's choice. Lopez also is very lenient with the grading and everyone does really well on the project--she mainly just makes the group project a thing because she wants students to learn how to use the library. Overall, 10C was great and very well balanced in terms of assignments and grading. Would definitely recommend taking Lopez--she is fair, interesting, engaging, and just super cool.