Mark Karlan
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - Awesome class. - Tests are tough, but provided study materials/reviews will prepare you well. - Lots of information that will be directly applicable later in life - Lectures are focused and useful (coming from engineering, I'm not used to that), and he tells interesting stories from his experience relevant to the concepts
Spring 2023 - Awesome class. - Tests are tough, but provided study materials/reviews will prepare you well. - Lots of information that will be directly applicable later in life - Lectures are focused and useful (coming from engineering, I'm not used to that), and he tells interesting stories from his experience relevant to the concepts
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2016 - took this class with Karlan the last time he taught it.. its no longer enjoyable and easy. He's changed his grading scheme so that class was much harder for us. The above grade distribution is over a year old.. so don't be fooled. Definitely wouldn't recommend this class, you'll have to work your a** off for a B
Spring 2016 - took this class with Karlan the last time he taught it.. its no longer enjoyable and easy. He's changed his grading scheme so that class was much harder for us. The above grade distribution is over a year old.. so don't be fooled. Definitely wouldn't recommend this class, you'll have to work your a** off for a B
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - I would recommend this class. You learn a lot of good real-world stuff. It's a good intro to finance even if you aren't particularly interested in real estate. Professor Karlan is really knowledgable, engaging, and fair. Pretty light workload. Just a midterm, final, and clicker questions during lecture. Midterm and final are open book, but you still need to study because there is a time crunch (especially for the midterm). If you actually go to class, take decent notes, and study for a few hours before the exams you'll be set. The TAs were also really helpful and basically tell you what's going to be on the exams, so be sure to actually attend the review sessions.
Winter 2019 - I would recommend this class. You learn a lot of good real-world stuff. It's a good intro to finance even if you aren't particularly interested in real estate. Professor Karlan is really knowledgable, engaging, and fair. Pretty light workload. Just a midterm, final, and clicker questions during lecture. Midterm and final are open book, but you still need to study because there is a time crunch (especially for the midterm). If you actually go to class, take decent notes, and study for a few hours before the exams you'll be set. The TAs were also really helpful and basically tell you what's going to be on the exams, so be sure to actually attend the review sessions.