Martin Monti
Most Helpful Review
Real Course: Psychology 120 In simple words, TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is funny, passionate about what he teaches and very welcoming to his student's questions or concerns. As a psych major, I worried about taking classes in Column A. However, if you are need to take this class, then take it with Professor Monti. He had students laughing at 8:00am and offered his lectures podcasted for non-early birds. His tests were fair, but definitely prepare for them. After speaking with the TA's, they openly admitted to intentionally trying to make the tests difficult (the average being C+). Both the midterm and final are multiple choice questions with a heavy emphasis on lecture material and some on the book. There are also two papers (1 page length) due. Overall, it was a great experience and would definitely recommend it!
Real Course: Psychology 120 In simple words, TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! He is funny, passionate about what he teaches and very welcoming to his student's questions or concerns. As a psych major, I worried about taking classes in Column A. However, if you are need to take this class, then take it with Professor Monti. He had students laughing at 8:00am and offered his lectures podcasted for non-early birds. His tests were fair, but definitely prepare for them. After speaking with the TA's, they openly admitted to intentionally trying to make the tests difficult (the average being C+). Both the midterm and final are multiple choice questions with a heavy emphasis on lecture material and some on the book. There are also two papers (1 page length) due. Overall, it was a great experience and would definitely recommend it!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - I've never reviewed anyone on Bruinwalk until Monti. He loves to teach and he is excited about all of his research (which is fascinating btw). At one point, he started crying during class because he was so happy that the class was engaged and asking so many questions. The class is easy, but very interesting. There are weekly 10-point quizzes on lecture materials, two non-cumulative, multiple choice exams, and one writing assignment. Lectures are recorded, but I don't see the point in taking the class if you're not gonna show up because the class is so small and very much discussion-based. The content starts out pretty philosophical, but becomes a bit more technical/neurosciencey at the end (never that bad though). I could not recommend a class more!
Winter 2025 - I've never reviewed anyone on Bruinwalk until Monti. He loves to teach and he is excited about all of his research (which is fascinating btw). At one point, he started crying during class because he was so happy that the class was engaged and asking so many questions. The class is easy, but very interesting. There are weekly 10-point quizzes on lecture materials, two non-cumulative, multiple choice exams, and one writing assignment. Lectures are recorded, but I don't see the point in taking the class if you're not gonna show up because the class is so small and very much discussion-based. The content starts out pretty philosophical, but becomes a bit more technical/neurosciencey at the end (never that bad though). I could not recommend a class more!
Most Helpful Review
Psych 120 A I would not recommend taking this class for your column A. Tests are very tricky, and quiz questions as well. It seems as if some of the TA's/prof's mission were to test us on minute details often barely mentioned. Monti made the material more confusing. I really wish i took this class with a different prof. And even though lectures are podcasted you have to go to them now due to the wonderful idea of iclickers.....! This class made me really upset as i studied so much and felt i really knew the material, but as previously mentioned i agree that the many test questions were completely unfair.
Psych 120 A I would not recommend taking this class for your column A. Tests are very tricky, and quiz questions as well. It seems as if some of the TA's/prof's mission were to test us on minute details often barely mentioned. Monti made the material more confusing. I really wish i took this class with a different prof. And even though lectures are podcasted you have to go to them now due to the wonderful idea of iclickers.....! This class made me really upset as i studied so much and felt i really knew the material, but as previously mentioned i agree that the many test questions were completely unfair.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2022 - For the first half of this course, the professor lectures. For the second half, you work on labs on your own (i.e. so technically, you don't actually have to be in class for the later weeks). I usually get away with not attending lecture for most of my classes, but for this class, I highly recommend attending all of the lectures and taking notes, as the slides are vary vague (rarely any text, mostly pictures) and the things he says are directly related to the quizzes and assignments. There are no exams nor extra credit. Overall, I learned a lot in this course and Professor Monti is an engaging and enthusiastic professor who loves brains and MRI technology.
Fall 2022 - For the first half of this course, the professor lectures. For the second half, you work on labs on your own (i.e. so technically, you don't actually have to be in class for the later weeks). I usually get away with not attending lecture for most of my classes, but for this class, I highly recommend attending all of the lectures and taking notes, as the slides are vary vague (rarely any text, mostly pictures) and the things he says are directly related to the quizzes and assignments. There are no exams nor extra credit. Overall, I learned a lot in this course and Professor Monti is an engaging and enthusiastic professor who loves brains and MRI technology.