Maylei Blackwell
Most Helpful Review
Okay, Okay. This is going to be an HONEST review! I know that as I was in this class, I hated it so much just because of all the work we had to do. [It actually wasn't even that much -- all that was a lot was the readings]. So, if you are good with managing your time, take this. Anyways, I complained a lot because I felt I had a lot of work to do! But, now that I am out of this class, I feel like i LEARNED so MUCH! Like, I kind of forget things I've learned, but this class I find myself still knowing what we learned.! This class, I think made me more conscious of everything around me. The midterm and final study guides can be a bitch, but if you've been reading, you should be fine! And, everything on the midterm/final study guide is the EXACT same thing, she will not give you tricky stuff. So just study! Lecture sucks -- she some what sucks (However, she is very knowledgeable about the material) what we learned is GREAT! If you want a lazy class, don't take this. if you want an easy A, don't do this. If you want to learn, take this. If you like to learn about women, inequalities, chicanos, immigrants, etc. take this.
Okay, Okay. This is going to be an HONEST review! I know that as I was in this class, I hated it so much just because of all the work we had to do. [It actually wasn't even that much -- all that was a lot was the readings]. So, if you are good with managing your time, take this. Anyways, I complained a lot because I felt I had a lot of work to do! But, now that I am out of this class, I feel like i LEARNED so MUCH! Like, I kind of forget things I've learned, but this class I find myself still knowing what we learned.! This class, I think made me more conscious of everything around me. The midterm and final study guides can be a bitch, but if you've been reading, you should be fine! And, everything on the midterm/final study guide is the EXACT same thing, she will not give you tricky stuff. So just study! Lecture sucks -- she some what sucks (However, she is very knowledgeable about the material) what we learned is GREAT! If you want a lazy class, don't take this. if you want an easy A, don't do this. If you want to learn, take this. If you like to learn about women, inequalities, chicanos, immigrants, etc. take this.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - the professor was a bit confusing and it was a bit hard to do the assignments because her lack of clarity. the TAs themselves repeatedly said multiple times that they felt lost as well. we had 2-3 page papers due every other week in which we had to analyze the assigned readings and create an argument based on them. our final was a project that could be creative or written. i did a paper, which had to be at least 7 pages, on a popular media (film, song, author, etc.), and discuss it within the framework of three major themes we learned about in class (ie gender roles, social class). the assignments weren't graded harshly, which was the only saving grace for this class (shoutout to ta gabby, she was great).
Spring 2023 - the professor was a bit confusing and it was a bit hard to do the assignments because her lack of clarity. the TAs themselves repeatedly said multiple times that they felt lost as well. we had 2-3 page papers due every other week in which we had to analyze the assigned readings and create an argument based on them. our final was a project that could be creative or written. i did a paper, which had to be at least 7 pages, on a popular media (film, song, author, etc.), and discuss it within the framework of three major themes we learned about in class (ie gender roles, social class). the assignments weren't graded harshly, which was the only saving grace for this class (shoutout to ta gabby, she was great).