Mayumi Prins
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2018 - Doing well in this class boils down to how you study. Even though there is A LOT of material to memorize, it's completely manageable if you space out studying and practice recall. I cannot emphasize anything more than practicing recall! This course is extremely fair and the exams pull directly from lecture and the notes. They even give you a lot of blanks to practice on, so there really shouldn't be an excuse for missing things on those figures. I guarantee that if you study by re-labelling and studying the figures and by drawing things out, then you will do well in the course. And the professors are pretty good and caring, but they don't care about any BS or slacking off, so that's why some people may think they're bad or hardasses. Tips: - Screenshot all figures (even the little ones in the corner and especially the ones that have labels in red) and fill out all the labels. Then re-do them. Every picture and structure that appears on the test was somewhere in the lecture notes. - DRAW WHATEVER YOU CAN. Draw the pathways, make tables, use colors, draw brain structures and then label it, etc. This is an ANATOMY course, so most of the material needs to be visually learned. Your brain will remember the drawings and figures easily this way and recall on the test will be clear. - Do not waste time trying to write down or type everything the professors say. Most of what they say is WRITTEN ON THE SLIDES, but the point is to listen and see what's important and where the structures are located. I encourage printing out the slides and writing on them, or typing directly onto the slides or using your ipad to write notes directly onto the slides. If you made it all the way to the end of my post, then good for you! I really really really loved this course because the material was incredible. Studying for this class didn't seem tough for me, because I truly loved the material and cared about actually learning it. If you are a neuroscience major or pre-med, then you really should try hard for this class because in med school, you'll have to learn neuroanatomy anyway and this is directly relevant for your career. And if you don't enjoy the material or care, then why are you in this class or major anyway?
Fall 2018 - Doing well in this class boils down to how you study. Even though there is A LOT of material to memorize, it's completely manageable if you space out studying and practice recall. I cannot emphasize anything more than practicing recall! This course is extremely fair and the exams pull directly from lecture and the notes. They even give you a lot of blanks to practice on, so there really shouldn't be an excuse for missing things on those figures. I guarantee that if you study by re-labelling and studying the figures and by drawing things out, then you will do well in the course. And the professors are pretty good and caring, but they don't care about any BS or slacking off, so that's why some people may think they're bad or hardasses. Tips: - Screenshot all figures (even the little ones in the corner and especially the ones that have labels in red) and fill out all the labels. Then re-do them. Every picture and structure that appears on the test was somewhere in the lecture notes. - DRAW WHATEVER YOU CAN. Draw the pathways, make tables, use colors, draw brain structures and then label it, etc. This is an ANATOMY course, so most of the material needs to be visually learned. Your brain will remember the drawings and figures easily this way and recall on the test will be clear. - Do not waste time trying to write down or type everything the professors say. Most of what they say is WRITTEN ON THE SLIDES, but the point is to listen and see what's important and where the structures are located. I encourage printing out the slides and writing on them, or typing directly onto the slides or using your ipad to write notes directly onto the slides. If you made it all the way to the end of my post, then good for you! I really really really loved this course because the material was incredible. Studying for this class didn't seem tough for me, because I truly loved the material and cared about actually learning it. If you are a neuroscience major or pre-med, then you really should try hard for this class because in med school, you'll have to learn neuroanatomy anyway and this is directly relevant for your career. And if you don't enjoy the material or care, then why are you in this class or major anyway?