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Michael Cooperson
Based on 38 Users
Cooperson is phenomenal and a true polyglot! He is so knowledgeable, and I really did learn more from this class than all the Arabic classes I've taken (I'm an Arabic major). Put in the effort into the assignments and you should be fine as he gives you multiple tries to get a 100%. HIGHLY recommend this class!
He is a super nice professor; his interest in his topic is engaging. Final was 20 minutes long and is super generous in terms of points you can earn back.
Professor Cooperson is very kind and cultivates a very positive class atmosphere! Work-wise, this class was not my absolute favorite, but it wasn't terrible. He assigns a lot of readings. I literally never read them. As long as you really pay attention during lecture, participate!!! in discussion, and do well on the presentations (recorded, not in-person), you'll be fine! I was expecting a B in this class because of my lack of effort towards the end, but I think he might've bumped me up :,) So yeah, take this class, but expect it to be a little more work than an easy GE.
Michael Cooperson is an amazing lecturer. Each week we study a different culture in TT literature. Make sure to go to the discussion to get your participation and to review the readings. Readings are pretty light around 30 pages per week. Quizzes are pretty easy as long as you do the readings and review the sample questions. His lectures are very engaging and interesting. I would recommend picking Dima as your TA plus she was the only option anyway. The video presentations aren't too bad just make sure you have something interesting to say. His lectures are quite funny and engaging. It's really easy to get off the waitlist just email him and he'll let you in before the 2-week deadline. The class is pretty easy for the most part and is a lot of fun. Just to give some guidance, I got an 80 on both video presentations and a 75 on participation and still managed to pull an A+.
Professor Cooperson is a great professor. He's funny, extremely learned, and well spoken. I would recommend any of his classes.
This class with prof Cooperson was great. There were only 3 students total in the class, so you get a lot of time with the professor. It consisted of us looking at and analyzing Arabic media - news, talk shows, random YouTube videos. The final project was picking a short YouTube video, translating it, and publishing it with subtitles. Towards the end of class, the class turned into a translation course. Overall, great class and awesome professor.
Took this class with professor Cooperson when it was offered my sophomore year and it was 3 students total in the class, so you get a lot of time with the professor. The class consisted of us analyzing various Arabic media sources - news, talk shows, random youtube videos, and often translating them. The final project was just picking a short youtube video, translating it, and adding subtitles to then publish it on YouTube. Very chill class with not much time committment
Great class & professor. Interesting and easy!
Course reader is required & pretty expensive ($100)
Willing to sell my Course Reader in great condition available for just $35
Contact me at: **********
Literally my favorite class that I've taken at UCLA. A bit of history, a bit of time travel, a bit of reading. Each week is a different topic in time travel. The class mainly revolves around looking at various written works that include some type of time travel, and discussing why the author used time travel as a device in that narrative. Stories are in all different languages, all different genres. I honestly just skimmed the stories occasionally or before a test and was totally fine. Professor Cooperson usually gives a run-down of the story before you have to read it and tells you most of what you need to know. His lectures are super engaging. You can tell he's interested in the topic and is super knowledgeable and friendly. (The final was scheduled for 8 am but he let us come at any time between 8-11 to take it since it would only take 25 min, and he had coffee there for us as well. Super kind.) There's 4 quizzes in the quarter, they're each 10 q and not too bad. DEF take this if you need a lit GE. Super chill. I honestly didn't really even study for the final cuz the 4 quizzes already covered most of it, and I did well. I did pay attention in class tho, which is kinda all you need, but that wasn't hard 'cause it was super fun to learn about.
This class was very straightforward and not super difficult as long as you went to lecture and read the readings (I stopped doing them halfway through because I got lazy). His quizzes aren't super hard, but you definitely have to pay attention during the lectures if you want to do well. I enrolled in this class seeing that it had high reviews on Bruinwalk, but in the end I was super disappointed. In my opinion, the material just isn't super interesting and my biggest takeaway from the class is that with a few exceptions, Time Travel as a genre of literature is very mid. Take that with a grain of salt though because I'm an engineering major, and I'm sure some other people in the class enjoyed it a lot more than me.
Cooperson is phenomenal and a true polyglot! He is so knowledgeable, and I really did learn more from this class than all the Arabic classes I've taken (I'm an Arabic major). Put in the effort into the assignments and you should be fine as he gives you multiple tries to get a 100%. HIGHLY recommend this class!
Professor Cooperson is very kind and cultivates a very positive class atmosphere! Work-wise, this class was not my absolute favorite, but it wasn't terrible. He assigns a lot of readings. I literally never read them. As long as you really pay attention during lecture, participate!!! in discussion, and do well on the presentations (recorded, not in-person), you'll be fine! I was expecting a B in this class because of my lack of effort towards the end, but I think he might've bumped me up :,) So yeah, take this class, but expect it to be a little more work than an easy GE.
Michael Cooperson is an amazing lecturer. Each week we study a different culture in TT literature. Make sure to go to the discussion to get your participation and to review the readings. Readings are pretty light around 30 pages per week. Quizzes are pretty easy as long as you do the readings and review the sample questions. His lectures are very engaging and interesting. I would recommend picking Dima as your TA plus she was the only option anyway. The video presentations aren't too bad just make sure you have something interesting to say. His lectures are quite funny and engaging. It's really easy to get off the waitlist just email him and he'll let you in before the 2-week deadline. The class is pretty easy for the most part and is a lot of fun. Just to give some guidance, I got an 80 on both video presentations and a 75 on participation and still managed to pull an A+.
This class with prof Cooperson was great. There were only 3 students total in the class, so you get a lot of time with the professor. It consisted of us looking at and analyzing Arabic media - news, talk shows, random YouTube videos. The final project was picking a short YouTube video, translating it, and publishing it with subtitles. Towards the end of class, the class turned into a translation course. Overall, great class and awesome professor.
Took this class with professor Cooperson when it was offered my sophomore year and it was 3 students total in the class, so you get a lot of time with the professor. The class consisted of us analyzing various Arabic media sources - news, talk shows, random youtube videos, and often translating them. The final project was just picking a short youtube video, translating it, and adding subtitles to then publish it on YouTube. Very chill class with not much time committment
Great class & professor. Interesting and easy!
Course reader is required & pretty expensive ($100)
Willing to sell my Course Reader in great condition available for just $35
Contact me at: **********
Literally my favorite class that I've taken at UCLA. A bit of history, a bit of time travel, a bit of reading. Each week is a different topic in time travel. The class mainly revolves around looking at various written works that include some type of time travel, and discussing why the author used time travel as a device in that narrative. Stories are in all different languages, all different genres. I honestly just skimmed the stories occasionally or before a test and was totally fine. Professor Cooperson usually gives a run-down of the story before you have to read it and tells you most of what you need to know. His lectures are super engaging. You can tell he's interested in the topic and is super knowledgeable and friendly. (The final was scheduled for 8 am but he let us come at any time between 8-11 to take it since it would only take 25 min, and he had coffee there for us as well. Super kind.) There's 4 quizzes in the quarter, they're each 10 q and not too bad. DEF take this if you need a lit GE. Super chill. I honestly didn't really even study for the final cuz the 4 quizzes already covered most of it, and I did well. I did pay attention in class tho, which is kinda all you need, but that wasn't hard 'cause it was super fun to learn about.
This class was very straightforward and not super difficult as long as you went to lecture and read the readings (I stopped doing them halfway through because I got lazy). His quizzes aren't super hard, but you definitely have to pay attention during the lectures if you want to do well. I enrolled in this class seeing that it had high reviews on Bruinwalk, but in the end I was super disappointed. In my opinion, the material just isn't super interesting and my biggest takeaway from the class is that with a few exceptions, Time Travel as a genre of literature is very mid. Take that with a grain of salt though because I'm an engineering major, and I'm sure some other people in the class enjoyed it a lot more than me.