
Michael Fitzgerald

Overall Ratings
Based on 34 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (34)

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June 20, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

There were no exams for this course, just projects. Homework assignments and projects are quite tough if you don't have a coding background beyond the prerequisites, and I had to go to office hours every week to figure them out. The professor was very nice but often quite unclear on the assignment rubrics, making the homework a good bit more difficult than I think it was intended to. The lectures also sometimes felt pretty disconnected from what we were doing in class, but were still interesting. Discussion was super helpful tho! I'd definitely still recommend this class though, it covers so much necessary material if you are considering a career in astrophysics. It helped me so much with my own research and I'm honestly shocked it hasn't been introduced before!


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Nov. 14, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: P

I did not like this class at all. The homework was all online through the text book and Fitzgerald was incredibly boring. He also flagged me for plagiarism since one of my answers was similar to a quizlet he found online and I had to fight it through the dean. Would not recommend this class to anyone. The midterm and final were difficult and all multiple choice.


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Feb. 19, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A

Fun class, professor is very knowledgeable in the course material and happy to answer any questions during lecture. Our first midterm was Week 3 so you definitely have to be on top the weekly reading material and class content. Overall recommend!


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Jan. 26, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

I was scared of this class at first but I actually ended up really enjoying it. Prof Fitzgerald definitely knows what he's talking about and I thought that all the lectures were well thought out and helpful. You do have to buy Mastering Astronomy (I think it was like $80 for inclusive access) but I thought it was really helpful for the midterm and final. There's weekly assignments and sometimes they took a while (I also read each chapter before lecture) but it helps you get extra credit. Labs were fine; they're run by the TAs and I thought mine was helpful. I didn't think any of the assessments were that hard and at the end, all the grades were curved and mine went up 1/3 letter grade. Overall, it's a solid lab science GE and I highly recommend!


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Jan. 4, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Overall, I felt like Prof Fitzgerald was pretty good and, as someone who is not as strong in science, I really enjoyed Astro 3 and felt like it was a very doable GE. It definitely is a lot of reading each week and the lectures, especially towards the end, were packed full of information, so the ability to memorize a lot of information and have a consistent study schedule was key. Prof Fitzgerald was extremely nice and helpful in his office hours and the actual information itself was pretty easy to understand, just a little dense at times in the textbook. Fitzgerald opens up all of the online questions you could possibly need in order to study alongside more conceptual short answer questions, so if those are done and studied effectively, you pretty much have all of the information you need for the exams. In addition, some questions show up on the exams more than once, so going to Fitzgerald's office hours and looking over what you got wrong is also pretty key so you don't get those questions wrong again. All in all, I really enjoyed the class and found the information interesting, even if the workload was a little bit more. The labs were very doable and could be finished early depending on the day.


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Jan. 4, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

I really liked this class overall. I liked learning about the material, the professor was kind and helpful with answering questions, and the tests weren't too hard. However, if you want to do well in this class you have to put in the work. I outlined each chapter before going to the lecture, which was time consuming but it helped me understand and remember the information. If you don't outline beforehand, I believe it would be difficult to keep up with the lecture. Also, he assigns homework for each chapter (there are a total of 19 chapters) which does get annoying, but each assignment is easy and usually has extra credit and you can just go to the book to get the answers. You do need to buy the text book.


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Jan. 3, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A-

this class had interesting content, but the lectures were very fast paced and information packed. the slides were posted online, so I often had to spend another hour or so outside of lectures going back and taking notes on everything I missed in class. attendance wasn't mandatory for lectures, but it was for the labs. the labs weren't too difficult, and you could leave class early if you finished before two hours, which is pretty easy to do. the course gets harder as the quarter progresses; I did very well on the first midterm (there are 2) and did much worse on the final. I had to buy the textbook and access to online materials.


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March 31, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Very organized, helpful and nice professor.


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June 18, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took Physics6A with Fitzgerald. He is a good lecturer I admit. But his exams are extremely hard. And they are not at all predictable. Some times you see like one question in the exam that's the same or similar as his sample exams. But his exams are soooooo challenging. And his homework and sample exams don't prepare you well for them. The average for the final exam was like 56%. And his curves don't do you any favor either. Apparently he inflated the curve for people who got below a C- after he realized he failed too many people probably. But this is a very difficult professor. Don't take him if you don't want to have a hard time and a poor grade, unless of course you are a natural in physics.


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April 1, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took Astronomy 3 with Professor Fitzgerald during Winter 2015. It was my favorite class of the entire quarter. The class itself was not too difficult. During lecture, Professor Fitzgerald goes over the material from the book. He follows it really closely, so it's not necessary to attend lecture; Though, you should attend because you paid for this class! I believe he should expand a little further on the material rather than going over everything from the book, but you only have ten weeks, and you're trying to get the big idea. As a professor, he is very approachable and very helpful! He took time to make office hours, since I could not really attend his usual ones. The grading of class is rather generous, to be honest. We had two midterms. The first average was 83% and the second was 70%. I feel like he deliberately made the first exam easy, and trolled us with a harder second exam. The final, being cumulative, was fair. It was an amalgamation of simple to difficult questions, depending on whether you did the reading or studied. The average for the exam was 71%. What really screwed me over were the online quizzes. These questions can be anything from simple to really specific. Make sure to read before you attempt it. You are limited on time with these quizzes. The other grading portion was the lab portion of the class. This was the area with my lowest scores. This, however, depends on your TA. I had friends who would always score perfect, and their TA was helpful and friendly. My TA was pretty monotone and gave brief instructions before commencing the labs. The overall grade is weighed as followed: Midterm 1 &2 20%, Final 30%, Labs 20%, Quizzes 10%. The class is curved, by the way. As a double major of both North and South campus, I enjoyed the class. This class, overall, was not an easy A, though. If you're a lazy student that doesn't want to read or study, I suggest you look into something else. If you have some interest in learning about the cosmos, take this class! You will love it, and the professor! Best of luck!


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ASTR 142
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
June 20, 2024

There were no exams for this course, just projects. Homework assignments and projects are quite tough if you don't have a coding background beyond the prerequisites, and I had to go to office hours every week to figure them out. The professor was very nice but often quite unclear on the assignment rubrics, making the homework a good bit more difficult than I think it was intended to. The lectures also sometimes felt pretty disconnected from what we were doing in class, but were still interesting. Discussion was super helpful tho! I'd definitely still recommend this class though, it covers so much necessary material if you are considering a career in astrophysics. It helped me so much with my own research and I'm honestly shocked it hasn't been introduced before!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: P
Nov. 14, 2023

I did not like this class at all. The homework was all online through the text book and Fitzgerald was incredibly boring. He also flagged me for plagiarism since one of my answers was similar to a quizlet he found online and I had to fight it through the dean. Would not recommend this class to anyone. The midterm and final were difficult and all multiple choice.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A
Feb. 19, 2023

Fun class, professor is very knowledgeable in the course material and happy to answer any questions during lecture. Our first midterm was Week 3 so you definitely have to be on top the weekly reading material and class content. Overall recommend!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 26, 2023

I was scared of this class at first but I actually ended up really enjoying it. Prof Fitzgerald definitely knows what he's talking about and I thought that all the lectures were well thought out and helpful. You do have to buy Mastering Astronomy (I think it was like $80 for inclusive access) but I thought it was really helpful for the midterm and final. There's weekly assignments and sometimes they took a while (I also read each chapter before lecture) but it helps you get extra credit. Labs were fine; they're run by the TAs and I thought mine was helpful. I didn't think any of the assessments were that hard and at the end, all the grades were curved and mine went up 1/3 letter grade. Overall, it's a solid lab science GE and I highly recommend!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 4, 2023

Overall, I felt like Prof Fitzgerald was pretty good and, as someone who is not as strong in science, I really enjoyed Astro 3 and felt like it was a very doable GE. It definitely is a lot of reading each week and the lectures, especially towards the end, were packed full of information, so the ability to memorize a lot of information and have a consistent study schedule was key. Prof Fitzgerald was extremely nice and helpful in his office hours and the actual information itself was pretty easy to understand, just a little dense at times in the textbook. Fitzgerald opens up all of the online questions you could possibly need in order to study alongside more conceptual short answer questions, so if those are done and studied effectively, you pretty much have all of the information you need for the exams. In addition, some questions show up on the exams more than once, so going to Fitzgerald's office hours and looking over what you got wrong is also pretty key so you don't get those questions wrong again. All in all, I really enjoyed the class and found the information interesting, even if the workload was a little bit more. The labs were very doable and could be finished early depending on the day.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 4, 2023

I really liked this class overall. I liked learning about the material, the professor was kind and helpful with answering questions, and the tests weren't too hard. However, if you want to do well in this class you have to put in the work. I outlined each chapter before going to the lecture, which was time consuming but it helped me understand and remember the information. If you don't outline beforehand, I believe it would be difficult to keep up with the lecture. Also, he assigns homework for each chapter (there are a total of 19 chapters) which does get annoying, but each assignment is easy and usually has extra credit and you can just go to the book to get the answers. You do need to buy the text book.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A-
Jan. 3, 2023

this class had interesting content, but the lectures were very fast paced and information packed. the slides were posted online, so I often had to spend another hour or so outside of lectures going back and taking notes on everything I missed in class. attendance wasn't mandatory for lectures, but it was for the labs. the labs weren't too difficult, and you could leave class early if you finished before two hours, which is pretty easy to do. the course gets harder as the quarter progresses; I did very well on the first midterm (there are 2) and did much worse on the final. I had to buy the textbook and access to online materials.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 31, 2015

Very organized, helpful and nice professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 18, 2015

I took Physics6A with Fitzgerald. He is a good lecturer I admit. But his exams are extremely hard. And they are not at all predictable. Some times you see like one question in the exam that's the same or similar as his sample exams. But his exams are soooooo challenging. And his homework and sample exams don't prepare you well for them. The average for the final exam was like 56%. And his curves don't do you any favor either. Apparently he inflated the curve for people who got below a C- after he realized he failed too many people probably. But this is a very difficult professor. Don't take him if you don't want to have a hard time and a poor grade, unless of course you are a natural in physics.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 1, 2015

I took Astronomy 3 with Professor Fitzgerald during Winter 2015. It was my favorite class of the entire quarter. The class itself was not too difficult. During lecture, Professor Fitzgerald goes over the material from the book. He follows it really closely, so it's not necessary to attend lecture; Though, you should attend because you paid for this class! I believe he should expand a little further on the material rather than going over everything from the book, but you only have ten weeks, and you're trying to get the big idea. As a professor, he is very approachable and very helpful! He took time to make office hours, since I could not really attend his usual ones. The grading of class is rather generous, to be honest. We had two midterms. The first average was 83% and the second was 70%. I feel like he deliberately made the first exam easy, and trolled us with a harder second exam. The final, being cumulative, was fair. It was an amalgamation of simple to difficult questions, depending on whether you did the reading or studied. The average for the exam was 71%. What really screwed me over were the online quizzes. These questions can be anything from simple to really specific. Make sure to read before you attempt it. You are limited on time with these quizzes. The other grading portion was the lab portion of the class. This was the area with my lowest scores. This, however, depends on your TA. I had friends who would always score perfect, and their TA was helpful and friendly. My TA was pretty monotone and gave brief instructions before commencing the labs. The overall grade is weighed as followed: Midterm 1 &2 20%, Final 30%, Labs 20%, Quizzes 10%. The class is curved, by the way. As a double major of both North and South campus, I enjoyed the class. This class, overall, was not an easy A, though. If you're a lazy student that doesn't want to read or study, I suggest you look into something else. If you have some interest in learning about the cosmos, take this class! You will love it, and the professor! Best of luck!


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