Michael Dyer
Most Helpful Review
Had Dyer for a 8 AM class... that's right, a freakin' 2-hour lecture on AI at EIGHT IN THE MORNING. That does not help in staying up during is lectures, which are usually pretty disorienting and hard to follow as he likes to go off on little tangents and mostly irrelevant anecdotes fairly often. Projects are time-consuming but not impossible, provided you have a good TA (which I was fortunate to have). However, they're basically LISP exercises almost completely irrelevant to the material he actually goes over. The biggest minus in his class is his extremely long exams that no one can finish... while the final is not cumulative, both his midterm and final are super long, closed book and closed NOTES. This doesn't work well too well when coupled with the fact that he tries to pretty much go over the entire textbook in one quarter. Each exam roughly covers at least 10 chapters' worth of material, and unless you go to all of his 8 AM lectures and stay up through them and/or read the entire textbook yourself, well... good luck with that.
Had Dyer for a 8 AM class... that's right, a freakin' 2-hour lecture on AI at EIGHT IN THE MORNING. That does not help in staying up during is lectures, which are usually pretty disorienting and hard to follow as he likes to go off on little tangents and mostly irrelevant anecdotes fairly often. Projects are time-consuming but not impossible, provided you have a good TA (which I was fortunate to have). However, they're basically LISP exercises almost completely irrelevant to the material he actually goes over. The biggest minus in his class is his extremely long exams that no one can finish... while the final is not cumulative, both his midterm and final are super long, closed book and closed NOTES. This doesn't work well too well when coupled with the fact that he tries to pretty much go over the entire textbook in one quarter. Each exam roughly covers at least 10 chapters' worth of material, and unless you go to all of his 8 AM lectures and stay up through them and/or read the entire textbook yourself, well... good luck with that.