Michael Ross
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Ross is organized and approachable. Lectures are straightforward, but be warned, he uses up every second of the hour and 50 minutes of class. You have to keep up with readings, trying to cram them all in last minute is near impossible. Although I received an A, this was definitely one of my harder courses. The midterm study guide and final study guide had 2 pages worth of terms that we had to know, and he only tests on about 8 of them. The major portions of the exam are short answer so you have to be able to write a decent-sized paragraph for each term. This wouldn't be hard but for the sheer volume of terms he gives and information you learn from both lectures and the readings. Part of the final is also an essay. Overall tough class, but a good grade is very attainable.
Prof. Ross is organized and approachable. Lectures are straightforward, but be warned, he uses up every second of the hour and 50 minutes of class. You have to keep up with readings, trying to cram them all in last minute is near impossible. Although I received an A, this was definitely one of my harder courses. The midterm study guide and final study guide had 2 pages worth of terms that we had to know, and he only tests on about 8 of them. The major portions of the exam are short answer so you have to be able to write a decent-sized paragraph for each term. This wouldn't be hard but for the sheer volume of terms he gives and information you learn from both lectures and the readings. Part of the final is also an essay. Overall tough class, but a good grade is very attainable.
Most Helpful Review
I took IDS 100b with him and seriously i ve never had a professor who says so much random things that dont make sense. he makes you frustrated. I m usually a good student and esp love the subject he's teaching but his tests were so irrational. What the TAs meant by concise is just say the things they think its important but dont tell you whats important. Like the previous reviews, I spent so much time memorizing the 60 terms and prepare them, but the essay on the final was so irrelevant. You just hear a bunch of people go "what??" during the final exam. if you write more than 5 lines you get points deducted. Basically the tests are designed so they can have a easy time grading. This class makes me question the value of my education at ucla and why i m spending money and effort on something so not worth my time.
I took IDS 100b with him and seriously i ve never had a professor who says so much random things that dont make sense. he makes you frustrated. I m usually a good student and esp love the subject he's teaching but his tests were so irrational. What the TAs meant by concise is just say the things they think its important but dont tell you whats important. Like the previous reviews, I spent so much time memorizing the 60 terms and prepare them, but the essay on the final was so irrelevant. You just hear a bunch of people go "what??" during the final exam. if you write more than 5 lines you get points deducted. Basically the tests are designed so they can have a easy time grading. This class makes me question the value of my education at ucla and why i m spending money and effort on something so not worth my time.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2020 - Such an amazing class and professor, would highly recommend. I feel like we didn't really go deep into any of the themes or topics, but I still learned a lot. Prof Ross is really good at making the materials clear and have really structured, easy to follow lectures. He really cares about your learning and is super accommodating. I really enjoyed a lot of this class, even the readings, which were difficult at times. Overall a great time.
Spring 2020 - Such an amazing class and professor, would highly recommend. I feel like we didn't really go deep into any of the themes or topics, but I still learned a lot. Prof Ross is really good at making the materials clear and have really structured, easy to follow lectures. He really cares about your learning and is super accommodating. I really enjoyed a lot of this class, even the readings, which were difficult at times. Overall a great time.