
Michael Murray

Overall Ratings
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (17)

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March 10, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A

I had him for PIC 10B Fall 2022 and PIC 16A Winter 2023. Professor Murray is a very helpful and patient person and super accessible through office hours and campuswire. His class setup for PIC 16A is much better than his PIC 10B and I think that's partially because he's more experienced in teaching the course (iirc, I am probably the first PIC 10B class he teaches at UCLA). Therefore I do see how that might affect his previous ratings there, but he has gotten a lot better. His homework can be quite challenging some of the time (might take up to 4-6 hours for me and I think I'm moderately good at the materials), but it helps in the exams. The exams can be quite conceptual, which requires you to provide definitions to the terms, but you're allowed to have one letter paper size cheatsheet handwritten front and back in the exam. There's also filling in the missing code part and the predicting output part, all quite straight forward. I think overall it's not hard to get an A in his class, and he does provide good materials in lectures.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: B

He was pretty accommodating (gave extensions on homeworks, open-internet tests bc of COVID) but I think the worst thing about this class was the difficulty of the homework. They were much more complex than the examples given during lectures, which made them very hard to understand as a beginner coder. He was nice, but I definitely wouldn't take his class again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+

This class was my second attempt at trying 10A (dropped some other prof's class Week 2 Fall 2021) and it still wasn't easy, but I got through with it with an A. Definitely needed tons of help and I attended most office hours, both my TA's and the Prof's. This was his first time teaching this course so we gave him a lot of feedback, and I think the class will be more doable in other quarters. The midterm and final were fine, but the homeworks were sort of awful. Most of us had no idea where to start with the homeworks until we went to office hours; he gave us more hints at the end of the quarter for the homeworks, but I still struggled a bit. He adjusted homework due dates and hints according to how much we struggled, which was pretty nice. He's a nice person and was super helpful during in-person office hours!


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March 7, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

Tests are very fair and Prof. Murray did an excellent job of making course content available outside of class hours which is great for taking one's own time to review. He really wants his students to succeed which is really nice! Wish office hour times were voted on by class, but other than that I'm grateful to have him as a professor -- he really has taught me a lot!


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June 18, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

I joined this class a little under a week in, but felt that it was a pretty good introductory class. I didn't have much past experience in coding outside of some introductory Java, and thought the workload was manageable. The homeworks could be a little tricky at times because the test cases (unreleased) used by the grader were more difficult and not explicitly listed in the instructions, but the exams were fair. I don't believe he's going to be teaching at UCLA anymore, but Professor Murray was a great instructor! He definitely wants his students to learn and succeed, and it shows in the effort he puts into teaching and answering students' questions.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A
March 10, 2023

I had him for PIC 10B Fall 2022 and PIC 16A Winter 2023. Professor Murray is a very helpful and patient person and super accessible through office hours and campuswire. His class setup for PIC 16A is much better than his PIC 10B and I think that's partially because he's more experienced in teaching the course (iirc, I am probably the first PIC 10B class he teaches at UCLA). Therefore I do see how that might affect his previous ratings there, but he has gotten a lot better. His homework can be quite challenging some of the time (might take up to 4-6 hours for me and I think I'm moderately good at the materials), but it helps in the exams. The exams can be quite conceptual, which requires you to provide definitions to the terms, but you're allowed to have one letter paper size cheatsheet handwritten front and back in the exam. There's also filling in the missing code part and the predicting output part, all quite straight forward. I think overall it's not hard to get an A in his class, and he does provide good materials in lectures.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: B
June 23, 2022

He was pretty accommodating (gave extensions on homeworks, open-internet tests bc of COVID) but I think the worst thing about this class was the difficulty of the homework. They were much more complex than the examples given during lectures, which made them very hard to understand as a beginner coder. He was nice, but I definitely wouldn't take his class again.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
March 29, 2022

This class was my second attempt at trying 10A (dropped some other prof's class Week 2 Fall 2021) and it still wasn't easy, but I got through with it with an A. Definitely needed tons of help and I attended most office hours, both my TA's and the Prof's. This was his first time teaching this course so we gave him a lot of feedback, and I think the class will be more doable in other quarters. The midterm and final were fine, but the homeworks were sort of awful. Most of us had no idea where to start with the homeworks until we went to office hours; he gave us more hints at the end of the quarter for the homeworks, but I still struggled a bit. He adjusted homework due dates and hints according to how much we struggled, which was pretty nice. He's a nice person and was super helpful during in-person office hours!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 7, 2024

Tests are very fair and Prof. Murray did an excellent job of making course content available outside of class hours which is great for taking one's own time to review. He really wants his students to succeed which is really nice! Wish office hour times were voted on by class, but other than that I'm grateful to have him as a professor -- he really has taught me a lot!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
June 18, 2024

I joined this class a little under a week in, but felt that it was a pretty good introductory class. I didn't have much past experience in coding outside of some introductory Java, and thought the workload was manageable. The homeworks could be a little tricky at times because the test cases (unreleased) used by the grader were more difficult and not explicitly listed in the instructions, but the exams were fair. I don't believe he's going to be teaching at UCLA anymore, but Professor Murray was a great instructor! He definitely wants his students to learn and succeed, and it shows in the effort he puts into teaching and answering students' questions.


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