
Michelle Rensel

Overall Ratings
Based on 55 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (55)

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Nov. 16, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A

Dr. Rensel teaches the biology part of this class, and only appears like 4 times as lecturer, but she makes the clearest slides and explanations of the three professors. She takes time for detailed illustration of many confusing concepts and encourages us to talk in groups if clicker answers diverge. She assigns the least reading among the professors, and they can be easy if you have learned AP biology.


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Nov. 26, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A

Professor Rensel gives the most comprehensible lectures out of all the M71 cluster professors. Her material can be a bit technical (at least for non-Biology students), but put in a couple of hours and you'll realize it's pretty easy under all the gloss.
The courseload is not that heavy, if you complete your quizzes and homework in time, and the lectures are pretty engaging. The discussion sessions are my favorite part-- they get really interactive and extremely fun.
10/10 would recommend this cluster (esp Prof Rensel) to all fellow Bio-nerds out there!


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Dec. 23, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Dr. Rensel is the positive energy of the Biotech Cluster. She has a good sense of humor, good at explaining concepts. and makes the most comprehensible slides (legible and organized). The class itself is not bad either. 25% final, 20% midterm, 10% weekly quizzes, 20% participation (basically free points), and 25% GMO games (it's similar to MUN). A clicker is required btw. The class is sort of reading-intensive, yet as long as you pay attention during lectures and revisit them before exams, you should be fine. Would take again.


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Jan. 6, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

I am going to agree with many of the people on BruinWalk with my assessment of Dr. Rensel. I thought she was a great professor and and even better person. I may be biased in that I prefer science professors, but she was better than all of the ones I have had before. Her lectures were as straight forward as possible, and she helped all students understand. She led the review sessions and did a great job answering questions. She also genuinely cared about how the students did, and her tests were fair. Overall, she did a great job!


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Feb. 19, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I took this cluster because it is one of the few that satisfies not only 4 GE requirements, but also fulfills the Diversity and Writing II requirements. Overall, Dr. Rensel is a very engaging professor who is always willing to clarify concepts, answer questions, and provide extra help outside of class. There is one midterm each quarter at the beginning of the fourth week, and the information is very straightforward and mirrors the learning goals and outcomes provided in lecture almost exactly. I would highly recommend this class to any freshman who wants to get a lot of GEs out of the way!


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April 1, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

This review is for all 3 classes that I have taken with Professor Rensel.

Rensel is an amazing professor who takes the time to get to know her students. I took her stress and society course M144 and learned so much about public health that I did not know about before. I also took Socgen M102 with her and learned an immense amount. Finally, I took M140 with her. It was the first time that she taught that course, but she did a wonderful job at making it interesting and engaging. She is understanding of student struggles and makes sure to be as reasonable as possible. I adored her as a professor. Truly lucky to have been able to take 3 courses with her.


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June 13, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Professor Rensel was my absolute favorite part of this class. Her lectures covered some pretty challenging biological concepts in a very straightforward way, although this may be difficult for non-science majors. She was super friendly and helpful in office hours, and genuinely cares about her students. Her readings were the shortest and the most to-the-point compared to the other professors, and she really prepared us well for her portions of the tests.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 4, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

Professor Rensel once again was an amazing professor. She constructed this class very well and made it very fair. This class is basically just setting up for a large group project that was worth around 50% of the grade. But she broke down the steps in the project to make the actual final group project to be worth only 16% of the grade. The rest of our grade came from annotations on Pearsall and participation. I am not sure if this is normal or if it was just because I took the class online during the COVID-19 lockdown


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July 2, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

Considering the amount of reading that you do in the class, Dr. Rensel sure made it a lot better. She was such a kind soul, and she was understanding of the circumstances. Her test questions also made you think, but they were fair overall. Her lectures were probably the best part.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 16, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

This was the best class I've taken at UCLA, hands down. Dr. Rensel is extremely approachable, accommodating, and she cares a lot about student learning and student enjoyment. The class content was super interesting, and I appreciated that she adapted it to what's going on in the world. Also, for anyone who is wondering, I thought the class was a pretty easy A too. Do the assignments, get excited about the topics, and reach out to her if you need any help.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A
Nov. 16, 2018

Dr. Rensel teaches the biology part of this class, and only appears like 4 times as lecturer, but she makes the clearest slides and explanations of the three professors. She takes time for detailed illustration of many confusing concepts and encourages us to talk in groups if clicker answers diverge. She assigns the least reading among the professors, and they can be easy if you have learned AP biology.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A
Nov. 26, 2018

Professor Rensel gives the most comprehensible lectures out of all the M71 cluster professors. Her material can be a bit technical (at least for non-Biology students), but put in a couple of hours and you'll realize it's pretty easy under all the gloss.
The courseload is not that heavy, if you complete your quizzes and homework in time, and the lectures are pretty engaging. The discussion sessions are my favorite part-- they get really interactive and extremely fun.
10/10 would recommend this cluster (esp Prof Rensel) to all fellow Bio-nerds out there!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 23, 2019

Dr. Rensel is the positive energy of the Biotech Cluster. She has a good sense of humor, good at explaining concepts. and makes the most comprehensible slides (legible and organized). The class itself is not bad either. 25% final, 20% midterm, 10% weekly quizzes, 20% participation (basically free points), and 25% GMO games (it's similar to MUN). A clicker is required btw. The class is sort of reading-intensive, yet as long as you pay attention during lectures and revisit them before exams, you should be fine. Would take again.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Jan. 6, 2020

I am going to agree with many of the people on BruinWalk with my assessment of Dr. Rensel. I thought she was a great professor and and even better person. I may be biased in that I prefer science professors, but she was better than all of the ones I have had before. Her lectures were as straight forward as possible, and she helped all students understand. She led the review sessions and did a great job answering questions. She also genuinely cared about how the students did, and her tests were fair. Overall, she did a great job!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 19, 2020

I took this cluster because it is one of the few that satisfies not only 4 GE requirements, but also fulfills the Diversity and Writing II requirements. Overall, Dr. Rensel is a very engaging professor who is always willing to clarify concepts, answer questions, and provide extra help outside of class. There is one midterm each quarter at the beginning of the fourth week, and the information is very straightforward and mirrors the learning goals and outcomes provided in lecture almost exactly. I would highly recommend this class to any freshman who wants to get a lot of GEs out of the way!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
April 1, 2020

This review is for all 3 classes that I have taken with Professor Rensel.

Rensel is an amazing professor who takes the time to get to know her students. I took her stress and society course M144 and learned so much about public health that I did not know about before. I also took Socgen M102 with her and learned an immense amount. Finally, I took M140 with her. It was the first time that she taught that course, but she did a wonderful job at making it interesting and engaging. She is understanding of student struggles and makes sure to be as reasonable as possible. I adored her as a professor. Truly lucky to have been able to take 3 courses with her.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
June 13, 2020

Professor Rensel was my absolute favorite part of this class. Her lectures covered some pretty challenging biological concepts in a very straightforward way, although this may be difficult for non-science majors. She was super friendly and helpful in office hours, and genuinely cares about her students. Her readings were the shortest and the most to-the-point compared to the other professors, and she really prepared us well for her portions of the tests.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Jan. 4, 2021

Professor Rensel once again was an amazing professor. She constructed this class very well and made it very fair. This class is basically just setting up for a large group project that was worth around 50% of the grade. But she broke down the steps in the project to make the actual final group project to be worth only 16% of the grade. The rest of our grade came from annotations on Pearsall and participation. I am not sure if this is normal or if it was just because I took the class online during the COVID-19 lockdown


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
July 2, 2020

Considering the amount of reading that you do in the class, Dr. Rensel sure made it a lot better. She was such a kind soul, and she was understanding of the circumstances. Her test questions also made you think, but they were fair overall. Her lectures were probably the best part.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
June 16, 2021

This was the best class I've taken at UCLA, hands down. Dr. Rensel is extremely approachable, accommodating, and she cares a lot about student learning and student enjoyment. The class content was super interesting, and I appreciated that she adapted it to what's going on in the world. Also, for anyone who is wondering, I thought the class was a pretty easy A too. Do the assignments, get excited about the topics, and reach out to her if you need any help.


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