
Miles Chen

Overall Ratings
Based on 143 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (143)

8 of 12
8 of 12
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Sept. 10, 2019
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A

Mr. Miles Chen is literally one of the best professors I've had at UCLA so far.
He is a great instructor in that he is very clear on what concepts are important to understand and know for exams. In lecture (which he records), he will provide multiple examples so that you really understand the concepts (rather than just memorize formulas). He also is very gracious in terms of homework and participation, and I didn't find the workload to be hard or tedious. Obviously read your textbook and do practice problems on your own, but that's not asking a lot.
But what makes him great isn't his teaching skills, but his care for you outside of the classroom. I remember before our midterm, he told us that grades are just a number, and that they don't determine our worth. This helped ease my test-taking experience, but also made me realize that some professors really do care for your mental well-being and emotional health. He encourages you to have fun outside the classroom and to rest. I think this is advice that not a lot of professors just give because (truthfully) a lot of professors don't really care.
We need more professors like Miles.


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Sept. 19, 2019
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: B+

Took this class during the summer and got a B+, which is great imo. However, I believe that many of the reviews give over-inflated reviews, such as the review below me claiming they got an "A" when grades hadn't even been uploaded by the time they posted the review.
This was a good class, but nothing out of the ordinary- all he did was literally do his job, which was teach properly and show that he's actually one of the few teachers that care about his students.
I think the first final was difficult and the second final was moderate. This class felt very rushed, but would sometimes get very boring during the two hours (I even saw some people fall asleep during the class).
I came in having these really high expectations but honestly, it was whatever. Nevertheless, he is a great person and a great teacher, I just would not say this class is a walk in the park. I would suggest going to lectures and the labs because some lab content was very confusing but our TA (who was great too) walked us through it.
TLDR: Go to class/discussion/lab. Study. Don't go in overconfident. Does require you to focus and review. Class: 7/10. Professor: 8.5/10. I would suggest to take this class throughout a quarter instead of a summer course.


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Dec. 4, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR

professor Chen offers zero of second chance. none of the homework are dropped. no make up assignments or any other chance to raise grade. failing once means it is the end of your world. I would not take his class again


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Dec. 4, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR

This class is such a Nightmare. homework assignments are ridiculously long and tough to complete, lectures are clear but useless. his in class exams are not relating to what he mentioned before. kind of tricky to test students and the most disaster is his grading scale. 30% of non dropped homework along with 36% class exams and final. campus wire is a joke as well. there is no way to get 50 upvokes to reach eagle level. stay away from Professor Chen and save your life. This class brings anxiety and depression to me


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Dec. 24, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: P

Much of the learning is done through Data Camp, plus some in-class presentations in Jupyter notebook by Prof Chen. Lectures are recorded and posted on YouTube, so attendance is not necessary (Almost no one attended the last 2 lectures before Thanksgiving). Felt like only learned mostly from Data Camp exercises for data analysis, only the last few lectures were brand new material outside Data Camp. Not the best class to fully master Python as modeling and ML techniques were only simply or briefly discussed


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Dec. 24, 2019
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A+

Summer session for 102B was pretty watered down, skipped a lot of proofs and the final chapter on PCA. Lectures were all uploaded to YouTube but attendance was required. Felt like I didn't learn much about applying ML techniques for extensive data analysis but got an easy A. Lectures were a bit rushed and unclear on neural l networks since summer had limited time. HW seemed unchanged from previous years as there were issues with R version above 3.0 , which was addressed very late into the session. A bit disappointed in the lack of interest/input


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Feb. 9, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: N/A

Professor Chen is a great Professor overall. He explained everything well and made sure to explain things in a way people could understand. The workload is EXTREMELY light aka one midterm and the final (he doesn’t grade homework) BUT make sure to do the hw problems anyways because they’ll help you a lot !!!


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Feb. 7, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A+

On the one hand I spent $1395 to take this course. On the other hand, I went to half the lectures, didn't pay attention, and got an A+.

More seriously, the professor seemed clear and nice, but the course is not up to UCLA standards. But maybe I just feel this way because I'm a math major taking stats 10 as a life sciences GE ;)


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 8, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A

Easy Peasy

Professor Chen is the nicest professor I have ever had, he cares a lot about his students and is passionately in love with Statistics. This class is a great introductory statistics course, and it is very easy whether you have taken a stats class before or not.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 6, 2021
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A-

Miles Chen is such a sweetie and is so passionate about statistics BUT I definitely thought the class was a bit boring. Like many people I had to take this class as a pre req for my major and I think if you have to take the class he's the guy to take it with. His lectures were a bit boring but very straight forward and never confusing. The only tricky part of the class was the coding aspect, but it was all the basics and attending office hours or even just meeting with TA's in discussion sections they would kind of guide you through each lab assignment. My laziness and summer attitude made this class a mild challenge for me, but I definitely think if you put in a little effort that it is pretty clear and easy.


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A
Sept. 10, 2019

Mr. Miles Chen is literally one of the best professors I've had at UCLA so far.
He is a great instructor in that he is very clear on what concepts are important to understand and know for exams. In lecture (which he records), he will provide multiple examples so that you really understand the concepts (rather than just memorize formulas). He also is very gracious in terms of homework and participation, and I didn't find the workload to be hard or tedious. Obviously read your textbook and do practice problems on your own, but that's not asking a lot.
But what makes him great isn't his teaching skills, but his care for you outside of the classroom. I remember before our midterm, he told us that grades are just a number, and that they don't determine our worth. This helped ease my test-taking experience, but also made me realize that some professors really do care for your mental well-being and emotional health. He encourages you to have fun outside the classroom and to rest. I think this is advice that not a lot of professors just give because (truthfully) a lot of professors don't really care.
We need more professors like Miles.


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: B+
Sept. 19, 2019

Took this class during the summer and got a B+, which is great imo. However, I believe that many of the reviews give over-inflated reviews, such as the review below me claiming they got an "A" when grades hadn't even been uploaded by the time they posted the review.
This was a good class, but nothing out of the ordinary- all he did was literally do his job, which was teach properly and show that he's actually one of the few teachers that care about his students.
I think the first final was difficult and the second final was moderate. This class felt very rushed, but would sometimes get very boring during the two hours (I even saw some people fall asleep during the class).
I came in having these really high expectations but honestly, it was whatever. Nevertheless, he is a great person and a great teacher, I just would not say this class is a walk in the park. I would suggest going to lectures and the labs because some lab content was very confusing but our TA (who was great too) walked us through it.
TLDR: Go to class/discussion/lab. Study. Don't go in overconfident. Does require you to focus and review. Class: 7/10. Professor: 8.5/10. I would suggest to take this class throughout a quarter instead of a summer course.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR
Dec. 4, 2019

professor Chen offers zero of second chance. none of the homework are dropped. no make up assignments or any other chance to raise grade. failing once means it is the end of your world. I would not take his class again


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR
Dec. 4, 2019

This class is such a Nightmare. homework assignments are ridiculously long and tough to complete, lectures are clear but useless. his in class exams are not relating to what he mentioned before. kind of tricky to test students and the most disaster is his grading scale. 30% of non dropped homework along with 36% class exams and final. campus wire is a joke as well. there is no way to get 50 upvokes to reach eagle level. stay away from Professor Chen and save your life. This class brings anxiety and depression to me


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: P
Dec. 24, 2019

Much of the learning is done through Data Camp, plus some in-class presentations in Jupyter notebook by Prof Chen. Lectures are recorded and posted on YouTube, so attendance is not necessary (Almost no one attended the last 2 lectures before Thanksgiving). Felt like only learned mostly from Data Camp exercises for data analysis, only the last few lectures were brand new material outside Data Camp. Not the best class to fully master Python as modeling and ML techniques were only simply or briefly discussed


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 24, 2019

Summer session for 102B was pretty watered down, skipped a lot of proofs and the final chapter on PCA. Lectures were all uploaded to YouTube but attendance was required. Felt like I didn't learn much about applying ML techniques for extensive data analysis but got an easy A. Lectures were a bit rushed and unclear on neural l networks since summer had limited time. HW seemed unchanged from previous years as there were issues with R version above 3.0 , which was addressed very late into the session. A bit disappointed in the lack of interest/input


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: N/A
Feb. 9, 2020

Professor Chen is a great Professor overall. He explained everything well and made sure to explain things in a way people could understand. The workload is EXTREMELY light aka one midterm and the final (he doesn’t grade homework) BUT make sure to do the hw problems anyways because they’ll help you a lot !!!


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A+
Feb. 7, 2020

On the one hand I spent $1395 to take this course. On the other hand, I went to half the lectures, didn't pay attention, and got an A+.

More seriously, the professor seemed clear and nice, but the course is not up to UCLA standards. But maybe I just feel this way because I'm a math major taking stats 10 as a life sciences GE ;)


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A
Aug. 8, 2020

Easy Peasy

Professor Chen is the nicest professor I have ever had, he cares a lot about his students and is passionately in love with Statistics. This class is a great introductory statistics course, and it is very easy whether you have taken a stats class before or not.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A-
Feb. 6, 2021

Miles Chen is such a sweetie and is so passionate about statistics BUT I definitely thought the class was a bit boring. Like many people I had to take this class as a pre req for my major and I think if you have to take the class he's the guy to take it with. His lectures were a bit boring but very straight forward and never confusing. The only tricky part of the class was the coding aspect, but it was all the basics and attending office hours or even just meeting with TA's in discussion sections they would kind of guide you through each lab assignment. My laziness and summer attitude made this class a mild challenge for me, but I definitely think if you put in a little effort that it is pretty clear and easy.


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8 of 12

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