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- Milos Jovanovic
- HIST 187C
Based on 2 Users
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Prof. Jovanovic was nice enough but I was just pretty bored by the content of this course. Every week was a new lecture topic and then 2 students were assigned to deliver a 45 min. to 1 hr. presentation on the prior week's topic and then facilitate a discussion and analysis of the content. The content itself just seemed super pointless and abstract and he assigned 80-150 pages of reading per week that seemed sometimes impossible to get through. However, the course was manageable and if you put the time in you will get an A. Just wasn't my cup of tea, content-wise.
Put in the work and you will succeed. I highly suggest that anyone who wants to take this class to brush up on their European history beforehand and to take a political science, sociology, and psychology class to supplement this as well. The final project is a 10 page research paper based on a European city within a piece of fiction. I was blindsided by many of the topics discussed but managed to pull through because of office hours. He wants you to succeed but put in the work. He can spot bs a mile away. Also make sure to talk because he grades participation and please participate or else awkward silence follows. Take notes and ask questions as some of the topics discussed can be quite abstract. You also have to lead the discussion during a lecture and give a presentation, practice beforehand as those points can add up and either save you or bring your grade down. If you get stuck during this portion of the class he comes in clutch and asks the class a question on your behalf to get things back into motion.
Prof. Jovanovic was nice enough but I was just pretty bored by the content of this course. Every week was a new lecture topic and then 2 students were assigned to deliver a 45 min. to 1 hr. presentation on the prior week's topic and then facilitate a discussion and analysis of the content. The content itself just seemed super pointless and abstract and he assigned 80-150 pages of reading per week that seemed sometimes impossible to get through. However, the course was manageable and if you put the time in you will get an A. Just wasn't my cup of tea, content-wise.
Put in the work and you will succeed. I highly suggest that anyone who wants to take this class to brush up on their European history beforehand and to take a political science, sociology, and psychology class to supplement this as well. The final project is a 10 page research paper based on a European city within a piece of fiction. I was blindsided by many of the topics discussed but managed to pull through because of office hours. He wants you to succeed but put in the work. He can spot bs a mile away. Also make sure to talk because he grades participation and please participate or else awkward silence follows. Take notes and ask questions as some of the topics discussed can be quite abstract. You also have to lead the discussion during a lecture and give a presentation, practice beforehand as those points can add up and either save you or bring your grade down. If you get stuck during this portion of the class he comes in clutch and asks the class a question on your behalf to get things back into motion.
Based on 2 Users
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