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Mishuana Goeman
Based on 31 Users
Goeman is such a bore, as is this entire class. Every lecture is the EXACT SAME INFO as the last one. I don't feel like I gained any insight into interracial dynamics in America that I couldn't have gotten from an instagram infographic. The discussions are useless; just a bunch of kids who know nothing (can't blame them bc the class teaches nothing) saying things like "I think this reading reflects how pervasive racism is in America" like no shit.
There are a bunch of readings each week; read some of them at least because you have to cite them on the final. I wouldn't say this was an easy GE but it also wasn't hard. Just don't expect to actually learn about interracial dynamics in America. There were only 2 papers, 1 midterm and 1 final, and those were the only assignments all quarter. I'm not taking in winter quarter because it just doesn't feel worth it. Lectures are so boring and repetitive.
Also my TA sucked; made us write only 4 pages for a paper that the syllabus said could be 6 pages because she's "not paid enough to read 6 page papers." She proceeded to take points off for not being in-depth enough.
Don't take this cluster just bc it is a cluster, take it because you are interested or else you will become very bored. Lectures are entertaining but I found the reading to be SO overwhelming week after week. You spend all this money on two readers and barely use them. Fall quarter you take a midterm and write a paper (no final) and winter quarter you write a big paper and then take a big final. On the bright side, participation (just showing up) makes up a huge part of your grade, which is nice. The best part was spring quarter, where you got 6 units for going to one 3 hour discussion a week with a TA who was usually chill and didnt assign much. The A+ in the 3rd quarter almost makes this class worth it. I was interested in fall, but by spring I was tired of the class.
Selling Boarding School Seasons, **********
Overall liked this cluster and it wasn't super challenging to get an A in the course since I am a pretty good writer. If you struggle with writing, this class could be tough. Midterm fall quarter is VERY EASY and pure memorization that you can do in two days. Final winter quarter is also fairly easy and can be learned in two days. Reading from the course reader is not entirely necessary you will come to realize. SELLING COURSE READERS FOR FALL AND WINTER QUARTER FOR $20 (this saves you over $100). Text ********** if you're interested!
Professor Goeman is incredibly knowledgeable about Native American history. I was really interested in her lecture topics just because she gave a perspective that I never got in high school. She focused on the Native American perspective of colonialism and 18th-century history which was cool and we covered a lot that I didn't know before. She can be a little redundant at times and I understand getting bored but overall I really loved the class and I love that it fulfills 4 GEs, diversity AND writing while not being hard. Just one big paper due week 8 (media analysis, just like HS essay) and weekly readings which you can skim and leave a quick (required) comment on, although I recommend diving deep into some readings as you have to use them for the Final short answers.
This cluster is perhaps the biggest regret I have had ever since I came to UCLA. GE's are suppose to be easy, and I understand that this cluster is knocking out a lot of requirements, but the amount of work you have to put into this cluster is mind blowing. Don't be baited in this cluster like I was; do yourself a favor and just take the GE's normally and ace them all.
The topic is boring, the class is unbearable, and you don't even need to show up to lecture for any part of the cluster. I guess it did open my eyes to racial tensions and indifferences a bit, but other than that, there certainly was no "dynamic." Goemann was in particular, was incredibly bland, and is probably tied as one of the worst professors out of the four who taught the cluster my year. Take literally anything else.
Professor Goeman's lectures were thoroughly engaging, organized, and clear. In fact, her lectures were the highlights of my days fall quarter. Just kidding, she shouldn't be allowed to teach at any higher educational institution, not even community college. The cluster is great for satisfying requirements efficiently and the subject material is pertinent and sometimes interesting, but a literal rock could give a more interesting lecture than Professor Goeman.
Selling both course readers, and Bad Indians for cheaper. Contact me for prices and details: *************
Selling BOTH Course Readers for Fall and Winter Quarter for very Cheap! Willing to negotiate more than 50% off. Will also include Bad Indians, which is the required book for a writing assignment Fall quarter. Text ********** if interested!!
As professors go, Professor Goeman is definitely in the bottom 5%. Her shrill voice and tangential, unclear, and disorganized lectures sucked the life out of me every single time. I could walk into the class overjoyed and full of energy and leave feeling as if I had run 2 marathons back-to-back after a week of sleep deprivation. I guarantee that you will lose all focus within 10 seconds of the lecture's start. You may not even last that long.
The class overall, however, efficiently satisfies requirements, is pertinent, and mildly interesting.
Goeman is such a bore, as is this entire class. Every lecture is the EXACT SAME INFO as the last one. I don't feel like I gained any insight into interracial dynamics in America that I couldn't have gotten from an instagram infographic. The discussions are useless; just a bunch of kids who know nothing (can't blame them bc the class teaches nothing) saying things like "I think this reading reflects how pervasive racism is in America" like no shit.
There are a bunch of readings each week; read some of them at least because you have to cite them on the final. I wouldn't say this was an easy GE but it also wasn't hard. Just don't expect to actually learn about interracial dynamics in America. There were only 2 papers, 1 midterm and 1 final, and those were the only assignments all quarter. I'm not taking in winter quarter because it just doesn't feel worth it. Lectures are so boring and repetitive.
Also my TA sucked; made us write only 4 pages for a paper that the syllabus said could be 6 pages because she's "not paid enough to read 6 page papers." She proceeded to take points off for not being in-depth enough.
Don't take this cluster just bc it is a cluster, take it because you are interested or else you will become very bored. Lectures are entertaining but I found the reading to be SO overwhelming week after week. You spend all this money on two readers and barely use them. Fall quarter you take a midterm and write a paper (no final) and winter quarter you write a big paper and then take a big final. On the bright side, participation (just showing up) makes up a huge part of your grade, which is nice. The best part was spring quarter, where you got 6 units for going to one 3 hour discussion a week with a TA who was usually chill and didnt assign much. The A+ in the 3rd quarter almost makes this class worth it. I was interested in fall, but by spring I was tired of the class.
Overall liked this cluster and it wasn't super challenging to get an A in the course since I am a pretty good writer. If you struggle with writing, this class could be tough. Midterm fall quarter is VERY EASY and pure memorization that you can do in two days. Final winter quarter is also fairly easy and can be learned in two days. Reading from the course reader is not entirely necessary you will come to realize. SELLING COURSE READERS FOR FALL AND WINTER QUARTER FOR $20 (this saves you over $100). Text ********** if you're interested!
Professor Goeman is incredibly knowledgeable about Native American history. I was really interested in her lecture topics just because she gave a perspective that I never got in high school. She focused on the Native American perspective of colonialism and 18th-century history which was cool and we covered a lot that I didn't know before. She can be a little redundant at times and I understand getting bored but overall I really loved the class and I love that it fulfills 4 GEs, diversity AND writing while not being hard. Just one big paper due week 8 (media analysis, just like HS essay) and weekly readings which you can skim and leave a quick (required) comment on, although I recommend diving deep into some readings as you have to use them for the Final short answers.
This cluster is perhaps the biggest regret I have had ever since I came to UCLA. GE's are suppose to be easy, and I understand that this cluster is knocking out a lot of requirements, but the amount of work you have to put into this cluster is mind blowing. Don't be baited in this cluster like I was; do yourself a favor and just take the GE's normally and ace them all.
The topic is boring, the class is unbearable, and you don't even need to show up to lecture for any part of the cluster. I guess it did open my eyes to racial tensions and indifferences a bit, but other than that, there certainly was no "dynamic." Goemann was in particular, was incredibly bland, and is probably tied as one of the worst professors out of the four who taught the cluster my year. Take literally anything else.
Professor Goeman's lectures were thoroughly engaging, organized, and clear. In fact, her lectures were the highlights of my days fall quarter. Just kidding, she shouldn't be allowed to teach at any higher educational institution, not even community college. The cluster is great for satisfying requirements efficiently and the subject material is pertinent and sometimes interesting, but a literal rock could give a more interesting lecture than Professor Goeman.
Selling BOTH Course Readers for Fall and Winter Quarter for very Cheap! Willing to negotiate more than 50% off. Will also include Bad Indians, which is the required book for a writing assignment Fall quarter. Text ********** if interested!!
As professors go, Professor Goeman is definitely in the bottom 5%. Her shrill voice and tangential, unclear, and disorganized lectures sucked the life out of me every single time. I could walk into the class overjoyed and full of energy and leave feeling as if I had run 2 marathons back-to-back after a week of sleep deprivation. I guarantee that you will lose all focus within 10 seconds of the lecture's start. You may not even last that long.
The class overall, however, efficiently satisfies requirements, is pertinent, and mildly interesting.